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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. On 8/23/2016 at 7:39 AM, Si Thea01 said:


    You must be the boss, have you ever tried to tell a woman what to do, especially when they're your wife and Thai. I stick with the old adage, happy wife, happy life.   Have you ever noticed how mist Thais need an operation to separate their ears from their phone.  Before these smart phones everyone had a reasonable life, nor any more.  Social media has a lot to answer for. :wai: 

    Yep, I'm the boss :)  they got it though and are fine with it.  They can still check whenever they want but it doesn't bother others around them anymore.

  2. 12 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:



    They are not being lazy it is the preferred method of contact for students, parents and teachers.  I know, as my wife is a teacher and the line contact never stops.  It goes almost 24 hours, students, parents and teachers,  so I've banned it from the bedroom after 10.00pm.  The constant drone of the message receive tone drives me nuts. 

    I use Line for several groups but turned off the sound notifications and told those in my office to do the same.  It is really distracting.  Instead, people can just check their phone every 20 minutes or so if they want and reply accordingly.  Now people can concentrate in the office, a few employees came to say they like it.  I check mine about every 30 minutes to an hour.  If it is really important they will call me.

  3. 53 minutes ago, NickJ said:

    When I lived in Hua Hin....once I counted 22 people working in the donut shop at the entrance to Tesco. I counted twice to make sure. They were stepping all over each other. Could have all the makings of a hostile work environment.  Mixed with hot grease....not a nice picture. Don't pass off the donut crew.

    I was at an Amazon coffee at Fashion Island the other day...just really a kiosk, with about 6 tables.   They had 11 people working there.  Took them 6 minutes to get me a plain black no sugar iced coffee.

  4. ....hope they get her back safe....

    ....and press charges.....

    ...and the insinuation that she is not a good girl...by the police no less....is not appreciated....

    .....'boyfriend'......sounds more like a predator.....

    ...and whoever has known about this and condoned it is an accomplice....

    You malign people for questioning the girl's character and then malign the boyfriend with having no clue about him. Wow!

    Who knows, maybe the mom and dad were intolerable.

  5. I really don't get why Thais seem to think that farangs are the reason for the existence of prostitution in Thailand. The majority of people who make use of this service, and who keep it alive, are the Thais themselves. I don't have statistics to back up what I am saying, but from what I read prior-- farang would not keep this occupation running if it were dependent on our money. Just passing the buck to us ... agaiiiin...

    Foreigners probably contribute to less than 5% of the $$$ going into 'tutes in Thailand.

  6. How come the footpath along the main road following the beach is so bad in most places? Really narrow in many places, uneven, easily tripped upon. With all the money that the restaurants, hotels, and businesses make there couldn't they put some of that into widening the footpath, evening it out, making it safer and nice to walk on? I was there last weekend, and walked all the way up and down it the first night, probably would have gone out another night but couldn't bring myself to face that obstacle course again.

    I understand that in Thailand it is often difficult to find footpaths at all, around my neighborhood in Bangkok many streets have none, where they really should have it. But in such a heavily trodden tourist area like that road, man, it would really seem to make sense to have it.

    Have they tried to improve it before and if no, then why not?

  7. +1 ? You summed it up perfectly!---djayz

    Not quite perfectly djayz....I am the 2nd person to ask for the link that he is guilty of these other crimes against children-----but all we are getting back is silence.......maybe silence about it (if it happened) is perfect for you ?

    I'm happy to admit it if I missed a post where the authorities confirm evidence against the guy, if one of the "hang 'em high" brigade can produce it. Until then, I just see these posters finding a way to vent their homophobic vitriol.

  8. We do not know what has happened or developed ..but meantime he has been exposed and he has been publicly shamed to an extent and removed from the school while life will not be the same for the man.

    That being the case one could surmise that the police and authorities figure enough justice is served and let the case fade away.

    Of course the parents and the children that were effected would like to see the man jailed but that is unlikely while the authorities are ignoring the protests and concerns of the victims...as is often the case here in Thailand when the police ignore the crime on their own or they are told by others??.... to ignore the crime and let the issue fade away.

    Possibly in the future we will hear news that the man is going to be prosecuted and possibly do some prison time as the Thai courts system and all that is entailed is painfully slow and aggravating.


    I have not seen a post where they actually showed they had evidence of underagers with him. Only that he had taken pics with older guys like him dressed in school uniforms. Please provide me with the post where it states otherwise, where they confirm they have the evidence. If you do so then I will gladly admit my mistake.

  9. We do not know what has happened or developed ..but meantime he has been exposed and he has been publicly shamed to an extent and removed from the school while life will not be the same for the man.

    That being the case one could surmise that the police and authorities figure enough justice is served and let the case fade away.

    Of course the parents and the children that were effected would like to see the man jailed but that is unlikely while the authorities are ignoring the protests and concerns of the victims...as is often the case here in Thailand when the police ignore the crime on their own or they are told by others??.... to ignore the crime and let the issue fade away.

    Possibly in the future we will hear news that the man is going to be prosecuted and possibly do some prison time as the Thai courts system and all that is entailed is painfully slow and aggravating.


    I think he was let go because there was not substantive evidence for them to back up the accusation. Please provide the news article or post where they actually confirm evidence of him with underage boys.

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