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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. I hope I'm allowed to say this. One thing I notice about Thais is they seem to have a very quick temper coupled with very little value of life. I know this could happen in another country, but I think it's rare.

    Uneducated people anywhere in the world have very little self control when temper is involved. He was probably drunk too.

    • Like 1
  2. I see the apologist conspiracy theorists are already crawling out of the woodwork.

    Sex without consent is RAPE! I am sure she has the sms message to prove this.

    Please use the facts instead of cherry picking and deliberately omitting details. Her father may be a TVF member.

    I don't like to say this, but being in Pattaya, 20 yrs old and drunk and asking a Thai to take her home almost looks like implied consent.

    Rape is an agression....sexual as it is...

    So you mean that if you were very drunk, and told someone to bugger off, that would almost look like an implied consent for agression.....physical as it would be...

    What if he was drunk as well, and together in a drunken stupor they decided to make the two headed beast? Then he feels guilty in the morning because it's his friend's daughter. So he sends an apology SMS, but the daughter is freaked out by what happened and/or the father found out about it by reading her SMS and forced her to go to the police.

    Since we have so little info about the story so far, anything is possible.

  3. Could it be that she was slipped the mickey ( rohypnol) to get her unresponsive and do his

    deed? there is a lot of it going around everywhere around the world now days... but to send

    an sms and to boast about it? assuming this is true, this is a new low in any one book...

    Seems to me she drank irresponsibly and then was raped by the guy when she was passed out. Sad story. I hope that Mr. Shin if found guilty gets full punishment and that Ms. Dina is a bit more careful out there.

  4. As a recovering Alcholic myself, I am glad to hear you took the first step, there is 12 steps to this program and its one step at a time. After 28 years of being sober I have to remind myself often that I am only one drink away for being drunk. That and with the help of my higher power, I will be sober the rest of my life. Its all about the first drink. Like you, I could not quit after the first drink. Good luck to you and if I can help in any way please let me know. As this is part of the 12th step. Please go to an AA meeting, find a sponser and work the steps. You will be surprised in no time. It just keeps getting better.

    Or if you would prefer a less religious approach to abstinence, you can try Rational Recovery or Smart Recovery.

    Where do they meet in Thailand?

    No in person meetings required! There are online forums and daily online meetings as well.

  5. Failed again... Where next, I don't know!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    When you were going to AA, how often did you go to meetings and did you get a sponsor and start working the steps or did you just go to meetings?

    just went to the meetings. Never got a sponsor or worked the steps. I got annoyed with religious references. I know I have a problem. But don't know how to tackle it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    The couple meetings I went to long ago had everyone chanting The Lord's Prayer at the end. Not particularly attractive to an atheist such as myself. Rational Recovery and Smart Recovery resonated much stronger to me. Also, Allen Carr's book "Easy Way to Control Alcohol" is great.

    Good luck anyway!

  6. I don't know where to go from here, as I keep making the same mistakes. I don't want to cut out my friends and stop socialising with them just because they are drinkers. I do feel I'm missing out when I don't join them on a night out. Bit I also know what happens next if I do.

    You have a choice to make there. Sobriety (which will most likely not include your present recreational lifestyle and friends), or continue on with drinking.

    • Like 1
  7. I'm not sure about the milk powder and red bull - the first has lots of lactose and the second lots of glucose. When I put that much sugar in me it makes me hungry.

    I would definitely add more greens to your diet. Also, try some pumpkin/squash (chop it up and steam in the microwave for 5 minutes, is very tasty, full of fiber, and fairly low carb as well). Plus. it's cheap! smile.png


    Not everyone is lactose intolerant. Europeans are not.

    It's not about intolerance, it's just about the sugar (lactose is a sugar).

  8. As a recovering Alcholic myself, I am glad to hear you took the first step, there is 12 steps to this program and its one step at a time. After 28 years of being sober I have to remind myself often that I am only one drink away for being drunk. That and with the help of my higher power, I will be sober the rest of my life. Its all about the first drink. Like you, I could not quit after the first drink. Good luck to you and if I can help in any way please let me know. As this is part of the 12th step. Please go to an AA meeting, find a sponser and work the steps. You will be surprised in no time. It just keeps getting better.

    Or if you would prefer a less religious approach to abstinence, you can try Rational Recovery or Smart Recovery.

  9. "I also think you are being irresponsible in glibly dismissing AA as "susbtituting one addiction for another" and being based on a concept of being"a hopeless sinner". I have never heard any of these concepts in any meetings I have attended on four continents over the last ten years. If AA was based on being a "hopeless sinner" it would have crashed decades ago. Sober alcoholics as a general rule don't want sinfulness and conventional religion even though many of us, myself included, find ways to re-connect with religion as we get sober."

    My view, which is my view, and you are entitled to yours, is that people get addicted to meetings. I agree that it is better than drinking. And the dire warnings that if one doesn't continue going to meetings, they will surely slip back into drink. There is a group think element to AA, and one doesn't like to risk bringing up topics that go against the canon of AA. The twelve steps include at least two religious elements: 1. I am powerless 2. I give myself over to a higher power. Which, by extension, means you are lower, right? Christianity hasn't crashed, so why should AA? AA is like a crutch, and crutches are fine if you have a broken leg. But when the leg heals, give up the crutch. But the idea that a person will be an alcoholic always (and of course spread the word, another religious facet, come to think of it) is a bit of a stretch. AA also has no better success rate than any other recovery plan. Drinking too much is a behavior, not a disease (people don't wake up and say "I think I'll have cancer today" but they do the behavior of picking up the drink), so deal with the behavior and remove the label "alcoholic", which seems a permanent identification. The only label that fits humans is "human" or some other physical characteristic. Beyond that is behavior, which is influenced by belief systems, such as the one promoted by AA. I suggest that if you want to be free of drinking, do it in a manner that respects your individual dignity and ability to make choices and follow up on that. It is harder in that you would have to take responsibility for your life and choices, but there is an element of freedom that is worth the effort. If you want to stop a behavior, stop the behavior. And yes, I have been to meetings.

    A great resource is soberrecovery.com. Really supportive forums, for both AA based and secular based minded people.

  10. I'm not sure about the milk powder and red bull - the first has lots of lactose and the second lots of glucose. When I put that much sugar in me it makes me hungry.

    I would definitely add more greens to your diet. Also, try some pumpkin/squash (chop it up and steam in the microwave for 5 minutes, is very tasty, full of fiber, and fairly low carb as well). Plus. it's cheap! :)

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