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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. Great news for Thailand and its people.

    It looks like there will be a properly contested election with the chance of a genuinely elected Government and a sensible opposition.I believe the country will be better off without Abhisit and his poodles wasting valuable space in Parliament.

    Thaksin will be back soon. He'll make sure to get rid of any opposition ASAP! If there is something he is good at it is leading extrajudicial death squads!

  2. 15 British men a day?

    It takes me 1 hour to conclude proceedings.

    On a serious note, I still don't believe these stories the way they are presented. The victims usually don't receive a good percentage of the takings leading them to be wanting to be rescued.

    Thailand has less than 1% unemployment , why would a 17 yr old get a passport to go and wash plates in south Korea? Her ticket alone costs more than an electrical dishwasher.

    But many girls fall for this trick.

    I have know several girls (unemployed) who have been offered jobs at "Spas" in Korea. They are promised a salary of 60,000 baht a month. No wonder they are interested.

    And in their heart of hearts they don't think that this 60,000 Baht will require sexual services?

  3. Three years ago, protesters were demanding free and fair elections.

    Today protesers are demanding an end to free and fair elections.

    Perhaps the Thais should adopt a Korean solution.

    - A free and open democracy in the North

    and a Dictatorship for Bangkok and the South.

    Everybody happy - problem solved.

    North Thailand and South Thailand. Me like. Problem solved. Let the idiots have Bangkok. Then they'll have to clean their own toilets, wash their own dishes, buy rice from the North at expensive prices.

    Haha, I can only imagine the amount of my taxes that go to placate the peasants. Let me invest it in Bangkok, and the farmers can support their own selves?

    • Like 1
  4. By experience I would rather think that the real story here is that the two Russian women went to the Thai guys room expecting to be paid for their services, and that is why they took the risk of going to the room-but it didnt happen-the tables were turned-why else would any sane woman go to any strangers room,especially three strangers.The story that is printed here would be the Gohok version to gain sympathy from the police.Prostitutes are a very wiley breed,especially experienced girls and they are sometimes very confident that they can control any man,which I would say normally they can,at least until his semen has been released, then it may be another story.

    I would agree with you except that I don't think pros would report things to the police, especially if they were expat pros.

  5. Russian girls must have done something to provoke the Thais. Maybe the girls said something rude to Thai guys!!? Maybe they used tge F word. Thai people would never do anything this bad to foreign tourists! If you are nice to a Thai, and give them a smile, you get a sincere smile back. Also, we dont know the whole story! Im sure there is more to this, than the police report says. Am I right, guy!? Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Not necessarily any of these things. Possibly the girls thought the guys were cute and nice and just went along for the fun. Maybe there was a promise for some blow, or booze, or nothing but a good time. Very sad, and I hope they catch these guys and they go in deep for a long time.

    There should be some kind of education campaign though. These girls are not in their hometown, they are in a foreign country. Keep the party in the club, don't go up to some strangers' room. I'm not blaming them, but foreigners do need to stop leaving their brains at home when traveling. discretion and responsibility are required when you are not on your home turf.

  6. Exactly one year from the day of the other well publicised occurrence here

    Wow that is bizarre!

    I think at this time of year, with more drinking happening etc, there are more incidents like this.

    I imagine a lot more than is reported, particularly with Thai ladies.

    I, like others, raised my eyebrows at the idea of two ladies going back with three men to their rooms, however, that still doesnt justify such an awful thing happening to them. No one deserves that.

    Chances are, because of it being Christmas eve, they drank far more than was sensible and were not making rational judgements.

    How many of you can say you have never done something stupid whilst drinking too much? All you can hope is that you get a bit of a jolt to remind you to be more careful...without anything terrible actually happening to you.

    Poor girls.. :(

  7. A peoples revolution without the people!!coffee1.gif

    I wonder if the people taking part in the "revolution" are aware of, they are going to lose their votingrights??

    The amart are moving the pawns!!sad.png

    Give us a break, the biggest "Amart" here lives in a castle in the desert, avoiding prosecution as a criminal for raping Thailand of billions of Baht, ordering the killing of thousands of people, and inciting farmers to overthrow and burn down Bangkok.

  8. "Wilson himself was in Thailand in November for the shoot of his action-thriller movie The Coup."

    Now that is ironic. Whole thing seems weird as Hollyweird.

    I never liked the aspect of American culture that features the opinions of actors concerning economics, politics and other important issues. If an economist has an opinion about economics, I read it carefully.

    When actors talk about issues my ears go deaf. Its like saying a mime is qualified to program a Cray.

    Are you saying that no celebrity is smart enough to talk about anything but their projects? Rather shallow minded of you I think.

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