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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Yes, I saw that on the Government page which is here : https://www.gov.uk/guidance/red-amber-and-green-list-rules-for-entering-england Why was there any expectation that Thailaind was 'tipped' to be removed from the red list? Things are just heating up over here.
  2. No serious government in the world takes anything Thailand says or does seriously at the moment. They're the laughing stock of South East Asia
  3. There are reasons - don't talk about them though, it's not allowed.
  4. These numbers are a drop in the ocean and I regard them as a measure of the number of tests done. It could sustain 100k new cases per day for 6 months and still only be a small proportion of the population at the end of that 6 months. Nobody has any clue as to how many people are infected at any one time or who have been previously infected, except for perhaps that one guy who came out and mentioned the 7 million figure. I haven't heard anything from him lately though so he's probably been silenced. I know of an old man who's hiding away at home with a fever and illness right now, they're not submitting themselves for 'isolation' - these people own houses, buildings and hotels all over the country - they do what they want and will never go to 'tent city'.
  5. That's right, it's simply not going to happen. For a start they're not going to be opening up anything and even if they do it's paperwork and tests all the way from your home country and into the 'holiday'. Hardly anyone will come due to all the hassle, same as Phuket. Mass tourism will 100% resume when the following things happen : 1 - Covid imprisonment is removed, if you become infected you need to be locked up for 2 weeks - tourists won't be having that once word gets out and word will get out - when they start locking up tourists who've taken failed vaccines it will be widely reported throughout the world. Especially when they start taking children away from their parents. 2 - Quarantines - these are vaccinated people - they only need qurantine if the vaccine doesn't work at all (I'm sure some of them are less than effective, cough, China) - they're not going to suffer any form of quarantine for 2 weeks - only the stupid will do that. Granted, there's plenty of stupid peole around so there will be some. 3 - Everything needs to be opened up, restaurants without limits on what kind of drink you can have with your meal, bars, etc and without 'green passes' of whatever they're calling it. None of the above is happening any time soon - don't believe anyone who says otherwise, they have no idea what they're talking about. People won't go on holiday to a country with the restrictions of Thailand when there's lots of other places without these restrictions - Thailand will be last on the list.
  6. Maybe next year, I don't expect much before the end of this year.
  7. Are you suggesting that we need to "protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated" ?
  8. Concerns? There will be a massive resurgence of the virus once anything opens, tourists or not. The more places that open the more it will spread and this is regardless of how many are vaccinated. Winter is coming and we're all in for a big 'surprise' ???? Watch Europe / Israel - what happens there will repeat here....
  9. I'm coming to the conslusion that it doesn't matter. When they open up there will be more cases of COVID, many more. Having vaccinated tourists here won't make any difference. If 10% of people get infected, those tourists will be a part of the 10%. It will eventually make its way through the population, they can choose to drag it out for many years to come like Australia and New Zealand are doing or get it over with. Going the Australia / New Zealand way would of course be more costly but in the end it doesn't matter.
  10. He should have kept his mouth shut, there's been more rain that many other years so far. I wouldn't be surprised if they're up there meddling with the cloud seeding. I expect floods followed by a few months of drought and then more floods.
  11. With this level of lockdown and lack of vaccinations I reckon they can stretch this pandemic out for another couple of years.
  12. If they keep this up they're going to get exactly what they deserve in the long run : Nothing.
  13. Not a chance, you just have to sit in the hotel for a while.
  14. Important to test it to get the correct size seat as they come in various versions but sure - it's 10 minutes - max, then you're on your way!
  15. I would not be surprised at all. Tourists will arrive from every country in the world and find they're banned from going anywhere. Such success is coming!
  16. Yes, so many small and separate air conditioners on the roof, likely added one by one over the years instead of buying much larger units suited to such a large building. Of course they will have upgraded all the wiring as they expanded the AC installations lest there be some kind of fire ????
  17. Correct, I bought one quite a few years ago and have no plans on ever swapping to a different model. They're not cheap but are well worth it in the long run. While on a visit to Bangkok I popped into Siam Paragon to the Chanintr store and ordered one, I asked them to deliver about 2 weeks later after a short trip down to Cambodia and it arrived on the designated day - they loaded it onto a pickup and sent it to me here in Hua Hin. I've considered buying a second one as I have quite a large office and don't like rolling the thing around - the casters on these chairs can tear up your floor coating so putting some kind of 'large mat' around your desks is a must, especially if you have a polished wooden floor - many chairs can destroy these in a matter of months. Some people I associate with have one in each of their offices around the world. I very much doubt you're getting a discount on this one.
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