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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. I wrote that the wrong way around - Bitcoin will surpass Gold ETFs.....
  2. No idea, I've always been way off with any predictions, and that's going way back more than 10 years so I don't even bother. I'm still amazed it ever got to $10k I think the ETFs are a game changer though. I also notice that the Gold ETFs are seeing outflows while the Bitcoin ETFs are seeing large inflows. Once day in the next 3 to 6 months I suspect the total AUM of all Gold ETFs will surpass that of the Bitcoin ETFs. Of course the Gold ETFs are just a small part of the overall Gold market, wonder if the Bitcoin ETFs will scoop up a lot more of the Bitcoin market, it's considerably easier to buy it if you've already got a brokerage account that provides access. That said there's a lot of brokers who don't as they're still in the due dilligence stage, but it will come.
  3. What do you mean by this? Also, where would you say the 'town' is in Hua Hin? To me Hua Hin doesn't seem to have any real kind of town center where people go, it's just spread out a bit too much for that.
  4. I popped into my bank, updated the address from Thai to English and had them print me out a fresh statement to prove my address. I used it for a proof of address when opening a Bitcoin exchange account overseas, specifically in the US and others. In fact I opened a whole bunch of exchange accounts while I had the fresh bank letter. Kasikorn.
  5. What does this mean then? A big crash in the housing market and the end of a few banks or a massive government bailout.
  6. This is why I keep a UK sim active and I've been living in various other places for decades - it just works.
  7. The withholding tax of 15% was never implemented and rescinded, no exchanges in Thailand charge a withholding tax. https://support.bitkub.com/en/support/solutions/articles/151000033321-cryptocurrency-tax-and-frequently-asked-questions I'm still digging around on the capital gains thing, Sherrings is out of date on this subject.
  8. I've been searching for clarification on these tax rules and asked a few AIs where I have paid accounts for, the new Grok on X.com came up with this little gem I'm not sure how accurate it is but this needs investigating as we approach what could be the largest bull run so far.
  9. I heard that the 15% capital gains tax is in addition to personal income tax which will be applied to whatever is left after paying the 15% capital gains tax. It's an extra tax. I know this is not the way capital gains tax works elsewhere in the world but this is what I heard. I would like to consult an accountant who can provide me with absolutely 100% correct and current rules so that I can avoid paying any tax and I'm prepared to go to some lengths to do this as it's a large amount and it won't happen until 2025 at the earliest so I have plenty of time to plan a move out of the country to one or more other jurisdictions so I am not tax resident anywhere in either 2025 or 2026.
  10. Messaging 'gateways' need configuring on your phone - they should have done this in the shop when you bought it. Easiest way is to visit one of their shops and get them to put the settings in. If you want to send photos via message there's a setting for that as well - no idea how it works but it is specific to each network. 100% on this by the way - if it's not done then it won't work either properly or at all but for me in the past it only affected MMS messages when changing provider.
  11. I set it to 22 C, turn it on an hour before I go to bed and then leave it on for the entire time I'm asleep which is usually between 6 and 8 hours. I use a duvet to keep warm but I like my head cold. In a way I'm recreating the same environment I was used to in Europe.
  12. @Mike Lister I got a bank loan from a foreign bank and paid into a foreign bank account this week, I will wire the proceeds of this loan here to live off for some time - lets say until beyond the end of 2024. Assessable income or not? Bear in mind that people often remortgage property which is merely a secured loan and use the proceeds to live off or purchase something else - like a second home. I don't have a TIN and would like to avoid ever getting one, that's another longer story which involves leaving the country for 6 months during a year when I both 'earn' and submit a far larger sum of money.
  13. Service the Aircons in March and make use of them.
  14. The odd thing about this is that the money declaration is usually done on the way into the country. But some countries do have restrictions on the amount of cash you can take out of the country without making a declaration, maybe this is what they were checking for. Regardless of this - is it a customs/excise officers job to do this or a simple security guard at a scanner? It's odd because their job is to check for weapons and other items not allowed to be taken 'airside'. The cash sniffing dogs are very real in the UK, if you get caught with even just a few thousand without proof of withdrawal they can seize it - you will get it back eventually if you can prove withdrawal from a bank, etc. The lesson to learn is to keep receipts from any withdrawals and you're good.
  15. Indeed, they are under massive scrutiny for bery good reasons. The Alaska incident is just the tip of the iceberg here. They have some serious problems at that company. I don't know how such a company can go from producing a solid and sound product for decades to planes literally falling apart because some idiot didn't tighten the bolts correctly - which they also found on many other planes based on what I read.
  16. I use it every day, have done for many years
  17. They pay for the change of name with proof, it's not about getting a driving license which requires proof of id 🙄
  18. Yes I guess, also he spent his life in finance, I think he'd had enough of it by the time he retired to tell the truth.
  19. My 'retirement target' is a kind of moving thing, but a few years ago I reckoned I could pretty much do anything for the rest of my life on about $2m, but more would be welcome and 100-150m Baht seems very reasonable for a worry free life in a nice house or two with plenty of room for more investment income than most people dream about earning during their working life. I'll do it as well. Settling for 7.3% pa is very conservative - there's plenty of room for a little more risk with some percentage of your funds - all depends on how you invest it of course. I know a guy with about $10m and it's all in US treasuries 🙄
  20. Interesting, did you undergo antibody testing for all variants?
  21. I heard it gets you hardest when you've had it before, even if you didn't realise that you've had it before - which is a thing.
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