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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Indeed, what I posted is not merely a theory, it's been going on for a long time now. The reason the Chinese are not coming to Thailand is because the Chinese government won't allow them to come. It's as simple as that. Every day I read another propaganda article about encouraging more Chinese to come - it's pure nonsense, the government know this as well, so do TAT. Yet they persist with the fantasy. When the Thais provide whatever it is that the Chinese government want from the Thai government then the floodgates will open again. It must be something big or it would have happened already. They have weaponised tourism for decades. I've posted about this issue many times over the months yet the people on this forum don't seem to get it, they think it's due to a failing Chinese economy. They're all falling for the propaganda and cover up of what's going on.
  2. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, clearly the guy involved did his research and he must have been pretty competent and clear headed at the time he chose to exit this world. You would attempt to turn the gas off so nobody else gets harmed after the event, when they do this in cars notices are often posted on the windows.....
  3. Do we have any idea where the guy is from? What I mean is, is he a white skinned 'euro type' foreigner or from some local country.
  4. As far as I'm aware you need to register all SIM cards, even if you only have one of them like I do. I think I needed to show my passport at some point in time, I've had it for many years but needed to go down before a certain date a few years back (maybe 5 years ago) and show my id, which I did. So all SIM cards are already registered which means anyone with more than 5 is already registered. This is how they know some people have more than 100 SIMs. Therefore it's nonsense, they already have a list of names to investigate. Announcing this publicly is essentially undermining any investigation which might be ongoing or about to begin.
  5. Yes, that's great for November, try visiting in January for an extension when it's full on high season. It's going to be a little different.
  6. Best to avoid immigration if at all possible in high season, even if that means changing the date on your visa. I'm not sure about Jomtien specifically but I have found over the last 10 to 15 years that going in the summer is always less busy. I know that is a hard change to make if you're on a yearly visa extension so unless you really go the extra mile and leave the country without a re-entry permit in say June and then go through the application process again at that time it won't be possible and you're stuck with it. Send an agent if possible.
  7. Yes, that's quite an ommission, I suspect most people will transfer less than 2 or 3 million a year, perhaps not their customers though - however they will still benefit from every lower rated band before the 35% kicks in.
  8. There is a reason for this but it's not what anyone seems to think it is. Make no mistake, there are many wealthy Chinese ready to travel all over the world. You will need a good memory to know it though as it's been largely removed from the internet. There is a list of countries where travel is discouraged, about 20 countries are on the list and Thailand is one of them. It's to do with crime, reporting of crime and criminal gangs from China operating out of these countries. Original articles reporting this have strangely 'gone missing' but they still existi within the archived memory banks of Googles Bard - see below Fully expected No - it suggests the semi official ban is still in force. This is from Bard : That's the reason that nobody is talking about, it's not new, they all know about it yet don't speak about it.
  9. Is Thailand still on the list of forbidden countries for independent travelers? Because if it is - then that's why. They don't speak of the list do they?
  10. Let me stop you there, you bought an Air Con from HomePro Buy any AC units from a well known local AC service / repair man and you can't go wrong.
  11. Because it means he's a wanted criminal = arrest on sight. Now you don't get a 'red notice' for unpaid parking tickets - it's always a serious crime, or should be - unless someone is abusing the system.
  12. I once read an article in some detail about this subject which is heavily censored across most of the internet and it's not what you think it is. You would imagine someone might be gasping for air as they breathe in a gas - but that's why they use the gas - you see, your body isn't intelligent enough to know if you're breathing air or some gas that contains no Oxygen. So if you breathe in a gas there is no gasping, just a slow loss of conscioussness Normally it's nitrogen these days, when you breathe it in your body doesn't know it's not air - you just drift off to sleep and don't wake up. Some info on helium vs nitrogen usage https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29684846/
  13. From clicking the link it sounds to me like he knew what he was doing and planned it in quite some detail. I'm skeptical that this involves anyone else. It would depend if the bag was taped around his head sealing it, in which case he could have held his breath while it inflated with helium, then turned the gas off before breathing it in just in case it 'popped' leaving him with a broken bag, an empty tank and a headache. Knowing the size and type of the bag would make a difference here of course. Maybe it was large and thin.....
  14. Upbit Thailand is the major exchange that works with foreigners, it's owned by a foreign company from Korea and they have apparently made scanning your passport a simple thing to do with an app when you're doing the verification.
  15. Even if you were single and with zero decutibles your tax amount would be 2500 Baht a year. Here is the tax calculator : https://www.uobam.co.th/en/tax-calculation Note that if you're married then it goes down to zero. As to your original question about WISE, it won't matter where the money comes from if you keep it under the threshold. However if you start sending much larger amounts then you will cross that threshold and with a little planning between 2 people I suspect you can stretch that out a bit more.
  16. I read that somewhere else as well and the first thing that came to mind is that they've rolled it (the proposed rule change) back a year. They have, haven't they?
  17. 14 million in salary alone never mind the investment income and likely zero personal expenses as PM. He must have been spending a lot to keep it so low.
  18. From a simple cracking neack as it moves or was it a chiropractic manipulation? I've seen some of those manipulations and they can be very dangerous leading to injury like you say. Sometimes my neck cracks a little when I move it around, tiny amounts - this is not the same as having a chiropractor swing your entire body around by the neck nearly removing your head and resulting in a massive crack.
  19. Well it seemed very slow last week, pretty sure I clicked a link that took about 7 days to come up
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