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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. We've weighed stuff when at home on occasion and found very big differences. Around these parts there's a couple of shops and a durian seller up to no good, they think they're getting away with it but the reality is - everyone knows they do it and that's why they have no customers from the locals.
  2. Arrested for posession/use but suspected to be an international kingpin because of what? Some hunch by a random cop? Sounds like they've got him for a low level charge and want to make him out to be some kind of bigshot. I smell BS
  3. In the UK they were doing blood tests every 3 months I believe. As for gel vs tablets, I guess the tablets are more effective than topical gels but that's what was prescribed by the Doctor and I'm sure there was a good reason to do so.
  4. Will they be banning the sale of alcohol nationally just in case?
  5. Yep, I'm pretty sure they are. The error never works out in the customers favour.
  6. Yes, she was on the tablets for many months before the kidney issues showed up on a routine blood test. So it is something you can monitor over time with regular basic blood tests - a lot of people will have no problems at all so it's not something I would avoid - but I would be cautious and monitor kidney / liver function more often should I ever need it myself.
  7. It's not, and they borrow against the property but in their mind this big pay day is still coming, when in reality all they face is reposession - that's the bit where they end up with nothing.
  8. Ok, here's something much more useful but I didn't mention it before just in case it put you off, however I would want to be useful. Kidney damage from taking Diclofenac, not in me personally but my mother. It mostly reversed after she discontinued it so she now 'only' has stage 3 kidney failure. Good luck
  9. There's a long list of side effects but isn't there always.
  10. Ironically the original intention for 'Viagra' was dilation of the blood vessels to mitigate some heart issues but it was found to have some unusual side effects.
  11. No, that's not the point. The point is that capitalism is severely limited in many industries due to protectionist policies. Take beer brewers for example. You're either in the club or you're not - the exact opposite of a free market and it's designed to prevent any new competition.
  12. I don't care what you believe I should do but feel free to do whatever you want, as will I. What happense to senate seats when the senator suddenly becomes unavailable for duty like if they resign their position, have an unfortunate accident, etc?
  13. I think the main point is - there's no way for them to check this information. A lot of people seem to think that each countries government simply hands over all your information when asked to do so by some random foreign government - for the most part they don't, unless you're the US and Canada in which case they share everything for whatever reason they decided to do so. If a full criminal record check was required or introduced then it's something you would need to get yourself from your home countries police force. This kind of check is requested if you want a work permit for certain jobs (teacher is one of them I believe) but it's not requested for this visa. Without this kind of home country record check then there's no way for them to check for routine day to day things like visas.
  14. That's out of control greed for you..... I've observed this phenomenom a couple of times over the years and the people involved tend to get what they deserve in the end - which is nothing.
  15. This country will be reduced to pariah status if appointees override the peoples choice. When that happens everyone will know who to blame.
  16. Damn, this guy is far dumber than I originally thought and I already had him down as being pretty dim.
  17. I would think there's zero uncertainty about his career. It's over. That's it.
  18. The way I read it and this is from memory is that if you haven't been sentenced to 1 year or more in prison then you're all good. They may have changed the wording and requirements over the years though. Anyway, with such minor crimes (no prison sentence) then this is not going to be an issue. You will have no problem getting a Thailand Elite visa.
  19. Oh yes, they got him. Was on Thai TV news earlier.... Apparently he got into a taxi and told the driver to take him somewhere neat the Cambodia border, but the taxi driver was suspicious and spoke to the security. The way I heard it was they started asking questions and perhaps wanted to go to the apartment - at that point he ran away and jumped into another taxi. This prompted them to call the cops who found the body. To find where he was heading they asked the first taxi driver and despite telling this driver his destination he continued to the same destination - this guy is no 'Jason Bourne' - and he got caught so quickly due to being a little bit dim by the sounds of it.
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