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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. He could have been clearer and said 'not in my back yard'......because that's what he meant.
  2. 9 O Clock in the morning, that's practically the middle of the night.
  3. When Musk took over they had over 7500 employees, 100's have quit, so what? If 3000 or 4000 quit then I think he might have a problem, especially as he already culled 1000's of those who he deemed unneccessary. It's a private company now, so who cares what they do? If they feel the need to hire new staff then I'm sure there will be tens of thousands of people applying for the jobs.
  4. I kind of want to know if the tourist was a foreigner or a Thai, this missing piece of information seems very relevant to me but it's not mentioned.
  5. They sequenced its entire genome back in 2020, and have been doing so with samples on a very regular basis ever since, tracking the evolution of this microbe.
  6. Yeah, I kept hearing about how she was going to divorce him because surely she hates him and that was before he was elected president. Yet here we are 6 years later and she's still there. Why is that? Was it all a lies - surely not?
  7. On the brighter side, there's now apparently 8 Billion people alive, more than ever before So despite all the doom and gloom lately, things are going really well for humanity in general ????
  8. Paypal out, Google in. Interesting timing.
  9. Wrong, the original virus killed 100% of the mice which were especially 'altered' to be vulnerable to covid. This story has been twisted so far from the reality by people like you that the message has been completely missed. What they achieved here is changing a virus which killed 100% of mice into a virus that killed 80% of the mice.
  10. Just out of interest, do you think he was filming it or downloading it?
  11. Interesting, the official facebook adverts for 'weed' do seem to have disappeared recently.
  12. Yeah, I gave up on it after trying to book a Moderna shot when they first came available, they had all sold out in 5 minutes and there was something about maybe more becoming available next year. Didn't bother in the end.
  13. Let me guess, you're one of the 'strong ones' right?
  14. No, but once I saw the crowd gathering when it turned out an American tourist had run out of money before paying his bill on a night out. There were about 4 of them, this was in Bangkok. It was in Soi Cowboy and part of a group of bars, I was sitting in the outside bar area at the time, as was the tourist who must have been in his mid 50's. I asked the guy what the problem was and how short he was on his bill - he'd spent about a couple of thousand in this place and was short 100 Baht and they were waiting to pounce on him. I just gave him the 100 Baht and wished him good luck, he paid his bill and was on his way. The gathered 'bouncers' then dispersed - I found this treatment quite despicable and avoid any places run by wannabe 'expat gangsters' these days.
  15. The most used currency for crime worldwide is and always has been the USD. Bitcoin doesn't touch it. Yes, I've been here a while and am well versed in how things work. Paypal Thailand had one use for me which you may not have considered, when using it with the Thai address you don't have to pay the 20% VAT if you're ordering something from the UK/EU. This is the only reason I ever used it and I used it pretty often.
  16. I seem to recall a similar Thai only scenario just a year or two ago, it was the same excuse back then as well - Thai ID card number only.
  17. Interesting, I also blame him. The FBI will also blame him, as will the courts
  18. I can quite literally feel the hate. Well done paypal for preventing me from having a few thousand Baht available online for easy use. I'm sure this change will do absolutely zero to 'save the world' from the usual excuses of money laundering and preventing terrorism and make many thousands of people hate the company even more than they already do. I never had this kind of problem with Bitcoin. It just works and doesn't care who you are or where you are.
  19. I'm pretty sure most people have no idea what a halvening is including those who continue deride Bitcoin. The problem is not Bitcoin, it's the 1000's of scammers who got in on the act to create all sorts of what I'm going to deem securities. There are so many of them and nearly every single one of them are pure drivel. You can make good profit from trading pure drivel though.
  20. There's a dip, fund the accounts and get ready to buy.
  21. I really doubt that Saylor will ever be liquidated. Time will tell.
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