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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. At least they sent a proxy instead of just not turning up / jumping bail.
  2. Yes, this is why I bothered to read the story - this sounds like there's a bunch of idiots in charge. Who exactly would be going to prison here? The car driver who has no idea tha plate has been falsified by the garage? Also they appear to be targeting people who got replacement plates after losing them in floods - it sounds like this applies to a plate that's not official even though it may have the correct details on the plate. This sounds very similar to a situation at immigration where if they make a mistake - you, the passport holder is held responsible for it and fined, booted out the country, etc, etc - zero accountability for the person who made the mistake. It's pathetic.
  3. I'm pretty sure I know why they did it but we're not allowed to discuss moderation.
  4. Interesting development, thanks for bringing this to my attention. In the past I have made extensive use of the delete uploaded attachments part of the system. I used to go in every now and again and delete them all, every single one of them - which could have been 100's of files. I wonder why has this been altered? ????
  5. Well the truth came out during the pandemic, prior to that the industry was belittled as something they didn't need, turns out it's 20% of the GDP if I remember correctly. They need it more than they want to admit.
  6. A 45 day stamp for a couple of months (nothing but a gimmick) and a rigorous questioning on arrival if you've ever been to Thailand before just isn't going to do the job. They're picking up right where they left off before the pandemic - things were deteriorating rapidly, they had a chance to make changes but by the looks of it they didn't bother. Why are BA not flying to Bangkok? All their flights seem to be via Qatar if you take a look, something like this doesn't happen without a very good reason.
  7. Who exactly are these people who supposedly can't afford to eat? I'm pretty sure I've never met one of them
  8. Not necessarily. I know personally of a case or two where the bad kid who's been taking yabba returns to the family house armed to the teeth with knives, etc telling his family that he's running from people who are trying to kill him and he needs to lie low They helped him until the day he asked his father why he was also planning to kill him - that's where it becomes a very dangerous situation for everyone there. When you hear of one of these crazies murdering their own family it's often because of extreme paranoia. As far as the drug addled person is concerned they're running for their lives and have enemies everywhere, which is why they end up seemingly killing random people - it's not random.
  9. I once had an immigration officer pull out a huge magnifying glass and scrutinise my passport, he then asked me to fill out a form with all the details on the passport while not being able to look at it - I guess he was trying to catch me out ???? This was at Riga airport in Latvia long before they joined the EU. Very weird situation in an almost empty airport. There was nothing wrong with my passport either and I used it on a regular basis back in those days. Maybe they were looking for someone trying to sneak in who fit my age / profile - you never know I guess.
  10. They collect intelligence information on you, it's the same reason why they wanted a phone number of a 'friend' in Thailand from the OP.
  11. I won't be surprised if Boris makes a comeback.
  12. Meanwhile the price of Yabba is at historical lows and beng used and sold everywhere all over the country and they can't stop it. Something tells me they've got their priorities wrong - why don't they arrest the people who run the drugs distribution all over the country? I'm sure they know who they are, but that might be the reason why they're not arrested.
  13. That's a shame, I hope they continue research on antivirals as they are really needed.
  14. But if there's any kind of road accident you're supposed to stop (it's the law) and take a beating from anyone who feels like having a dig ????
  15. I wonder why they were both arrested? Is it a crime to simply watch or be present at a street brawl these days? I once saw a brawl between a few Thais where one killed the other with a machete, nothing to do with me, I carried on drinking my beer in the distance. The injured party went to hospital and died later. The cops didn't look for witnesses, nobody cared as it was a group of low level scumbags fighting between themselves, the machete guy did a couple of years in prison and was released long ago.
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