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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. I'm sure he will be buying all the way down, plenty of money where that came from. Fortune favours the patient. We've been here before and will be here again, I bought my first Bitcoin when it was about $12 - been quite a rough ride since then and 'it's died' many times ....????
  2. A simple old style car alarm with a movement sensor would do the job I think. What's all this nonsense about AI? I see little evidence of actual intelligence never mind artificial intelligence.
  3. Indeed, if he's clever he would have then moved on to another country and be living under the radar using some assumed identity. There's almost a zero chance that he's clever due to the predicament that he's in. They will likely revoke his passport and Thailand will kick him out the second they locate him, there will be no need to extradite in that case, he may be on overstay in which case it's immediate or his visa will be revoked and he will be on his way back to the UK before he knows where he is. They don't bother with extradition in a lot of cases. Thailand is one of the worst places someone should flee to while wanted for anything but maybe he came here due to the incredibly porous borders, you never know.
  4. I doubt that because visas are a completely separate issue and it really is tit for tat when it comes to things like this, so if they made it much harder for visas to be issued there would be reciprocation. This land thing is law now so if they change it foreign offices around the world will take note. Had they done nothing at all then nothing would happen. Action = reaction, that kind of thing. Suddenly the wealthy landed Thais would find it very hard to get any kind of visa - that would be directly putting pressure on people in Thailand who know who to complain to.
  5. Sounds like a lease but full details are not given in the proposal. In essence they appear to be offering something that looks like a purchase as a long term rental where you pay the whole lot up front. A fake sale if you will. How long would it last for if it's not permanent and what happens to the land at the end of the term? I'm going to presume that ownership returns to the original seller because the foreigner can't own the glorious land on which the accomodation sits. Where I come from we call that a rental, likely a very long term rental where you pay decades worth of rent up front - but still a rental all the same and likely without any kind of the services you would expect from a rental. In other words, they're proposing something that would rip us off.
  6. I did mine last year, 100% online, uses your passport picture, it arrived at my chosen UK address in less than a week.
  7. Might help if you can post either the form itself, a link to it or a screenshot of the parts of the form concerned.
  8. For sure, also a very, very large number of people wouldn't bother coming. Who really wants the hassle of applying for a visa to go on holiday - nobody. People go the route of least resistance, if Thailand required visa applications then peole would simply go elsewhere and there's plenty of other places. Also it wouldn't have kept any of these people the report is about out of the country.
  9. Slippery slope. Starts off slowly but rapidly accelarates as things move on. Think of downhill skiing.
  10. Well we can't have any competition for the big boys can we. I wonder if they're breaking any ASEAN type regulations here?
  11. Lets hope not, because he will be coming for the rest of us once he's done with the real criminals.
  12. Fireworks on the 5th of November, I thought that was just a British thing.
  13. She wasn't his girlfriend, this sounds like he forgot to ask the price before taking her home what sounds like multiple times. Now they're just negotiating her fee.
  14. Yes, they're all going to look like fools when nobody takes them up on their offer of massively overpriced land in the specially selected 'foreign ghettoes'. Is it a free for all when buying land or are there special areas with extra high prices? If it's pre selected then it's going to be very interesting to see who owns the land in question.
  15. I predict that nothing will change, I'd like to be wrong but I have a feeling they will all be voting for whoever has paid them.
  16. 100's of cops, TV coverage on national news and they found pretty much nothing. That says a lot.
  17. Perhaps he dropped the passenger off at the destination before proceeding to Bangkok ????
  18. Perhaps he's sulking or went out and got real drunk and is still sleeping it off, who knows Who cares ????
  19. They're checking for diseases that animals catch, as the animals are not alive and this is merely meat, where is the risk? They're not using it as animal feed are they? I've never understood the hysteria about this kind of thing, maybe I'm missing something, if anyone knows I'd love to have it explained to me. Where is the danger here? I suspect it's cheap prices compared to the local market - that's the 'real danger'......
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