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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Now things will return to normal, there might just be a high season this year after all. There's just one remaining problem, the government need to convince all the airlines to come back.
  2. I won't be smoking any of that stuff, makes me tired - and I hate that. For me those days are long gone, as in decades ago. I'm sure the younger generations will love it though and they will come for it.
  3. Stay at home so your lords and masters can move around freely and without delay.
  4. Time to get a new Doctor and stop listening to that one she's clearly a bit dim. Everything on sale is approved by the FDA, if she was worried about counterfeits entering the supply chain then I could perhaps sympathise but not trusting them for reasons like this is just dumb.
  5. The scum really come out in this place when someone needs a little help.
  6. I would like to know the name of this antibody and read the patent, any ideas what it is? I did some searches and kept finding articles about Nitric Oxide and COVID nasal sprays A company named 'SaNOtize' popped up. They talk about Nitric Oxide (NO) a lot and it's in their company name.
  7. Something like this may help prevent colds, it's been on sale for a very long time - the product is called 'First Defence' and it's made by Vicks - just google 'Vicks First Defence'. It's suspiciously similar to this 'new' product and has been around for so long that it may in fact be out of patent if it ever had one. The 'human antibodies' part - is that real ? It's not even mentioned in the source article. I see it on the label so I'd like to know more details about this claim - I don't believe it, it sounds like a marketing gimmick to me but who knows. The old vicks product that's been around for the best part of 15 to 20 years does contain the same ingredient amongst others.....????
  8. Of all the things that have surprised me over the last year, this surprised me the most and I'm including the legalisation of cannabis in that. Many Thais won't be happy about this...
  9. It's not a guess, it's already been reported. If the following is in any way true, and I can believe that it is then 1000 per day is absolutely the tip of the iceberg and that's what I'm basing it on. Assuming the 60% (lower bound reported) of the population which is about 70 Million, that would be 42 million infections. Now they mention it's particularly the Omicron variant which is new so we can forget about the first couple of years which pre dates Omicron. So a good chunk of this 42 million would have been infected with Omicron - recently. With that level of spread it didn't disappear overnight, less people are reporting for tests and the same thing is happening all over the world.
  10. There's absolutely no way there's under 1000 per day. They may be testing and finding 1000 but we all know this is just the tip of the iceberg.
  11. That is some top pointing, the guy on the right is really putting extra effort in using both hands!
  12. Yeah, if it fails after the cut then I'll just get a new sim mailed out from the UK.
  13. They've gone out of their way to create a situation out of nothing here. Had they just let her in then there would be no potential PR disaster like the one that's unfolding right now.
  14. You would hope so but we need to remember where we are. He was driving 'at speed' - well it was a 4 lane road. What speed? 50km/h?
  15. Interesting, I've never heard of a sim cutter before but it makes sense, I always wondered why they were so large in times gone by when it's the same thing. I guess I'll be going shopping for a phone and will buy it from whoever can cut it down to size for me. Thanks for the info!
  16. I need to buy a phone which will work with the full sized sim that goes into a phone model like the Samsung Galaxy S7 I have a phone which I leave at home that contains the larger sized sim from the UK, it should not be locked to any network. It doesn't need to be a Samsung or a Galaxy S7, so long as it accepts the 'Standard SIM' as illustrated below : I don't believe there are any current phone models which accept this size of sim but I'm very sure I can buy one from somewhere in Thailand. I would prefer a new one but when it comes down to it - it doesn't really matter. This is a matter of convenience really, I could get a new sim sent to an address in England and then buy a more modern phone - but the sim I have works just fine for what I need which is SMS messages so I would like to just continue using it as is. Anyone got any ideas? I haven't trawled the mobile phone shops at Market Village yet - I am in Hua Hin and would prefer to buy locally. Thanks!
  17. No, far from it. They say most of the infections are going to have been Omicron and that arrived just a few short months ago, apparently. I reckon it's more like half a million a day in recent months and not just here, everywhere.
  18. It really depends how it happens I think. When people think of a nuclear strike they imagine a country launching an ICBM or similar missile / bomb with a warhead from within their borders, something that the target government will see coming and have plenty of time to retaliate and hide in their little rat hole bunkers before it hits. So that's definitely not how it will happen. Many minds will have been thinking about this issue for decades, that's plenty of time to prepare. All I can suggest is how I would do it if I were ever in charge I would have a weapon in place on the ground and ready to go, there would be no ICBM launch, no submarine launch and no high altitude bomber flying over the target. The place would just cease to exist in an instant with no clear explanation as to what happened or how it happened and little indication of who did it. In time they would likely find out exactly where it came from by analysing the nuclear material but by then it would be a little late.
  19. I'm sure it will continue but I guess Thais are a little more cautious than Europe or the US.
  20. They already did that, the people are now only wearing masks if they want to. It does seem that the vast majority of people are choosing to wear masks though.
  21. This is why people frequently don't stop at the scene after an accident. They don't want to be beaten to death by an unruly mob.
  22. Yes, it was when I first took out the policy on my low end Vios which cost only about 600k Baht. I had purchased it new 1 year before and it came with a policy from the dealer, when I went to the broker they told me to bring the car with me because they needed to take photographs. They photographed it from every angle. This was about 9 years ago and I've just renewed it with the same company every year since - they never asked for photos again, only the first time. In Hua Hin.
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