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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. So what? I'm seeing news headlines reported about 'secret accounts' on every TV news channel. There's nothing 'secret' about them, they're just offshore accounts and who in their right mind advertises what they do with their money? Someone stole this data from banks in financial service centers and the worlds media is publishing all this stolen information. It's not a 'leak' - it's data theft. I wonder who paid the hackers to do this?
  2. Yep, putting it in the pond ensured one thing, nobody was getting shot that night.
  3. Why not? I would throw the gun as far away as possible after somehow getting hold of it, maybe it lands in the pond, maybe not I wouldn't really care where it went so long as it went away from me so it couldn't be used against me, but if I was quick thinking and saw the pond near to me and this guy is still attacking me - then it's going in the pond where he can't simply pick it up again and shoot me with it.
  4. Why? Do you think I just made it up? Here's one very famous example case where the above happened : https://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-robert-durst-self-defense-20150316-story.html The above is likely the most extreme example of this kind of case you will ever come across.
  5. Don't they live in a village where presumably everyone knows everyone else, even around here everyone knows each other by sight at least.
  6. In some places if someone claims self defence you don't need to prove it, quite the opposite, the prosecution needs to prove that it wasn't self defence or that's the end of the matter.
  7. Hilarious, another year or two of this and things will be in a state of permanent disrepair Nobody's coming until there are no quarantines on either end of the journey.
  8. If virtually nobody is spreading COVID due to the wonderful miracle vaccines then the unvaccinated / immunocompromised / non previously infected part of the 'herd' won't catch it because they're much less likely to breath it in due to being surrounded by people who don't have COVID. I think he left out a little bit of information from his post, something that would clarify what he's saying. He should explain why this is the case specifically for COVID.
  9. This is the reason the article I read yesterday suggested that some countries will remain on the list - anywhere that's got the Beta variant, the one from South Africa - that's what they're looking out for and it mentioned Thailand specifically.
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