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Everything posted by sometimewoodworker

  1. Thai Red bricks have little insulation value, thin AAC blocks are 2.5 times better. Cavity construction will improve things but not by that much. from a 2019 post of mine If you are going for a single skin then AAC (Q-Con is one brand) is hands down the best and also fastest, so saving on labour, to put up. As the walls are flat you don't need a thick render so saving on materials and labour again.The only time that cinder blocks can do as well as AAC is if you have a double skin wall and add insulation it then is at least as good and less expensive The R value for a 7cm thick AAC block is 3.25, the grey block has an R value of only 1. Red brick has an R value of 0.4. Lastly 20cm AAC has an R value of 8.7To break down the pricing per square meter the cost of an R value of 1AAC 7.5cm 87 Baht per sm - r value 1AAC 20cm 84 Baht per sm - r value 1 [old price]Red brick 505 Baht per sm - r value 1 [old price]Cinder block 179 Baht per sm - r value 1 [old price]Of course the actual R number for AAC is 3.25 so the cost per square meter is divided by 3.25 and for red bricks you need to multiply the price by 2.5 This is from a posting from 2012 that is where the [old price] comes from and as I remember it was on another website that refers to teak and doors.I have broken down the calculation to give as cost equivalent of the R value as 1 because just giving a cost per square metre is deceptive. If you don't care about insulation and just want a wall then cinder blocks are the cheapest.If you want insulation and to be able to hang anything anywhere on the walls then AAC is an easy choice.I have a room with cinder blocks and hate fitting things to it, in contrast to the AAC blocks in the workshop where I just drill and put in a wall plug anywhere, after I learned to get the hole size correct rather than allowing for the plug to expand, I've not had a plug come out and have some significant heavy stuff on just a couple of screws.
  2. While a dissertation on the subject of ways of evaporative is employed may be entertaining I’m not actually going to do one, however there are a number of articles so a quote is in a simple example, slightly moist skin (virtually all skin has a degree of moisture) with air movement over it loses heat by evaporative cooling, the lower the humidity the more effectively the skin is cooled, the lower the temperature the more effectively the skin is cooled.
  3. You can change passports in the air but not on land, so as long as you fly you have no problem.
  4. You will not get an extension from June to your current October date (though you also mentioned November 25th so October is not relevant) If your passport is expiring the extension of stay is to the expiration date. When you have a new passport you apply for a 1 year extension. So your new renewal date will be 14th June. You may well decide that renewal of your passport early is better so you keep your current renewal date and get the full extension period. Immigration has on occasions issued shorter than 1 year extensions by request, however this is unusual so I would not count on them doing it without a very good reason.
  5. You are being conned. There is no "special service" requirement there is no fee other than the 2,000 baht required
  6. While it is possible that the drives are defective, unless they were suspiciously cheap, so being rejects, it is also quite likely that there may be an incompatibility involved. There are HDD cases that have limits on the size of the disks used, that hasn’t been invested as a possible cause.
  7. But unfortunately some people will never believe those who have been in the inception of computing and believe they are correct in saying that the sky is green and that grass is blue, not perfect analogies I know as both of those colours are actually possible.
  8. Several misunderstandings. U.S. Citizens are not Visa Exempt in Thailand and can not get a visa on landing. you can come without a visa and enter visa exempt (currently 30 days going up to 45 days soon) this can be extended for 30 days. The Tourist Visa “TR” Single entry is for 60 days not 90 days (this can be extended for 30 days) If your wife is Thai then the Non-Immigrant Visa Category “O” visa is available this is a 90 day visa. The U.K. is one of the 64 countries on the visa exempt list
  9. There are semi transparent reflective roller blinds that are almost 100% reflective, reduce glare but still allow the scenery to be viewed silver backing white front
  10. Ask them to do a “FAT” or “ExFAT” format as they will know those and you can reformat later.
  11. Apart from the point that Time Machine doesn’t format disks, it uses the disk utility SW to do that, though it may not tell you what it’s doing. I would go to one of the many computer repair booths and ask them to do their magic. I can’t suggest where as you have not filled out your profile. They will have systems that can go beyond a standard Mac or windows format program. It is possible that you may be able to use the terminal, if you know the correct incantations, but you can also make things worse if you don’t.
  12. The term caddy is used for the hardware used internally in computers. Some Macs, as I said, can use a caddy, most can not, that you don’t know this doesn’t change the meaning. Hard Drive Enclosures are used for external drives. Though there are a verity of ways of mounting an external drive that doesn’t need an enclosure a caddy is not one of them. I would try to see if a Linux or windows machine has any better luck.
  13. Did you miss the point of the machine that it’s going to be in? While a few Macs can use a caddy it is only a few, so replacement of the internal for some and an external for others is needed. for some machines, I have just assisted with one, an external SSD is the answer. The startup time went from several minutes (over 7 but I didn’t check how much more) to 70 seconds
  14. You may suggest that the air in my ceiling is significantly hotter Than the air a meter or so lower however standard physics will illustrate that that is only true if there is no air movement. You should also educate yourself on the science of evaporative cooling, may be that passed you by, and how that lowers the temperature the ideal is “Cengel Thermodynamics 9Th Edition”
  15. We have no glossy tiles in any room and have about 300sqm of tiles, a few are rougher than the others
  16. A passport that enables you to enter both countries & airline tickets for the same
  17. SW6, IP31, WD25 & WD17
  18. In your opinion. Our ceiling fans make the rooms comfortable and are mostly a substitute for running the AC. In the workshop my 84” ceiling fans are all there are. The ceiling fans are mostly all that’s needed, apart from a bedroom AC for about 10 months of the year. 2 reflective silver roller blinds reduce the morning heat gain very significantly, until by about 9:30 the sun is off the relevant windows. Our cassette AC (38,000 or 48,000 I don’t remember which) is perfect for our living room. The ceiling hight varies between 4 metres and about 7 metres and is roughly 64sq M. So you may have a poor design. Neither of your choices of things to avoid are correct for our house. We have them both and would incorporate both in another building.
  19. An underground supply is unlikely to be a good choice. As for that you need a larger supply cable and may not be able to use aluminium.
  20. Or go to https://www.immigration.go.th/en/?page_id=1666
  21. Both you and transam are incorrect it has been standard procedure for letters in the U.K., to my personal knowledge, for the last 70 years. You may not have done it but that doesn’t change the practice.
  22. It’s not that much better in the heat of the day either, or having to run down the drive to catch the delivery drivers.
  23. Yes, reading the cans will help.
  24. Regular vinyl emulsion wall paint works well enough, sanding the gloss finish with 180 or 220 grit will help adhesion. MIL just painted the pipes along with the walls they were OK for the 8 years until the house got sold. don’t forget that you will get mould and crud building up under the pipe unless there is clearance to clean under it.
  25. It is AIS, since I’ve been using them for exclusively for about 30 years I can’t comment on other networks.
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