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Everything posted by sometimewoodworker

  1. There was no detail in the Lazada link. now you have posted another link showing the output as a single POE output that is a different story. While the batteries may be capable of 84W the device you show maxes out at 48W (2A @ 24V) I had no idea of the power needs of your cameras if they use USB voltage it would be 5.5V simple math allows you to drop the 24V 2A output to 4 x 5.5V 2A however at 12V you can only power 2 cameras. If they need 2A each Yes I now know there is only 1 output, so you would need a converter to drop the voltage from 24V to 12V or 5.5V(USB) to give either 2 at 12V 2A or 4 at 5.5V 2A, if you want to power more than a single device. if you want to use the built in conversion then you are limited to 1 output at 12V 2A
  2. Are you sure that it is total 2A output? Much more likely it is 2A per camera. also since it shows 2A output at 24V you can drop that down to 4 x 5.5V x 2A
  3. Don’t forget to use some 220 grit to take the shine off the PVC
  4. While that is of no help to the OP it is currently remarkably low speed for an internet fibre package. However thank you for prompting me to check. Our original signup speed was 20/10 for 390 Baht, over time that has gone up to the current 117/119 speed I tested today, however with a phone call to the service centre it going to be increased to 400/400 in a few days for exactly the same 390 Baht. the long and short is that you should check your provider’s website and see if you can (you should be able to) get a faster speed for exactly the same as you are paying now. EDIT I just got a call back, my area doesn’t have that package. however we are swapping to a 300/300 package for 360 Baht. they also have a 100/100 package for 260 Baht or 500/500 for 460 Baht
  5. Well not oil paint but car acrylic polyurethane enamel paint will be in cans there.
  6. A UPS with a built in battery certainly can be enough for your needs. 8A for 30 minutes is distinctly large and, if good quality, not cheap. there are 2 well known brands with enough reputation that they are worthwhile buying APC and CyberPower. My CyberPower UPS failed after 5 months, CyberPower sent a repair technician who diagnosed dead batteries and replaced them FOC. They have a 2 year on site guarantee. I had bought a cheap UPS previously that failed so was actually expensive not cheap. also don’t forget that the UPS needs to be capable of double the reserve that you are using it for. All batteries dislike being run too low and will die prematurely
  7. You are reading more into my post than I put into it. So raising straw men to shoot down that was not there. I sad nothing about the airline being required to check how a passenger arrived at an airport. (Straw man 1) I said nothing about a passenger having a passport with and overstay (straw man 2) I did say that the airline (usually) checks that you have the documents that allow you to pass immigration on the way out. As you know a passport with an overstay when presented to Thai immigration at an international airport for an international flight allows you to pass immigration on the way out. That immigration will fine you (if over 1 day overstay) and if over the limits also ban you from returning does not stop you from leaving. However not having documents that show immigration when you arrived or how you are legally in the country certainly can stop you from passing immigration. Different countries have different exit requirements.
  8. That is standard procedure for any airline in any country. They are responsible for the first check that you have the correct document (usually a passport) to exit the country you are in and the correct documents (these do not have to be the same) to enter the country you are going to. Airlines are being fined for transporting passengers who are rejected entry to a country for incorrect documents. Airlines are in business to make a profit.
  9. I have never had to use my passport number when booking a ticket (hundreds of flights). I can enter my passport number into my frequent flyer profile if I wish.
  10. Airlines always act as a first line for immigration. They have responsibility for the passengers to be allowed entry to the final destination. They also need to be as sure as they can be that passengers who checkin are going to pass through immigration control on the way out, as if the passengers are refused exit the airline has the problem of extracting the baggage that has been loaded so potentially delaying the flight and incurring fines from the airport. You also seem to have missed the point that while you only show 1 passport at immigration control you need to show both passports (assuming you are swapping in flight) to the airline checkin desk. 1 that enables exit from a country and 1 that allows entry at your final destination.
  11. Exactly the same as anyone using the link both the referrer and the referee get exactly the same 30 days extra.
  12. Sound quite likely that either the charger, unlikely, battery, probable, or charging port, possible, is dead. Most good third party repairers can both test and replace the battery and charging port if needed
  13. You are vey likely to be over thinking the situation. The advice given re-actual septic tank (big black ball) will certainly do no harm. the house I lived in for ten years prior to building my own had two of those ring thanks for the toilets. In 15 years they never filled up and were never pumped out, the current owners of the house have gone another 6 years with no maintenance requirements. The grey water was let outside with no treatment. Our soil is heavy clay so not the best for soaking away. First step is to find out what the neighbours do with their grey water, it is very likely seeing the soil that it’s very absorbent and no pumps are needed
  14. Should is more positive than can, while must is rather too definite and IMHO not really accurate as a failure to test doesn’t, in itself, cause a problem.
  15. Good layman’s explanation though one key word is incorrect. I have 3 protecting different areas 1 has just failed the monthly test and been replaced.
  16. We have quite large areas of glass, just one room has two 1400mm x 3300mm windows with a 2 metre opening, two glass doors that are 2200 high and a single door that is about 2100mm and that doesn’t include the clear story windows we don’t have monkey bars as the outer sheet of the double glazing is laminated with 5 sheets of PVB so making it virtually thief proof, one of the door panels is about 43kg, also the thickness of the sheets are different to reduce sound The windows and high ceilings make it a lovely house to be inside. The windows and doors were almost 1/5th of the cost of the house and while I would change the bottom of 1 if I were to build again I would not reduce the numbers and sizes of them
  17. They came from a curtain and blind specialist shop in Udon. I can get the location if required.
  18. There are VPNs and private VPNs, private VPNs are a rather complex beast. VPNs Are really simple to use This is a highly recommended one and is remarkably easy to install and use
  19. Talk to SWMBO about that. It has nothing to do with corn, (the only time corn gets burned is if someone is a bad cook ????) nor is close proximity required though it can be much more exciting than is needed the ash will enter any where that is not sealed and will travel 10s of kilometres. The only way to reduce it is by positive vents that close when not in use, passive vents will always allow ingress of the ash and it is conducive in some conditions.
  20. The problem with the first picture is the ash from sugar cane burning, along with the fact that you want zero direct sun through windows unless you’re in the north or at high elevations.
  21. No, not since finishing in 2016 using the correct materials and methods NB vastly shorter reply missing information due to some strange glitches. SW or other
  22. What we have done to reduce the heat gain from our 2 large areas of glass, that gets the morning sun until about 9am, despite double glazing and low-e glass is to add silver backed perforated blinds, these allow enough light through that they are not claustrophobic but reflect about 90% of the IR. They are much more expensive, around 2 ~ 3 times, than other blinds but well worth the money the other areas of glass are shaded either by the roof, 2.5 ~ 5 metres overhang, or trees. the effect is like this in the evening however as nobody who is not immediately beside the house has this view it isn’t a privacy concern
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