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Everything posted by sometimewoodworker

  1. No. Using a credit card provides much more security than cash or a debit card and that is not even going into the rewards that many cards give. As to having the money it is often that the money is not immediately available but is coming at the end of the month in time to pay off the card/s For myself the last time I didn’t pay off the card in full was one time in 1974, the only loans were 2 mortgages, now only 1,
  2. Well I have had a credit card for about 880 months and have only ever paid interest for 1 of those months!!!FFS. I have always paid off my card and only once paid interest.
  3. That is probably correct There is no interpretation change in P161 it is a change in wording. The TRD doesn’t interpret the rules. It is absolutely speculation until the proposed wording is released. I am sure that the TRD has a good idea. No it isn’t! Do read the subject. You really don’t understand the way the regulations changes happen. in civilised countries (the USA is not one of those) you get at a minimum several months to years notice of changes. having just attended a meeting where a report of high level officials of the TRD and top accountancy firms had talks, the WW change will happen in 2026~2027~2028 the detail of the change is not yet clear, various influential groups are lobbying to amend the suggested change That just demonstrates that the USA is a third world country in that respect.
  4. The 800,000 has to be immediately available to withdraw. A secured credit card will lock the amount of the card so it can’t be withdrawn. So no that won’t work
  5. A change to WW taxation can not be implemented for the current tax year. It probably could not be implemented for next year as it requires government legislation. I till the law is proposed it is just spreading FUD
  6. Again that is wrong at the present time. It is being suggested, it is NOT law at the moment. there is no point in speculating about something that is not law and may never be law.
  7. Nothing is going to change between now and then apart from the tax advisors are going to fill up their available appointments. They were already getting quite busy a few months ago. You may believe that there is going to be new information, you may be correct. I doubt that there will be anything relevant until or unless the talked about WW taxation laws are passed and that is not happening this year and probably not for quite a time if it ever does. Any slight changes are extremely unlikely until the TRD has been able to digest the results of the 2024 returns so probably not before June
  8. It needs a gift contract. Without that it is almost certainly not classed as a gift by TRD if she gets audited. The penalties for perceived tax evasion range from a mild slap on the wrist to time in the Bangkok Hilton or other similar accommodation with 40~50 others in the same room.
  9. One of the big 4 international accountancy firms will give you an appointment for tax advice, the charge a flat 17,000 +vat and incidentals for a 1 hour appointment their office is in Empire Tower building 2. I received a referral from my management company.
  10. You may point that out, but you will be totally wrong. The TRD only wants tax returns from those with assessable income over the tax threshold. You can gift 20,000,000 baht to your wife before she starts to need to pay tax So in practice unless you are mega rich your wife will never need to file a tax return. that is about £450,000 or $600,000 per year and if you have that kind of money you will be paying 0% on foreign income and only 17% on Thai income. If you are paying more than that you really need the advice of a Thai tax accountant or investment manager.
  11. If they know what they are doing, no it won’t. This is because it is not a non-immigrant visa/extension of stay. It is a tourist visa/extension of stay. However TIT and offices do what the want to do or don’t do what they don’t want to do. YMMV
  12. @Barley I did not say that you can apply online. I said that you don’t have to be a Thai citizen to get a Mee Tae Dai account, I said you may be able to get 1.5% rather than 1.1%
  13. No, that isn’t required, you may be able to get 1.5% but you can get 2.2% on a time deposit
  14. Sure that was done on day 3 or 4. Only one of the 3 like it.
  15. However it is almost certainly a standard size one so probably not so difficult to get.
  16. Though I doubt that you are in the correct place, if you are in the Khon Kaen Udon Thani area I am (if SWMBO agrees) willing to part with a pre assembled (it ships packed flat) virtual new one for half price and if you are near to route 2 we will even deliver it 😉 it is in perfect working order it’s just the cats who aren’t 😉
  17. That was the hope! However none of them have done anything much more than to sleep on it.
  18. Those are more likely to be steel panels. The problem will be longevity, the cheaper the materials the shorter the lifespan.
  19. Your post just demonstrates that the increase in returns are directly related to a publicised loophole in the claims process for tax refunds and that subsequent to that the TRD are making changes to close that loophole. correlation is not causation. There is no published evidence that P161 and P162 have caused any significant increase in tax returns for a year where the have absolutely no effect It is not likely that any significant portion of the extra 400,000 tax returns were made by un informed foreigners. if you have any actual information that there is causation I would like to see it
  20. Where do you get that idea? P161 & P162 only effect calendar 2024 and returns for that can not be submitted until 2025. i have heard of no significant numbers of people desperately filling 2023 returns
  21. None of the 3 different makes of unit I have have any water from that area, it is more probable that the unit is probably not clean.
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