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Everything posted by sometimewoodworker

  1. Significantly quieter. our Mitsubishi EP155 was quite audible from behind a block wall, the SCALA 2 is barely noticeable behind an extremely lightweight door that has significant gaps In it and is actually in the living room. it is actually behind this “door” that as you can see provides virtually no sound reduction
  2. I have a SCALA 2. Only people who have a problem will post. The many, I am one there are others on this forum, do not bother to post. As to reliability and service. I had a problem with my pump about 3~4 years ago, The pump had been in service for about 12~18 months, I knew that there was a problem that would need major service, I took the pump to my local (60km away) dealer in KK, they plugged in the pump to check, then they took a look at the plate on the back of the pump (they said I didn’t need my receipt as the information was on the pump), I was given a new replacement pump as a repair would have taken some time (I assume they wanted the failed pump for Grundfos investigation) They also told me I could have taken a video and sent it in for diagnosis. They would have visited had I asked, but as I needed to do a shopping trip taking the pump in was the fastest easiest option. Total time from pulling into the dealer to driving out with a brand new replacement 10~15 minutes. Grundfos Service, unbelievably good Grundfos Reliability, there may have been a problem, it was eliminated immediately Grundfos Response, impossible to be better The only point is I bought from the main distributor, buy from a big box store, save a few Baht, will you get the same service? I don’t know. how to reduce pump noise? Simple, constrict a box using something like 20mm ~ 25mm sherawood (make sure you leave air access) line it with dense rubber and the pump will be silent. ours has no sound proofing, is in the ceiling and is not at all obtrusive, we can hear it running if we listen carefully. FWIW our pump is designed to bypass with a power cut, that it why the pipes are hard to understand
  3. You may well believe your “facts” that “you say” show that apple service and warranty is different depending on where you purchase your product. Without specific examples of this being true, that you suggest you have, your claims are unbelievable. Give examples and you will get support, don’t and you may fall foul of the Thai deformation law.
  4. We don’t have information about his current setup, so there can only be speculation. the only information that is available is that the installer claimed that his NVR could not support colour at a 5mp level due to an update. he has mentioned upgrading the system so that is why I feel that a 2Mp camera is a poor choice, there are 4 & 5 Mp cameras for not much more than the 2Mp though a higher capacity NVR may well be needed For room security a here is a 4Mp image and here is an 8Mp image the larger image allows for zoomed detail
  5. Completely wrong. There are only 2 Apple Stores in Thailand, both In Bangkok however there are many authorized dealers roughly 80 in the Bangkok area https://locate.apple.com/th/en/sales?pt=4&lat=13.7551908493042&lon=100.50150299072266&address=Bangkok+Thailand and that doesn’t include anything but Mac dealers
  6. That one almost certainly has a lower quality image than the OPs. As best value for money wired or Wi-Fi I would choose Reolink that are produced in Hongkong rather than the mainland Hikvison
  7. You should always require all passwords and login credentials. the statement that your recorder can only support 5mp infrared camera but not support full colour is rather suspicious That is not necessarily true. You may be able to continue to use the DVR. as to wiring it is dependent on the system you decide on. There are a few variables that include coaxial cable, Ethernet, Ethernet with PoE and wireless so you need to understand what you have and what will be supplied. My personal choice for outdoor cameras would be Ethernet with PoE. If you choose Wi-Fi you must realise that it is only useful for anyone who can’t be bothered to buy a Wi-Fi jammer, so for the casual thief, yes, but someone who puts even a tiny effort will not be on the cameras. All systems can be bypassed none provide really good security unless you put in seriously large amounts of Baht.
  8. You really need to give the specifications of the model you want, there are a lot of variables virtually all of them are fixed during production so without knowing exactly what you want the chance of finding it is small. virtually no shop will have more than 1 or 2 variations and since there are about 50 possible your options are rather limited, aren’t they?
  9. Virtually every country allows passport renewal at any time. For example, If your passport is full or blank pages become damaged or the passport becomes damaged (washing is not good for passports), all of these are reasons for renewal, there are many others.
  10. Any bike without a green book with the actual owners name as proved by the Thai ID is one you should never buy, as the person selling it is doggy. And the owner must be willing to go with you to the DLT office to transfer ownership.
  11. There are often possible solutions that a new view can provide, however pictures will be essential to have good options.
  12. The epoxy’s are certainly available however getting it applied by a competent installer is a completely different case, whereas competent sand wash installers are available.
  13. That seems very expensive, our TOT fibre is about ⅓ the cost the packages range from 400/400 @ 390 Baht to 1,000/1,000 @ 900 Baht. Our location in the deep northeast only gets 300/300 @ 340 Baht however it is more than enough for a similar number of connections.
  14. Did they actually guarantee 20 mbs? If they did you will find it in writing. if it is not in writing then it was not a guarantee. what was said classes as puffery, not a guarantee. Thailand follows the USA contract law not the U.K. one so words can not be relied on and not part of the contract it must be in writing and usually the Thai script is definitive English script is not binding and is just a, sometimes helpful, guide.
  15. The advertised speed is always a best effort and maximum possible. It is always dependent on location and the number of concurrent users, speed usually drops in the evenings after the school kids get online. You are not likely to ever see the maximum 20 mbs unless you are very lucky and your equipment can actually support the speed. You may well need to restart the phone if the speed has dropped significantly and it in the morning. Is it a scam? No. You needed to do your investigation before buying the package.
  16. Currently the paint we have on our concrete has lasted roughly 5 years, though it is not on a high trafficked area. It isn’t specifically designed for concrete driveways so I have no idea why you seem to think for, a paint designed for driveways, that there would be a 2 year life.
  17. Your internet searching must be really bad or you can’t be bothered to look https://nogeckospray.com is in English and fulfils you requirements, apart from the effectiveness, but you will not get everything
  18. The conditions were stated explicitly in my post before yours, I have no knowledge of the person who will be proved correct the wording is certainly not clear. I certainly have not and will not take more than 2 power banks of 20,000 mA on a flight, so why you would imagine that I would take a risk that you clearly are not willing to take or put your money where your mouth is, I fail to comprehend. So while there is no test there can be no winner, but you seem less than confident that your interpretation is correct. You would only be risking around 16,000 Baht.
  19. You need to look for experts in sand wash, I doubt that you will find anyone to do an epoxy floor or the conditions to allow epoxy on the scale you are envisioning. However there are sand wash experts though you need to see several examples of the work they do.
  20. Your conclusion, your confidence, your test, so of course your risk and investment.
  21. The wording does not confine the Medium size to between 100Wh - 160Wh. Maybe it should but it does not. It very specifically says Medium size not exceeding 100Wh - 160Wh. 90Wh does not exceed 100Wh The limit is 2 Medium size spare/external batteries. There is no definition of what is Medium size, the only indicator is the graphic. So please take 20 x 20,000 mAh power banks on a flight and see if you are permitted to carry all of them on or loose 18 in the prohibited goods bin. I don’t know which will happen but in the interest of science and your conviction that the graphic rules I’m sure you will have no problem with conducting the test.
  22. No problem at all. 20k plus 20k will be OK 20k plus 20k plus 20k will be an interesting, though possibly expensive, experiment.
  23. You are incorrect on the number of power banks, the limit is 2 medium sized units My guess is that medium is specifically over the size and capacity of AA, C, AND D cell batteries Now of course you are welcome to try to dispute the limit of 2 x 100Wh power banks however don’t be surprised if you are forced to abandon some. The larger sized 160Wh batteries must be declared to the airline, I’ve never had the larger size so don’t know the exact procedure but I assume you will be handed a document to present to the security check point. EDIT These are Thai AOT regulations not FAA airlines have rules that may be less than the national limits
  24. There is little rhyme or reason to the dates an immigration officer will allow. Case in point a previous report by date 14 June. I reentered on 11th June, the IO in Udon did a 90 day report 86 days early at the same time my extension was stamped in my passport. The online system is more rigid, the IOs not so much.
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