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Everything posted by sometimewoodworker

  1. The only restriction is that any account used for immigration must allow for instant withdrawal of the principal. Personally I have been using a 4 year fixed term deposit for the last 3 years (it does allow for instant no notice withdrawal, with loss of interest,)
  2. It is not uncommon for android phones to lack support for software updates, that’s why they are cheaper since selling phones makes money and support costs money. the apple app has been updated and supported phones are up to 8 years old.
  3. I am well aware that Bangkok Hospital has given me a number that is not my Thai ID card number nether is it my passport number nor yet is it registered with the MorProm app. However as I have both the papers given by the hospitals and the yellow internal vaccination book I haven’t bothered to try further to connect the records to the MorProm app, somethings are just not worth the time and effort. If there were any discernible benefit I would probably think differently. Good for you it getting things sorted, if you have any further revelations please keep us informed. ????
  4. There are some hospitals, Bangkok Hospital Khon Kaen is one, who do not add the information into the Mor Prom app for all foreigners. I have no idea exactly why and calls to the hospital administration were unable to solve this situation. They do supply a perfectly valid record complete with QR codes that link to the ministry of health but can’t explain why the app (I am registered in the app) has no vaccination record.
  5. For the compulsory insurance (only covers injuries to 3rd party and is a limited amount) she is covered if the car is taxed. For the insurance that covers everything else read the policy, maybe no, maybe yes, and the damage maybe covered or not depending on the policy.
  6. you are still wrong. I have never created multiple accounts on my mobile devices however I have logged into and out of 5 different iCloud accounts in one of my mobile devices. I see no reason why I would not be able to continue logging into other accounts as advised by Apple. So yes there is quite possibly a limit to the number of accounts you can create on a device. however there is NO limit to the number of accounts (that have not been created on a device) that you can sign into. Just because you did not ask the correct questions to the tier 2 specialist does not make your misinterpritation correct. So millions of mobile devices that are sold second, third hand and forth hand are sold with no restrictions
  7. The requirement for immigration is that the amount in the bank account can be accessed immediately, so a fixed term account will work as you can withdraw all the money just losing interest. A locked account used to secure a credit account will not be acceptable because you cannot withdraw the principal
  8. There is no general immigration requirement that your monthly income comes from a pension just that it is from overseas. Different immigration offices may have their own requirements, it is sometimes possible to challenge them, they may require that it is pension income but that is unusual. Different embassies and consulates have varying requirements such as requiring pension proof for a visa. You do not have a visa and a visa is NEVER extended, you have a permission to stay, that can be extended. Immigration offices are under a completely different ministry than embassies and consulates so requirements can, understandable, be different. @John207 you may need to use an agent as you have delayed so long and an agent is likely to be less expensive than a trip out of the country to get a visa. I almost never suggest or support using an agent but your case is one of the few situations where they are probably the best worst option.
  9. That something is better than another doesn’t prove that the first is bad. You contend that soil is a poor insulator but do it by a graphic that is totally irrelevant as it’s about soil pressing against foundations. If soil were as good a conductor as you suggest (it clearly cannot be as your own measurements conclusively provided proof of) then shade wouldn’t do anything much to stop heat transfer. Your own measurements show a 20 degree differential within a few centimetres. naturally there is insulation that is vastly better but your own logic and observations would suggest that earth is not as a good a transmitter of heat as you suggest.
  10. You are confusing HMRC 183, and DVLA 185. however for both of them the total time is relevant not the contiguous period.
  11. I am not sure how you know better than I do where my slab starts and finishes! The first photo has no concrete underneath, just dirt. Then your pictures are giving a completely false impression as they both show what the vast majority would classify as concrete I certainly would not class the foundation as a slab either. The majority of people do have a concrete walkway around the outside that they connect to the foundation (slab or beams), I am not convinced that concrete is as good a thermal conductor as you suggest, it certainly could be but then why do night storage heaters take so long to both heat and cool? Concrete is an excellent heat store but probably not anything nearly as good at gaining one releasing the heat However earth is generally a poor conductor of heat so while the outer ring beams maybe at 39 degrees it’s unlikely that the temperature is uniform
  12. I am amazed that only once (poo pooed as impractical) has the obvious solution been suggested. It is used in many countries and is the thermostatic mixer. The complaint that it is to complex so adds unreliability is frankly ridiculous. Millions of them are in constant use in the U.K. and USA to my knowledge, and the failure rate is tiny. Though the shopee price seems rather high at about 7 times the Amazon price
  13. Your 2 pictures are rather less than accurately captioned, are they not? you are not actually measuring the ground in full sun, but a concrete slab in full sun. Nor you measuring the shaded uninsulated foundations, but the shaded but still connected concrete slab. the way to mitigate this is do not have a concrete slab that is in full sun, this makes the measurements rather less beneficial to your argument but better for not having heat gain. our house has one side that has sun up to about 10am and a parking area that gets full sun throughout the day but only for about 2 metres at the end of a 7 metre length, so there could be a small conductivity heat gain but it is insignificantly small. Our floor is raised so is some heat gain from the air but not that much. FWIW. any one who has a concrete slab (often walkway) that gets full sun has a night storage heater to keep them warmer during the night. British night storage heaters are large blocks of concrete heated by nighttime electricity. The reverse happens in Thailand (without the electricity input but with the benefit of the solar nuclear input) ????
  14. Are you sure of the grounding and supply situation? As I understand there are rather special requirements for an EV charging station and you can manage to have your vehicle live at mains potential if you don’t get things absolutely correct. it also seems that an EV station may need to be TT not TNC-S for safety That could be a bit of a shocking experience ????
  15. Just be absolutely sure that you use the Power during the cheap period, as the daytime power is about 25% more expensive than the most expensive normal power
  16. You maybe excluding currencies and time periods because of arbitrary criteria and be unable to see that what happened in the past can happen again. You also probably excluded them because it shows that you are talking out of an orifice not designed for communication. However you are thus giving a false view of reality and real life. there are none so blind as those who will not see. Those who will not learn from history are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past.
  17. It’s not unique to Thai society, some Japanese do exactly the same thing.
  18. You definitely are typical of your chosen first screen name, being unable to accept that your point of view is rather restricted and is not accurate in all circumstances.
  19. You clearly haven’t had much experience with exchange rates posted by the banks and exchange companies. You may have a theoretical knowledge I however have a practical one going back over 40 years of exchanging foreign currency in Thailand. During many periods there was no change in the exchange rates in retail banks and exchange companies from open of business through the normal (approximate 10am fix) to the close of business. During other times there were multiple changes. you may not understand that for approximately 15 years ending in July 1997 the Thai Baht was pegged to the US dollar with virtually zero movement other than an occasional couple of stang. So you are drawing faulty conclusions from inadequate inaccurate data.
  20. The bank is a private business. The bank can and does require mask wearing. You are free to not wear a mask. The Bank is free to decline to serve you if you don’t wear a mask. Your choice wear a mask receive service, refuse and get refused. You can not force any company to provide service. The vast majority of government offices continue to require masks. The vast majority continue to wear masks.
  21. The costs involved in forex are speculation, I agree. However your theory on the better rates available are wrong. I have personally experienced and observed over many years that there are better rates given by certain bank branches/bank operated exchange booths in KaoSarn road. The rates given by both bank operated booths and exchange companies are usually within a couple of stang or identical. The rates on the same day (there was no exchange rate movement during the day) in the same bank were worse in other areas. the juxtaposition of companies and banks is an established fact in some places and the fact of virtual synchronous rates is also true, I’ve spent considerable time over the years and have empirical proof. your theory that banks and exchange companies have different markets is in areas where they are close is also false. I have not included airports for several reasons, the prime one is that I’ve not spent significant time in them, an equally good one is that rents for space in airports are very high so most businesses charge higher prices.
  22. My experience of exchange rates is that there are different rates in a few areas, this is due to a number of factors. One is that when you exchange money a couple of things happen to it, one is that the notes are transferred by secure transport to another location, this incurs cost, another general thing is that at some later time someone else will make an opposite exchange, so you have to secure the bank notes in your safe. So take an example of a bank in Nakhon Nowhere, they will not hold the cash because the chance of a reverse exchange request is minimal the probably exchange cash once a week if that. Conversely take a bank in KaoSarn road, they are doing multiple exchanges per hour and are likely to also to do reverse exchanges. This means that the transport cost is very much lower there. The other factor is competition, there are a few places where this is a factor KaoSarn road is one that I am sure of. Some banks and exchange services in KaoSarn road have better rates than others in less high transaction areas. For the exchange companies there are different rates in different locations and those are published. My experience is that “green” SuperRich HQ in Rajdamri 1 (https://www.superrichthailand.com) is always either the best rate or equal to the other 2 or 3 competitors, even though SuperRich1965 has more branches and affiliates
  23. Yes it does require you to be a resident of Great Britain https://www.gov.uk/change-address-driving-licence
  24. The answers are not so difficult 1) if your 6 months is 185 days or more you are a British resident at that address, so yes, if less than 185 days see 2, 3, 4. 2) if you pay council tax and U.K. tax on income as a U.K. resident and you are a resident of Great Britain, yes 3) if you pay council tax and U.K. tax on income as a U.K. resident a resident of Great Britain, yes 4) if you pay council tax and U.K. tax on income as a U.K. resident a resident of Great Britain, yes 2, 3, 4) if you do not pay council tax and U.K. tax on income as a U.K. resident and you do not live at another U.K. address then you do not have a valid U.K. license as you have a duty to report a change of address and you must be a resident of Great Britain
  25. Use Apple Maps Google has blurred its maps on all devices
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