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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. I meant the majority of decent, level headed Brits. Not internet trolls and race baiters.
  2. That's definitely part of the problem. The leftists are also more than happy to join in. Just pray Labour don't get elected. They have long had a history of anti-semitism and it's still bubbling away just beneath the surface. With a Labour government combined with all the intolerance landing on the beaches of Dover it's going to get even worse for British Jews. https://www.spiked-online.com/2023/04/23/diane-abbott-and-the-deranged-left/
  3. I think so many people are seeing through it now. The extreme leftists will continue to support "their science" of course but it's just a means to an end for them. Removing assets and control from the individual and into the hands of the state. If that has to be under the guise of "saving the planet", so be it as far as they are concerned. The fact that their actions don't match their rhetoric tells you everything you need to know.
  4. I thnk that's what the elites really want. Them jet setting around the globe in private jets where they attend extravagant conferences in huge motorcades to tell the rest of us to be happy with a more austere lifestyle, owning nothing and scraping a living so we can pay more taxes to them under the guise of saving the planet. Oh wait a minute, that's already happening!! And some of the turkeys on this thread are voting for it. Thatcher saw through it decades ago.
  5. Just do what Woke, Millionaire celebrities like Bill Gates does, purchase carbon credits and re-board the private jet to your waterfront holiday home (or Epstein's island) where you can lecture the masses about climate change. Apparently, the ice reforms and defies gravity to place itself at the top of the iceberg within 30 minutes of purchase. Or your money back.
  6. * "their science". Which has a similar degree of validity as "Meghan's truth".
  7. No need. We're happy to do them a solid. They don't try to interfere in our internal politics like Irish Joe.
  8. Australia bang on the money once again. The US is clearly desperate to keep secrets about their illegal warmongering but that shouldn't trump human rights. As for extradition to the US for trial, hopefully the British refuse the US government's request - certainly at least until Biden is gone in November. After that, we can consider co-operating with them again on such matters, although in this particular case Assange should be sent to Australia, not the US. Hopefully us British stick with our Antipodean cousins and don't placate the meddling, "Oirsh" Joe Biden and his merry band of authoritarian Dems in their justice legal system. Good luck Australia. Good luck Julian. The British are with you. 💪
  9. Da fanny is really making da mess of this. Couldn't they have got a Democrat judge without such a sordid private life? Surely there are enough to choose from? Or was she a diversity hire?
  10. Carlson wasn't there to impress Putin. He was there to interview him and get millions of views. He did both. Job done. Had Putin come out and praised Carlson the Libs would have been all over it with their loony conspiracy theories. Now, they're agreeing with Putin . 3 birds, 1 stone.
  11. Elon going from strength to strength. Neurological disease is a terrible thing, great to see him investing in cures.
  12. Ever considered houses being built in less habitable places due to population explosion? Ever considered construction methods becoming less robust? My Victorian era properties I rent out in the UK could withstand a truck hitting them. A brand new condo I rented in Bangkok you could put your fist through the wall. Ever consider costs of repair going through the roof due to rampant inflation? So let me get this right. Far less people are dying from climate disaster than ever before but more roof tiles are blowing off? Well, that's it then, I'll cancel my holiday in Australia and buy an electric car (although insurance costs are rocketing on those as well).
  13. I don't believe they have released the names yet although there is some footage of the arrest. Looks like a couple of 20 somethings or possible even teenagers. Incredibly brave takedown by 2 members of the public at 1:30 in the video below. Maximum respect to those guys.
  14. Assault is also a crime. https://vindicatelaw.com/assault-vs-battery-are-they-the-same-or-different-crimes/
  15. Insurance companies using climate alarmism to raise premiums and reduce cover is hardly a shocker. Back in reality, climate related death risk is at an all time low.
  16. Yep, that's because he knows it's a load of tosh. Their actions speak far louder than their words.
  17. Coach Reed is clearly trying to protect his star player. Although he did state that Kelce had taken a cheap shot and tried to pass it off as humour. He clearly has a lot more class than Kelce. Using your logic if a man beat his wife and the wife told the police not to worry about it because "it's normal, he's passionate" you'd be fine with that?
  18. The doomsday cult in full swing today. I'm starting to worry about all those beach side properties Bill Gates has. What we really need is for some rich woke celebrities to buy some more carbon credits before they board their next private jet to their polo match. Can someone call Harry and tell him to buy some more today before any more ice caps melt please?
  19. Are you not kind of proving his point?
  20. Oh look - I think we've found what is referred to as a "Swiftie"
  21. It's mainly beige drivel, country pop aimed at angsty teenage girls who have just broken up with their boyfriend. Pretty much every song I've heard follows the same theme. She seems popular amongst Liberals though, and given the content of her songs will probably provide them with some comfort after the elections in November .
  22. Liberal New Yorkers return to voting Liberal after Santos stinks out the joint. Incredible news. Trump may as well give up now.
  23. Has anyone interviewed Travis Kelce? Maybe someone in the crowd suggested he had a bad game?
  24. Good. There must be consequences for undermining the best interests of your country's citizens.
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