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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Irrelevant. The fact remains that manhandling a 65 year old half your size and screaming in his face because he had the temerity to leave him out of a play is deplorable behaviour no matter how you might try to play it down. Reid's face says it all. As does Kelce's. Shades of OJ with this one. Quite possibly roid rage and unresolved anger issues.
  2. Ignore him. He called Scott an Uncle Tom on another thread. Libs hate it when black people don't fit into the box that they believe they should. Then they have the audacity to label others as racist. Irony at it's finest . Joe won't be happy either. Maybe he will call Tim to lecture him on how to be a "real" black man? I can imagine it now, "Hey Tom, you listen to me boy - you blacks better not dare think for yourselves after all we've done for y'all". https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/watch-joe-biden-forgets-popular-rappers-name-and-calls-him-boy-trolled-4419777 https://edition.cnn.com/2020/05/22/politics/biden-charlamagne-tha-god-you-aint-black/index.html Good luck to Tim, seems like a good guy and he has every much as right to support Trump as White people, Asians and other members of the Black community.
  3. This fanny is a disgrace. No doubt she should be removed. She has zero moral authority at this point. Just another lying, hypocritical Democrat who pretends to claim the high ground while behaving like a sewer rat.
  4. Just another horror story from the doomsday cult in an attempt to control the behaviour and extract taxes from the populace. I'll be following Taylor Swift's example on this one. Go Tay Tay!!! https://www.unilad.com/celebrity/news/taylor-swift-private-jet-carbon-emissions-915146-20240213
  5. He tried to call LL Cool J a "boy" (racist insult) but in true Biden fashion couldn't even get his name right. And yes, a white adult male calling a black adult male 'boy' is racist, unless you know betterthan MLK on the subject. https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2018/11/02/417513631/when-boys-cant-be-boys
  6. Yes, aggression to the opponents, not your 65 year old coach who is half your size. Nice attempt to try and justify bullying/manhandling an OAP though. Yes he must have quite the temper to do such a thing in the spur of the moment in front of millions. Far fetched speculative nonsense.
  7. Giving examples to prove that you are talking nonsense (again) is not deflecting.
  8. I fail to see why Republicans would want Biden to go. He seems to be the perfect candidate as far as they are concerned. His performances are getting more embarrassing/bizarre by the day. By the time November comes around he will likely be even more impaired. How's it going to look when he is stumbling around the stage, getting Israel mixed up with Mexico, misnaming everyone, shouting at reporters etc. Any floating voters would likely see that and conclude there is no way he can possibly serve another term. As a neutral observer it will be fascinating to see events unfold.
  9. No different to the way many Thai "VIP"s behave in restaurants, clubs, bars etc. They do what they want, and in my experience actually enjoy annoying other customers as a show of power.
  10. For public sector only. Most private businesses, including the one I work for will ignore this. I guess it will get all the busloads of grumpy middle aged women in beige uniforms off the roads and away from the gas station food courts before I head to the farm.
  11. Walk free from prison? He never spent a night there. Walk free from luxury suite at the police HQ would be more accurate. Either way, bad news for expats in Thailand. Thaksin is notoriously anti foreigner. I wouldn't be surprised to see visa crackdowns, increased financial requirements etc. Bad news all round.
  12. Not at all. you said Biden never called out any artists. Well, given that he can't remember their names it seems he decided to insult the entire community of black Trump voters instead. I suppose you think it's better to insult a minority group than a multi millionaire pop star? Biden punching down again. Here he is trying to call out LL Cool J. Embarrassing.
  13. Looks like the boyfriend is a self entitled, aggressive, bullying piece of work as well. What a couple... Given their politics and narcissistic, nasty behaviour they'd probably get on well with the markles.
  14. Really? If I was a black artist supporting Trump I would have found Biden's comments questioning my heritage extremely insulting. Whipping up hate towards black Trump voters is far worse than having a go at Swift. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/05/22/politics/biden-charlamagne-tha-god-you-aint-black/index.html
  15. Absolutely right (although in fairness some of the 'mistakes' he makes are just bare faced lies - Joe Biden never lets the truth get in the way of a good yarn). In the clip I posted above he is clearly confusing the Mexico/US border issue with the Israel/Gaza border issue. How can such a bewildered man be trusted to lead a country, especially in the current political climate? It's insane at this point.
  16. I've had the misfortune of hearing a few of her songs. That was enough for me. It seems she has a few Stans on the forum though, so maybe I should add elderly expat Libs to the teenage girls who love to listen to her 'music'.
  17. Once again you have missed the point. I am in agreement that he may well have no interest in her political opinions. More likely he is just be looking for clicks and knows that her recent huge media coverage (clearly amplified by her stating her political opinions) therefore makes her a great target in this regard. Plenty of weirdo stalkers out there no doubt. Maybe a lower profile by avoiding political statements would benefit her, seeing as she is after all, a singer and not a politician. If she is adamant that she wants to enlighten us all with her quite brilliant insightful political commentary, she must accept the higher profile and the increased number of loons taking an interest in her. It appears she thinks she can mouth off about whatever she wants with no consequences. Evidence would suggest that is not the case.
  18. That's very true. If you're changing lanes and they see you indicate they will speed up to close the gap off. A compromise is to indicate at the same time as you start to move across. Not ideal, but sometimes the only option.
  19. I'm sure there was a hugely insightful point about Trump in there somewhere but this thread is about Biden.
  20. A lot of truth in that. All I have to do is brush my teeth/hair and put on a clean, ironed shirt and I'm one of the best dressed men on Sukhumvit. Spend a weekend in Pattaya, add deodorant and I'm in the top 1%. I also use indicators while driving, which puts me in the top 5% of responsible road users. As for these guys, it's pretty stupid. In the likely event of a crash there is no way insurance would pay out (assuming they have any of course) so they'd be the next GoFundMe story.
  21. Actually statistically speaking, now that the first death has already occured the chance of another death is exactly the same as a death in any other condo. Like rolling a dice. Just because it came up six last time, doesn't mean there is less than a 1 in 6 chance of it happening next time.
  22. I don't really need any more information on her than I already have thanks. I'm not really into country pop music for teen audiences but if that's your thing I won't judge. I'm saying her involvement in politics is raising her profile and is now bringing her unwanted attention. Feel free to counter my point if you have anything to add. Otherwise, feel free to stop posting pointless, inane comments.
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