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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. If we need Doctors and nurses then those professions can be allowed to immigrate. We can have a points based system. I highly doubt the boatloads of illegals currently entering are going to get jobs as surgeons in the NHS. Or any job that a local unemployed person could not do for that matter. I wonder if these doctors and nurses are going to build schools and houses for all these illegal immigrants? Or are they going to address the London knife crime epidemic (committed mainly by send or third generation immigrants)?
  2. Ah I thought Race Baiter Ray would turn up eventually. But as to your point (if there is one) - quite possibly. I mean if you think about it logically, why would racists want lower wages, lack of housing, lack of schools, worse public services. higher taxes, more crime etc? My guess is that they wouldn't. Same as non-racists wouldn't want it. It's disadvantageous to the indigenous population. It's a bit like saying "my guess is that racists would prefer not to get prostate cancer". A rather obvious and pointless statement.
  3. Maybe we need 2 categories on the ID. Actual and identified. For example. Actual sex; Male identified Sex; Female They could expand it to things like height, age, race, occupation. So my Filipino friend who wants to be Michael Jordan could be something like... Actual height; 164cm identified height; 198cm Actual age; 46 identified age; 23 Actual race; Asian identified race; African American Actual occupation; Chef identified occupation; Basketball player/businessman That way we can keep the document factually correct and avoid any awkward conversations about fake ID's.
  4. Looking forward to the Wolves game. Solid mid table clash with 9th facing off against 11th. I wonder if Rashford has recovered from his Dublin hangover yet (literal, not metaphorical)? Will Ten Hag pick him or will we see another Sancho situation developing? I'm going for a 1-1 draw.
  5. Yes we only got fascism so far but the thread is young (although from memory I'm pretty sure a Hitler comparison was already removed).
  6. It makes perfect sense to state their actual sex rather than their desired sex. For example, if a transgender woman is arrested she should not be put into a holidng cell containing a woman. That could result in sexual assault etc. I don't really see how it causes an issue. Most transgenders are easily spotted as transgender (especially in the West), you don't need to see the drivers licence to reach this conclusion.
  7. Population Boom? Britain already has a lack of housing, school places and the NHS is under tremendous pressure. We also have well over a million unemployed. We are a small land space and we are full. The only immigrants that should be allowed should be for specific industries where we have an immediate shortage. We are seeing all of the social issues, crime, intolerance, prejudice that the immigrants are importing with them. We are seeing them daily. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/jewish-friends-attacked-antisemitic-attack-leicester-square-west-end-police-b1133817.html For every problem they solve they create five. It's not a population "boom", it's a population crisis. Let's just keep burying our head in the sand and repeating the mantra "Diversity is our strength". Well, I beg to differ. The UK is a great example of the problems "diversity" brings.
  8. Why not put it in the English channel to protect the UK and it's citizens from the current invasion of illegal immigrants and all the social problems they are importing with them? Sunak needs to clean up his own back yard before he goes cleaning up someone else's. The sooner this clown is removed the better (assuming it's not by the Labour party of course, that would be out of the frying pan and into the fire). Leave Biden to spend more US taxpayers money funding the Israeli military. The UK doesn't need to stand with "Oirish" Joe, especially given his appaling behaviour and comments following Britain reclaiming it's sovereignty. Let him go it alone. There should be no more co-operation with the US while he is in charge.
  9. You seem to be confusing someone who cares themselves what Taylor Swift thinks, with someone who recognizes that other people (low IQ Dem voters) care what Taylor Swift thinks.
  10. Let's face it. It's all too complicated for Biden, a man who struggles to stay on his feet and string a coherent sentence together. Certainly not both at the same time. Whether you are Republican or Democrat, it's clear that the US needs a competent leader. Not one who meddles in every conflict in the world without a long term strategy. Not one who constantly lies about himself, his family and his political achievements. Not one who embarrases himself on the world stage dragging the once good name of the US through the mud. These are dangerous times in global politics. Let's hope for all our sakes he's gone soon.
  11. More importantly, she smokin' hot. Daaayyyum. Shame about the music but you can't have eveything. But really, who cares what pop stars think? If voters are really looking at Taylor Swift for political guidance then frankly they deserve another 4 years of Biden.
  12. Thaiexaminer said he went to Pattaya. I won't link it as I'm not sure if we can link to that site from here.
  13. You don't have the right to attach racially insulting labels to black people simply because they don't fit into your narrow, steretypical views on how they should vote. Certainly looks that way. Speak for yourself.
  14. Strange that he fled to Pattaya instead of taking a long haul flight to a country with no extradition treaty with Thailand. Maybe not the sharpest tool in the shed.
  15. Of course it matters. People are often injured or killed at protests/demonstrations. The BLM riots for example. Or the Jewish man at the Pro Palestine marches in California recently. Or the Trump Supporter shot dead by the Antifa nutter. It's totally unacceptable, but it doesn't make it a coup.
  16. A few loons in fancy dress (quite possibly containing agent provocateurs). Hardly a threat to Democracy. Certainly not when compared to the politicization of the justice legal system to remove your main political rival in the build up to an election.
  17. Whilst I am sure the "democrats" would love to be the ones making the decision, they are going to have to face the reality that in a Democracy it is the voters who decide such matters. They can bring as many lame cases to their Kangaroo courts as they wish, but voters will not be fooled. The black, hispanic and young voters are seeing through Biden's empty rhetoric and failed policies. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/01/01/biden-trump-poll-odds-black-hispanic-young-voters/72072111007/
  18. I wouldn't expect anything less from the a woke, far left, Anti-Brit, American. Thanks for not disappointing.
  19. Sounds like Hunter has been poncing the benzos from Daddy's servants again...
  20. Not to mention having to close the exhibit to people who had travelled potentially long distances there to see it. They could pay for their expenses, inconvenience etc. As for the clean up job, I'd propose giving it a vigorous rub down using their face and a dab of bleach.
  21. Whatever the repair costs, they should be forced to pay. If they cannot pay, jail them.
  22. Looks like an old Merc, probably "maintained" by a shade tree mechanic. If it was an EV it would probably still be burning.
  23. Actually I was responding to the title of the thread, which was created on the 28th not the 29th.
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