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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. No over-reach there then ????. All this is simply paving the way for a European Army as the technocrats in Brussels march on towards a federal Europe, despite the wishes of the nation states. Thank god we left. A decision that is looking wiser with every passing month. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12491045/Germany-production-falls-recession-Brexit-Britain-rises.html
  2. "Yet" being the operative word. I'm not concerned. I'm happy to wait, just as I did with Hunters laptop and Clinton's lies about Lewinski. The Democrats are experts at burying things, they have a lot of experience. As with the examples above, it will all rise to the surface eventually. The only question is when. Tick Tock.
  3. It would appear that you are unable to refute any of the points I made.
  4. She was so woefully inept at lying that a 5 year old would see through her. Plus there were recordings of her admitting to being the aggressor. #believeallwomen
  5. Yes I believe that Biden will be found guilty. Time will tell. Your Jesus obsession is puzzling but not unusual for doomsday cultists.
  6. Forget it. The courts in the West always side with women. Whether that is custody battles, divorce settlements, sexual abuse, common assault or whatever. #believeallwomen is a good example. The fact it was even "a thing" for a brief period is ridiculous. I say this as someone who has never been through a divorce battle, accused of rape etc. It's just an observation from multiple cases of friends, acquaintances etc.
  7. Your religious bigotry is noted. Your predictions are interesting coming from a paid up member of the climate emergency doomsday cult.
  8. Sounds like a repeat of the arguments about Hunters laptop prior to the previous election. It will all surface in the end. Probably too late for the average working class American who just wants a competent cognizant leader. As for arguments elsewhere, that individual doesn't have the might of the Democrat misinformation machine backing him up.
  9. The only question is whether they can bury it until after the next election. It will surface in the end, just like Hunters laptop. History will not be kind to the crimes of the Biden's and their deluded supporters.
  10. How many expats are forming gangs and engaging in street battles with police ? The expats I know live a quiet life. Bring money into the country and support Thai people. Nobody is objecting to legal immigrants who contribute.
  11. What a shame. It used to be such a peaceful country before... well you know...
  12. Yes its allegations from ex girlfriends from years ago as far as I know. Did he rape the receptionist? I think he just got his nob out. Stupid, but it happens in pubs and clubs all over the country on a saturday night. He also stripped off at Nelson's column if I recall correctly. He is a complete idiot. I dont think anyone is accusing him of raping strangers at knife point in dark alleys though... So save your pointless virtue signalling until you have established the facts.
  13. As for your other points, it is deeply unfair that someone can have their reputation destroyed while the accuser's identity is kept secret. It should be the same rule for accused and accuser. Either both are kept secret, or both are revealed. Brand has had his life turned upside down based on nothing more than an accusation from an ex-girlfriend from years ago. Ridiculous.
  14. They probably know he'll be out in 6 months, same as Thaksin will be.
  15. Depends on their political leanings. Many people accused but not convicted of crimes are free to post on YouTube. The majority are left wing. As are the owners. Weird huh...
  16. Yeah that must be it. I will move along swiftly. ????
  17. Income tested cancellation. A fascinating concept. Maybe we could just cancel based on political beliefs? Oh... wait a minute
  18. If I was the EU I would be more concerned with the illegal immigrant invasion and the fact that Germany's car manufacturing industry is being rapidly usurped by China.
  19. Exactly. That's why the attempts to deny him the right to earn a living are so abhorrent.
  20. So if a white or black right wing Tory said the same thing you wouldn't take it as seriously? Isn't that a bit ummmm, racist?
  21. The whole thread is about criminal allegations. He has been accused of rape. Check the thread title.
  22. Besides, you missed the point again. I wasn't saying I wanted a thread on the BBC perv. I was simply stating the Brand story is such a huge story because of Brand's fame/notoriety which is primarily due to his politically charged YouTube channel and his views.
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