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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. I assume you weren't one of the people unable to get to the hospital for emergency medical treatment.
  2. Let's hope the EU tries to stop this with it's steel boot of left wing authoritarianism. The feeling in the Netherlands is strong. If they feel the EU is forcing them to accept the cultural enrichers then that could be the tipping point to Nexit.
  3. Speak for yourself. I have fully legal visa status. I pay my taxes. I follow the laws of the country. I do not pollute or disfigure the society. I respect the culture and do not try to change it.
  4. This is the result of dangerous rhetoric from the left. calling him a rapist, a dictator, a fascist etc. Weak/dangerous minds believe such things. I suggest people are more careful about what they say/post.
  5. I'm sure if it were white people killing black people you would have been hearing about it for some time now. It's well known that most black people that are killed in America are killed by other black people. https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/black-black-homicide-psychological-political-perspective As the UK shows, when you remove guns other weapons are used. Hence the knife crime epidemic in London under Sadiq Khan. https://www.cityam.com/londons-global-reputation-is-at-risk-from-soaring-knife-crime-its-time-to-act/ I would suggest harsher sentences for carrying weapons. You could make space in the prisons by releasing people jailed for social media posts.
  6. Defund them. In today's media landscape, forcing people to pay for a left wing propaganda machine that they don't even want is ridiculous. Let them get private funding, then they can justify the actions of Hamas as much as they like. Britain's two tier justice system will ensure they face no legal action for such a stance, especially while Sadiq Khan runs The Met (into the ground).
  7. If only someone could have predicted this. Oh, wait a minute... I'm afraid this assaulted woman will just have to accept that Starmer needed to make prison spaces for people who criticize his government on FaceBook. I'm sure that will provide her some comfort. If it doesn't I suggest she refrains posting about it on Social Media or she might end up doing a 3 stretch.
  8. Banned from the classroom? She should be jailed? Or is jail only for FaceBook posters now?
  9. Better late than never. Hopefully other European countries follow Mr Wilders on this.
  10. Cheaper as well. I'd certainly support Thai style detention for illegal immigrants to reduce the cost to the taxpayer. Good deterrent.
  11. Great idea. Black and Muslim prisoners should also get the best houses, naturally. Pay for it with the pensioners fuel allowance. Let em freeze. Probably white Tories anyway. Tidy.
  12. Or maybe leave, do a bit of shopping and fly back first class. Free holiday and a few thousand leftover. Tidy.
  13. Great policy. Reward hard work not workshy benefit scroungers. How long before Harris copies this one?
  14. Shocking. Who could have predicted this? Oh that's right... me. That's who. Starmer/Labour are unfit to govern. Sunak has never looked so competent. All is forgiven Roland.
  15. I wonder how many terror threats during a similar period 30 years ago. Cultural enrichment, Canadian style. It's your greatest strength... What is, you might ask... well Diversity of course. Don't believe me? Ask Sadiq Khan. Or blackface Trudeau.
  16. Especially when you pluck a 'black hole' figure from thin air to justify these cruel/dangerous policies, and then when asked for details of the 'black hole', refuse. https://www.ft.com/content/7f686444-7036-4efc-82c5-971b0f3929fa They are quickly appearing unfit to govern.
  17. The article is credited to The Telegraph. The headline that you object to is from Aseannow. Neither are state funded broadcasters with strict guidelines on impartiality. This thread is about the BBC.
  18. The difference, as you are well aware is that the BBC is a publicly funded state broadcaster that has responsibility and strict guidelines to be impartial. The Telegraph is not. It is a newspaper and clearly leans right in the same way The Guardian clearly leans left. It has no responsibility to be politically impartial. This particular attempt at whataboutery is weak, even by your standards.
  19. I wasn't aware that The Telegraph was a publicly funded state broadcaster with strict guidelines on impartiality.
  20. Europe importing middle eastern conflicts onto it's streets again. The cultural enrichment continues.
  21. This sounds ominously like the precursor to some really bad policy announcement. My guess? No longer free for pensioners who don't qualify for pension credit? No longer free for anyone earning over 12,000 PA? "Positive" discrimination for access to hospital beds? No treatment for smokers/drinkers? No treatment for those with distasteful views (as defined by Starmer)? New "Care Tax" to be applied on top on National Insurance payments for medium/high earners? The possibilities are endless. I can hardly wait.
  22. And yet curiously he refuses to release key information about this black hole when requested. You think he'd be desperate to back up his claims. More lies from the nasty party. https://www.ft.com/content/7f686444-7036-4efc-82c5-971b0f3929fa
  23. On the rare occasion I visit their website, I do so not to get the news, but to laugh at their twisting of the stories. Often the headline is very misleading, especially when Israel/Hamas stories are featured and it is always erring to make Palestine look like the victim (Hamas "freedom fighters" for example). Of course, to get there I normally have to scroll down a couple of pages to get past the climate alarmism stories, and the plethora of "interest" pieces about how one legged non binary people in Venezula are fighting back against the patriarchy etc. It's difficult to work out whether it is satire sometimes.
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