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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. I didn't miss the muslim riots. The police, the courts and the MSM did though. 2 tier Britain.
  2. After bringing the BBC into disrepute? If it was in his contract why are they asking for the money back? They finally read it? But you keep shilling for Huw... Lefties tend to stick together.
  3. They'd seen the texts with the teenage drug addict that he was paying for explicit photos. Enough to suspend without pay. The BBC has form covering up these things. Enablers. Interesting that you support it.
  4. He brought the organisation into disrepute. Although I accept the bar is set pretty low at our beloved BBC. It's pretty much the norm there.
  5. Quite possibly. Very common in Ghana around that time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_trafficking_in_Ghana Perhaps Ms Quainoo thought she was culturally enriching the UK?
  6. Nah, gone off them since Harris discovered what they were. She was trafficked against her will to be a child slave. But if you wish to normalize that by referring to her as an immigrant, well that's on you.
  7. Well they didn't sack him. So clearly they didn't think it was a big enough deal to do so. That is self evident.
  8. Yes, eventually he resigned because the BBC was too cowardly to sack him even after he brought them into disrepute. But not after claiming his salary for months on end. They probably didn't think it was a big deal. Just another one to add to the long list of child abusers that worked there. They've "requested" the salary be repaid. I won't hold my breath.
  9. I suspect Bill has enough money. Like most leftists, it's control of other people's lives that he really craves. Hence him being a fully paid up member of the climate alarmist doomsday cult.
  10. It's an out of date business model. Media has moved on. Forcing people to pay for left wing propaganda read to you by Paedophiles with a mobile phone containing images of 7-9 year old boys being sexually abused in their pocket is not everyone's cup of tea. I'm glad you like it though. If defunded, you will still have the option to pay for it.
  11. Well he's a fully paid up member of the left wing establishment so he played the mental health card, the judge lapped it up and won't spend a single day in jail. The BBC has "requested" he repay the salary they paid him while in the mental health facility due to getting caught but as far as I know he isn't returning their calls. An absolutely terrible human being. Not surprised he rose to the top at the BBC, he has all the personality traits required.
  12. It's not a lie. I have provided many links in previous posts. I know your memory is not too good these days so maybe you can re-read them?
  13. He exchanged them for 'gifts'. In other words, he bought images of 7-9 year old boys being sexually abused. But he works for the BBC, he's a celebrity. So no jail for Huw.
  14. If people didn't pay for them, people wouldn't make them. Or at least they would make far fewer of them. And yes they were pictures of children being sexually abused. Boys between 7 and 9 years old. Categorized as the most extreme category of child pornography. Edwards provided the market for this abuse. No need to defend him.
  15. Suspended sentence? Pathetic. Lucky he didn't make a stupid post on FaceBook from his own living room. That would have warranted jail. But a lefty luvvie Paedophile from the BBC? No jail for you Huw. Never mind you had images of 7-9 year old boys being sexually abused. . Two tier Britain raising it's ugly head again. Is being a Paedophile a required qualification for working at the BBC these days? I wonder how many more there are lurking in the BBC corridors. I wonder if he'll pay back the salary they paid him while suspended? Doubtful. Good to see the money extorted from the British public being put to good use (paying for sexual pictures of young children). Time to defund the BBC. Long overdue in fact. Sickening.
  16. I want her to acknowledge the role of Muslims in many of the UK riots this summer.
  17. Yes, lots of opportunities to play the system and commit crime in Europe.
  18. She should focus on rioting BY Muslims and be thankful the two tier British police were so lenient towards it.
  19. Stick to producing buggy software updates and trips to billionaires islands Bill. Historically that appears to be your strength.
  20. No, the child was not an immigrant. She was an illegally trafficked minor. Trafficked and enslaved by an immigrant who then later lied to get a job working with children.
  21. So are you saying the Democrats are not left wing? Or that he was not a Democrat?
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