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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Now it has emerged that Starmer will send huge sums to foreign farmers while taxing UK farmers out of business. I've said it before and I will say it again, the man hates Britain. https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1979140/farmers-foreign-aid-fury
  2. Perhaps you should have made your point about enforcing existing laws then? Because the "importance of regulations" you referred to are clearly already in place. Hope you can work that out.
  3. Feel free to provide an example of a left wing/Pro Labour/Pro immigration UK citizen being arrested, charged and jailed within a week for being "grossly offensive" on social media.
  4. We've provided countless real world examples of the 2 tier system. They don't have a counter argument so they resort to "you're imagining it". 😆 Gaslighting 101.
  5. So why mention the importance of regulations. Were you under the impression Laos does not have regulations for alcohol production?
  6. It's a strawman. Nobody is saying scrap all regulations. I am saying that Laos already has regulations regarding the production of alcohol but guess what, criminal bootleggers do not follow them. Create thousands more if you like, they still won't follow them. The only off topic distraction was you trying to shoehorn your political agenda of ever increasingly stringent rules/regulations into this tragic case of the death of 3 young women.
  7. Just asking for consistency Chomps. One rule for all, irrespective of race, sex, religion, sexual preference, political leanings etc. 2 tier justice is unacceptable in any society. Especially when it's as egregious as it is in the UK right now.
  8. If you see an ad in the Cotswold Herald by a recently arrived American looking for staff, run a mile. She's a classic #bekind liberal/leftist, all smiles on the outside and a nasty bullying piece of work behind closed doors. No wonder she's friends with Harry's handler. I wonder if they share tips on reducing staff to tears.
  9. An interesting but predictable strawman to add to your initial irrelevant post. You're on a roll. Maybe you can look up the Southport massacre thread and post "A tragic example to show the importance of murder laws".
  10. 2 tier justice is a cause of justified grievance. This bloke wouldn't be hard to find. I believe the Manchester Aiport nose breakers had their passports with them. No trouble identifying them. CCTV recorded the assault. Yet still no charges. Britain has a 2 tier justice system. I doubt the police will even be lookng for this geezer.
  11. What a great opportunity to push your political agenda. You can have all the regulations you want, illegal Bootleggers don't tend to follow them.
  12. Wouldn't be too hard to find and prosecute him. If the will was there of course, which it clearly isn't (as is the case with the Manchester Airport nose breakers who still haven't been charged months after their assault was captured on CCTV for the world to see). Funny how they managed to find, arrest, charge, and jail the "far right" social media posters to unusually long jail sentences within a week. Classic 2 tier justice.
  13. Good to see you accept the result this time. There's hope for you yet.
  14. Seeing as you disagree with the vote, maybe you could call for a second try like you did with Brexit?
  15. Yes, like we did with the election result.
  16. I think a few loons in fancy dress are preferable to WW3. But that's just me.
  17. Thanks Joe. Great job. I guess it was too much to expect him to leave quietly without inflicting further damage on the world.
  18. You forgot to mention Nazi 😆. You feeling OK?
  19. You're confusing what you want to happen with what is going to happen.
  20. And Harris is super smart and will win easily. Oh.. wait a minute.
  21. Lefties cancelling a station for refusing to cancel the democratically elected future President. Sounds about right.

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