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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Too soon. More likely after 8 years of JD Vance. The GOP have plenty of young talent. The future's bright, the future's orange.
  2. I feel sorry for the children of all criminal parents that get incarcerated. It's not their fault. It's the parents. Unfortunately for the criminals, procreation is not a licence to commit crime.
  3. Of course they deserved incarceration. Try breaking illegally into Thailand and see where you end up. The IDC, that's where. If they have children there are 2 choices, separate the children or send them to the IDC as well. Neither are good options, but the fault is with the parents wilfully breaking the law, not the country enforcing it's laws against these criminals.
  4. The same often happens to young children of adults who go to jail. Would you suggest that parents are excluded from the prison system? Or would you prefer the children go to jail with them? Here's a radical idea, if you have a young child, don't engage in calculated criminal activity. Just a free parenting tip.
  5. Criminals are frequently kept in cages. Sometimes they are referred to as jail/police cells. If they don't like it, they can always stop breaking the law by illegally entering countries to which they have no right to enter.
  6. That's a shame, I was enjoying not seeing the likes of Rachel Zegler and her inane Woke ideology in my feed.
  7. I'm sure Owen Jones enjoys your continued support 😆. They won't be missed on X that's for sure. If I need to know what they are saying about various issues, I can always check your posts.
  8. Most likely guzzling Chardonnay and cackling with the rest of the Wine Moms. She seemed like she was imbibing throughout the campaign.
  9. Good to see you're now a supporter of Meloni's political stance. There's hope for you yet.
  10. West is off his trolley. Has been for years. In his defence, he was able to foresee his relationship with Kardashian many years in advance when he released the song "Gold Digger" in 2005. A great toon if I may say so.
  11. Dog and Pony show. He won't do anything, except maybe give away more British taxpayers money for nothing in return. Starmer is the type of bloke who goes into a car showroom and pays well above the asking price for last years model.
  12. Biden trying to inflame the situation before he leaves so he can claim trump caused WW3. No less than I'd expect from such a nasty piece of work. Good riddance. What a disaster he turned out to be.
  13. Is that why they are constantly begging for donations on their website? Talking of lefty bleating. 😆 At least they still have one reader believing their drivel.
  14. I'm torn on this. Much as I wish Trump wouldn't sink to the Dems levels, I think some of the people who tried to subvert Democracy by using lawfare against their political opponents need to pay for their actions. I think Trump going after them is inevitabe. The Dems lifted the lid on Pandoras box, and now they will pay the price. Squeaky bum time for the Dems. No wonder they are regretting the decision to bypass Democratic process (again) and select that empty vessel Harris. Has there ever been a less appropriately named party than the Democrats?
  15. Plenty of lefties still bleating on here. The Guardian is just sulking because they lost. All their propaganda failed. No biggie.
  16. Strawman. Another strawman. Not really a mystery. We were in the EU and therefore unable to do so. Remember? We've done plenty since leaving. Let's wait until Labour are booted out. Starmer and Lammy have destroyed any chance for the next 4 years with their inane insults to Trump. Besides if the rumours I am hearing about the Southport cover-up turn out to be true Starmer won't be there much longer and has far bigger issues to be dealing with.
  17. A trade deal with the US will suffice. Nobody is talking about becoming the 51st state.
  18. He is in no mental state to be making decisions like this. Seems like he's trying his best to leave Trump in a very difficult position. Lob a few grenades before leaving the building, so to speak.
  19. Unlike under the 2 tier system where the "responsibility" one has to accept depends on which side of the political spectrum you are on. I have seen your attitude to freedom of speech somewhere before.
  20. In other words, you hold the state sanctioned opinions. Lucky for you. For now at least... It's fine to post hate and spread misinformation if you are David Lammy, for example. Or many of the race baiters on the left.
  21. They are safe in their ivory towers, leafy suburbs, private jets etc. It's the poor people that suffer from these "cultural enrichers". In this case, the homeless being brutally smashed to death.
  22. Why only women? This disgusting approach should concern everyone who values free speech and liberty.
  23. Yeah OK Bill. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman". Like most Democrats, he is a known liar.

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