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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Off topic. Feel free to continue this in one of the Brexit threads. This one is about EU corruption. So back on topic. Good to see Hungary offering some solutions to the corruption we are seeing in the EU. https://hungarytoday.hu/hungary-has-a-plan-to-reform-the-embattled-european-parliament/ I'd have to agree with this point. Strong words indeed. Mutiny in the ranks?
  2. So we are agreed. 1. Meghan has been proven to be a liar. 2. Harry has been proven to have been racist. 3. There is no evidence whatsoever of racism in the British Royal Family (if you exclude Harry of course). Got there in the end.
  3. Unlike certain members of this forum, they are indeed acknowledging the scale, and the implications of this scandal. It does remind me a bit of Prayut's regular acknowledgements of corruption and plans to stamp it out though... It would seem Thailand and The EU have a lot more in common in terms of the way they do business than I first thought. No wonder they plan to move closer. https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/40023121
  4. Yes, we all know that something less than a week old isn't news any more. ???? Let's just brush it under the carpet. It's all terribly embarrassing for the Europhiles isn't it. How about yesterday? Is that too old as well? I don't believe this has been reported yet, It seems more and more people are getting caught up in this huge scandal. Let's see how deep the rabbit hole goes. https://www.ft.com/content/50390b9e-3ac5-4898-a5a2-f2f9062bd174
  5. Don't like the facts, attack the source. How typical. How about the Archbishop of Canterbury? Credible enough for you? https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/31/uk/harry-meghan-wedding-archbishop-canterbury-scli-intl-gbr/index.html#:~:text=The Archbishop of Canterbury%2C Justin Welby%2C has confirmed that the,bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey. The only racism exposed was Harry's. I provided evidence of that in the video and photo. Now, YOU provide some evidence of Meghan's claims of racism. You don't have any, do you. None whatsoever. If you have it, please provide it because I believe it is against forum rules to spread misinformation.
  6. Some of the lies are laid bare here. https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/royals/the-17-lies-piers-morgan-claims-meghan-markle-told-in-oprah-interview/news-story/9882f8f96cad47ad5b9587081245a6b4 Many more since the Oprah interview of course. here is Meghan accusing the royal family of racism. Totally unproven. If you need proof of racism, here is Harry calling his colleague a little P**i friend. Here he is dressed as a Nazi. So it would appear it is Harry who has the issues with the truth and racism. Not Britain or the Royal Family.
  7. A few crimes? ???? As I showed in the post below yours, Charles Michel disagrees with your trivializing of the criminal enterprise being run by EU Parliamentarians. https://www.politico.eu/article/charles-michel-corruption-scandal-european-union-qatargate/
  8. UK economy grew 0.5% in October. The EU isn't doing too well, even before this disgraceful corruption scandal hit. https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/11/11/europes-record-inflation-will-peak-at-year-end-but-remain-high-in-2023-says-brussels This will be incredibly damaging for the EU. Even Charles Michel is honest enough to admit it. https://www.politico.eu/article/charles-michel-corruption-scandal-european-union-qatargate/ It's been a torrid time for the EU since 2016. I wonder if history will prove that year to be the beginning of the end?
  9. Well that's OK then. Nothing to see here, move along swiftly... ????
  10. What racism? The only documented racism within the current Royal Family came from Harry, calling his Asian colleague his "little P**i friend" and dressing like a Nazi for fancy dress. I assume that is the racism you are referring to since no other cases have been documented or proved.
  11. Looks like she got her own father to hide the money. Wow. https://www.brusselstimes.com/340013/qatar-corruption-scandal-kaili-and-panzeri-both-make-partial-confessions One of the Vice Presidents of the EU no less. Astounding levels of corruption.
  12. Nothing abusive in my post. Some people take offense to anything. Yes they are divisive. All this talk of racism etc. does no good whatsoever, especially when it a pack of lies designed to do nothing more than keep them in the spotlight earning money for trashing their families and the British public. Disgraceful. No morals whatsoever. Fortunately, most people see through them hence their unpopularity.
  13. The new part is that they are starting to confess. Terribly embarrassing for the EU. The start of the end? Quite possibly.
  14. Given the number of provable lies that have come from Markle's mouth, I wouldn't believe a single word she says. A proven liar. She's told so many lies she can't even remember what she's said previously ????. Luckily for her there are plenty of gullible people out there completely inept at reading and understanding human behaviour. Plus those who want to believe what she says because it fits in with their divisive agenda.
  15. The agreement said acting in good faith. Something the EU never intended to do. Anyway, this isn't a Brexit thread. Let's get back on topic. Confessions of the EU corruption coming out now. https://today.rtl.lu/news/world/a/2005544.html What a mess. The nature of EU Parliamentarians laid bare for the world to see. All moral high ground lost. Deary Deary me.
  16. Maybe you missed "Isolating Ireland, and not closing this point"? You think he was referring to The Republic? You know, the part of Ireland that is part of the EU? ???? There's a difference between rejoicing in something, and not feeling sympathy for an organization that gets what was coming to it. Well, the corruption is there for all to see now. Before the story broke you'd have been dismising it a QAnon type conspiracy theory. Believe it now? https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/eva-kailis-partner-confesses-role-european-parliament-corruption-case-sources-2022-12-15/
  17. It's perfectly plausible. If you don't want the answer, don't ask the question.
  18. Easy. They could have made a threat. For example, if our children don't get titles then we are going to say x,y, and z. I certainly wouldn't put anything past this lying, machiavellian couple.
  19. You clearly don't get British humour. Oh, and Clarkson is a legend.
  20. Do you realize that calling people racist all the time actually dilutes the meaning of the word? When I used to hear the word racist being thrown around I used to take it seriously. After all, it's such a serious accusation to throw at someone. Now, I just think, "Oh some Wokie somewhere is losing an argument". ???? Britain took her in with open arms, knowing she was mixed race. Paid for a multi million pound wedding, waving flags as she passed in a horse drawn carriage. As soon as she started acting like a hypocritical, spoiled, fake, lying, attention seeking narcissist people started to dislike her. So she cried Racist. Harry copied her. Simple as...
  21. Actually they consistenty tried to isolate Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK under the guise of protecting the Northern Ireland protocol and avoiding a hard border on the island of Ireland. Trying to drive a wedge between the two at every opportunity. There's even a secretly recording of Barnier talking about it. Hardly QAnon ????... https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1508742/michel-barnier-news-unearthed-clip-plans-isolate-ireland-northern-ireland-protocol-spt So yeah, don't expect too much sympathy from me when the EU's power supplies dry up due to one of it's own corrupt Vice Presidents. They made their bed, let them lie in it.
  22. I just heard he's counted the mail-in votes and now the results show 85% want him to stay ????.
  23. Actually most British people support legal immigration from individuals who can enhance and contribute to the country. Illegal immigration? Not so much. Much the same as pretty much every country around the world actually. I guess every country is full of right wing bigots by your criteria? ???? I've highlighted the important words (and not used to many long ones) so you don't miss the point again.
  24. Did you check what word it was? Hardly hate speech, says more about the software then it does about Spiked. ????
  25. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1710358/european-union-eu-parliament-qatar-scandal-eva-kaili-roberta-metsola-commission-council
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