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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Yes anyone with half a brain would see the connection. But this is Danny Baker we are talking about. Had he seen the connection he would have known that posting it would 100% lead to him losing his job with the BBC. Which it did. So either he knew it had racist connotations, and therefore knew he would be sacked and vilified for it and decided to post it anyway, or he was simply incredibly stupid in not seeing the link. Given this is Danny Baker, I'd go with the second option. As soon as it was pointed out he removed it and apologized unreservedly but clearly it was too late by then. It was a bad joke, posted without any thought. Given Baker's history with alcohol, I wouldn't be surprised if he was off his head at the time (not that that's an excuse but it is a distinct possibility). But of course, Baker's temporary slip was far too good an opportunity to play the victim for Harry to simply ignore it. He needs material, and Danny Baker stupidly provided it. Of course, Harry didn't focus on his own slip when he referred to an Asian Army colleague as "My little P**i friend". I wonder how that made his "friend" feel? Not that the private jet taking, gas gussling SUV driving, eco-warrior lecturer cares much about hypocrisy.
  2. Could have some American Bully in there, but definitely some Mastiff as well IMO.
  3. I would argue it is the cross breeding that creates issues. Purebred "dog fighting" dogs are very human friendly, they were bred to fight other dogs and human aggression was an undesirable trait. It's when you cross breed them with breeds such as Mastiffs (which have been used as war dogs to fight humans, or to protect property from humans) that you end up with the strength and tenacity of the "PitBull" and the human aggression/size of the Mastiff (not picking on Mastiffs here, could be other breeds as well). This is why you end up with "huge Pitbulls" which aren't actually "Pitbulls" at all. When such a dog attacks, it is labelled a "PitBull" attack, when in fact it is essentially a mongrel or a cross breed. If you broke down the figures, I'd bet a huge proportion of these "PitBull" attacks are not a specific breed such as the American PitBull Terrier or the Staffordshire Bull Terrier but a mix of various breeds, some of which may have been bred for human aggression. This is why breed specific legislation is such a nonsense. The label "PitBull" is vastly misused. The dog in the OP is a good example. Clearly a mix (I'd guess a Mastiff/American Bulldog mix) but labelled a PitBull. Hence all the uneducated posts on this thread screaming for a ban on PitBulls.
  4. I wish I had 90k for every time a ladyboy has grabbed my junk (uninvited) as I'm innocently walking around looking for a refreshing drink.
  5. If it's huge then it's probably not a "PitBull". Probably a mixture of bulldog, mastiff, maybe some other bull breeds in there as well. Real "Pitbulls" (American Pitbull Terrier) tend to be around 25 kilos which is by no means a huge dog. Also, they were bred to fight dogs, not humans and tend to be very friendly towards people.
  6. Doesn't look like a PitBull to me. Looks like some kind of bulldog mastiff cross. Still, PitBull gets the clicks, so PitBull it is. Proceed with calls for breed specific bans, culling of all PitBulls, painful deaths for PitBull owners etc. ????
  7. Is there no end to this manchild's whinging? OOhhhhhhh my brother shouted at me when I was in my mid 30's. And Daddy stopped my pocket money around the same time. How am I going to survive such an ordeal? Grow a pair you snivelling race baiter. Imagine having to constantly, publicly trash your own family to earn a living. Has he nothing else to offer. What a pathetic specimen.
  8. A thing of the past? I'm afraid it doesn't really work like that. Let's say you avoided paying tax for 10 years, you couldn't really say "Well I hired an accountant and paid it last year, those tax evasion issues are a thing of the past". She could be in a whole load of trouble if the rumours about undocumented expenses, missing money etc. are true. What's the expression? "If you dig a grave for others, you might fall into it yourself". Cosplay Marlene better hope her racially exclusive "We only help black people" charity has been squeaky clean with all that money. Fraud is a very serious issue and her little stunt has put a huge target on her back. Shutting up shop and hoping it all blows over is unlikely to help given the high profile and consequences of her grubby setup of Lady Hussey. Maybe she'd have been better answering a straight question with a straight answer? i.e. "I was born and raised in Britain but my parents came here from the Caribbean, the African clothes are just fancy dress and I've given myself a fake African name to appear more authentic" would have been pretty accurate.
  9. No surprise really, given that Marlene "Cosplay" Headley likes to use a fake name, culturally misappropriate and has links to BLM. Not exactly the hallmarks of an oustanding citizen. She may well regret her little media stunt if what I am hearing turns out to be true.
  10. Are you calling me a liar? You might want to check the forum rules on that. Pfizer caused many people side effects. I was one of them. Your BS-detector appears to be off. Might want to check it the same time you check that immaturity problem, son.
  11. I wish I'd refused. I had 2 months of very unpleasant symptoms. Way worse than my Covid symptoms when I had that.
  12. Interesting viewpoint from CNN, echoing many of the concerns the British voiced prior to leaving. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/14/europe/european-parliament-qatar-intl/index.html *Screenshot removed due to Fair Use violation*
  13. I said "I am glad we left". He said "Ah but what about another government's corruption". Try to work out which one is Whataboutism. It's really not that hard. ????
  14. I didn't say it was a flu. I said it was basically a flu, meaning it carries a lot of the same characteristics and symptoms. I am sure you the difference between literally a flu, and basically a flu. So don't misquote me again.
  15. Given that the vaccinated also pass on Covid, your argument doesn't really hold water.
  16. Huge assumptions and very skewed analysis of the data to suit an agenda. Fortunately more liberal and enlightened governments around the world have seen the folly of such ridiculously authoritarian policies and abandoned them. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-60575519
  17. You still didn't answer my question about why Africa did so well with such limited access to the vaccines. Kind of blows up your argument, doesn't it. Mandatory vaccinations have historically been for extremely serious diseases, and the vaccines were developed and proven over many years. Not something that is now basically a flu, and vaccines that were rushed through and have many side effects and even cause death. Huge difference.
  18. Indeed it was a good thing. Always good to get out of corrupt regimes before they start to consume themselves from the inside. We got out in the nick of time, as the next decade will prove. A relevant point to the current discussion. Talking about corruption of other governments in order to deflect from EU corruption on the other hand, is whataboutism.
  19. Bit more detail on the head/markings. I think JaiMaai might be right....
  20. You knowledge of snakes appears akin to your knowledge of competent political leaders. ???? Any serious replies?
  21. It tells me statistics can be used to prove just about anything when there are so many other factors involved. It doesn't justify injecting people with multiple rushed through vaccines against their will. Africa did fine without vaccines. That tell you anything?
  22. Hi, Any idea what this is? The dog killed it while I was working on my motorbike. Rat snake? Near Korat, if that makes a difference...
  23. It's incredible how Africa did so well without much in the way of vaccines. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/23/health/covid-africa-deaths.html That people are still trying to force these vaccines on others by claiming they are harming others (you're going to kill Granny etc.) is actually an insult to the intelligence. Some people just love telling other people what to do I guess.
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