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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. They ruled you can't have a referendum without the UK goverment's consent. The UK government is not going to give consent, so it's over.
  2. Did you not read the title of this thread? It's not happening. Why continue to talk as if this is something that will happen? It's a fantasy.
  3. Actually they made a very rational decision in 2014. I suggest you check Sturgeon's record on drugs, education etc. before you criticize the English government too much. Although, like many Scottish nationalists you do seem to have a history of disliking and blaming the English for everything.
  4. Sometimes people need to be protected from themselves. An independent Scotland would be a disaster, a failed state. There are so many reasons why they should remain in the UK it's not even funny. Don't let a few anti-English nationalist extremists shout down the majority.
  5. Well even if they did want it (and when offered the choice in 2014, they clearly voted against it), they can't have it. The clue is in the thread title. The Supreme court has ruled. You respect the law, don't you?
  6. Given the Woke nonsense being preached in many schools and universities, this can only be a good thing. I do feel sorry for the students though, first of all Covid, then strike action. 2020-2023 must be the worst period in history to be a student, and that's before anyone has introduced you to the work of Robin DiAngelo. As for the postal service, the standards are so low when they are working that nobody will notice when they go on strike.
  7. Sturgeon is the one calling for another referendum. I have no problem with voting. As long as the result of the vote is accepted and not re-run until the "correct" result is reached. Scotland already voted to stay in the UK in 2014. It's been decided already.
  8. Very sad. And a very good example of why railroading people into having the vaccination was an immoral policy. Novak Djokovic has gone up in my estimation.
  9. Nah. Sturgeon is just using that as an attempt to justify re-running the vote. She wants to ruin Scotland for her own personal ambition. She'd rather have total power over an unsuccessful country than limited power over a successful one. I don't think the Scots are silly enough to fall for it.
  10. Keep activism and politics out of sport. It should be a uniting force not a divisive one. I don't need uneduated footballers telling me what to think. Let them virtue signal elsewhere. If you don't like the venue of Qatar, don't watch, don't play, don't commentate. But no, the likes of Lineker, Neville, Southgate still want to earn the cash, take the glory while appearing to care and "educate" the fans. Bunch of hypocritical muppets.
  11. I don't think a thorough investigation into this shady, sordid affair can really be classified as burning the house to the ground. I can see why you wish it would all just fade away though. Somewhat unlikely now the Republicans have a majority. I, for one, very much look forward to the truth finally coming out, it's long overdue.
  12. I'm against it. Too easy to "switch someone off" if they hold the wrong opinion, protest the wrong party etc. Also, I like the anonymity of cash. I don't want records of every place I've been, every taxi I've taken, every meal I've eaten. Nothing to do with having something to hide, it's the basic human right to a bit of privacy from the government. They are there to serve us, not spy on us and decide when we can have access to our money.
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Scottish_independence_referendum
  14. Oh dear oh dear. Nicola won't be happy. ???? The correct ruling though. They already voted to stay. No need to re-run it every 5 minutes until she gets the result she wants.
  15. Great performance by England. A very entertaining game (after the long delay for the goalkeeper's injury). Great goals. If they drop Maguire before they face any decent opposition with pace up front then they could do well in the tournament.
  16. This is just the start. Expect the excuses and justifications to change multiple times as more and more of this sordid tale becomes public. What a family...
  17. The problem is that The Left define hate speech as any opinion that they disagree with. Then try to ban it on that basis (while simultaneously hating on the likes of Donald Trump, Elon Musk etc.). ????
  18. Why didn't they nab him during his 90 day report? Oh, wait a minute...
  19. Nothing sneaky about it. It's a rumour. I presented it as a rumour, not a fact. I even posted the source of the rumour. People can make their own minds up. They don't need you to censor what they can and cannot read.
  20. Please stay on topic. This thread is not about Trump. I never claimed her bad behaviour disqualifies her from office. You just made that up.
  21. Qatar were awful. Would have been 3-0 had VAR not ruled out a perfectly good goal after 3 minutes that would have been the fastest opener in World Cup history. Ecuador look a decent side though.
  22. It's all over Twitter. Yes it is only a rumour at this stage. I am not presenting it as fact. Are we not allowed to say what we've heard? I'm not saying I know it to be 100% true. I am sure forum members are capable of deciding that for themselves, we'll know for sure within a few weeks. The forum is full of rumours and speculation, as long as it is made clear that it is a rumour and not presented as a fact then I do not see any issue. if the forum was restricted to provable facts it would not be a forum, it would be an Encyclopedia. If this is true (and I repeat - it may or may not be) then Pelosi may in hindsight consider her timing of standing down to be politically expedient.
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