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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Perhaps they could start by not jailing people for "offensive" FaceBook posts. https://www.thewestmorlandgazette.co.uk/news/24514302.sellafield-worker-jailed-sharing-offensive-facebook-posts/ That way, they wouldn't have to release rapists, drug dealers etc. to make room for them. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13838641/Inmate-arrested-suspicion-rape-sex-assault-SECONDS-released-Keir-Starmers-early-prison-release-scheme.html Just a thought. Crazy, I know. What was that saying when I was kid? "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words offensive FaceBook posts will never hurt me land me in jail within a week"? Something like that anyway...
  2. They've clearly thought this through and executed the plan brilliantly. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13838641/Inmate-arrested-suspicion-rape-sex-assault-SECONDS-released-Keir-Starmers-early-prison-release-scheme.html What a farce.
  3. Just wait until the stories of quick re-offending come out. I knew Starmer was inherently nasty, but I never knew he was so politically inept.
  4. But taking away their PlayStations would surely be a breach of their human rights? 😃 Just deport any illegals in the prison system. Immediately. No appeal. Straight into the cargo hold of the nearest RAF plane and back to their country of origin.
  5. Just another lefty idiot that longed for a Labour government, totally unaware of what a disaster it would be. Looks like he might be coming for their free bus passes next. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/09/09/labour-refuses-to-rule-out-scrapping-bus-passes-pensioners/
  6. So they lose Britain and gain this lot? 😃 The EU is on a path to destruction. It will be a long, drawn out, messy break up. Thank god we left when we did. It's about the only thing Britain has got right in the last 30 years.
  7. Even The Guardian are running stories highlighting what a stupid idea this is. Must be serious. https://www.theguardian.com/society/article/2024/sep/10/police-left-to-deal-with-fallout-of-poorly-planned-early-release-of-1700-prisoners
  8. Ronaldo seems to be spot on with his assessment. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/articles/czxlv57v707o They've got a relatively easy run coming up. If they don't perform I think he'll be gone.
  9. Yeah it was like a boxing match where the referee and one of the judges jump in the ring and put one fighter in a headlock. Still couldn't beat him.
  10. She's copying Starmer. Say nothing, and then implement all kind of hair brained schemes after elected.
  11. Yeah, no good at all. Yes he has Aspergers. https://www.axios.com/2022/04/15/elon-musk-aspergers-syndrome
  12. Gotta make room for people being mean on FaceBook somehow. Get ready for lots of reoffending. I wonder how the victims of their crimes feel? Probably very cold if they happen to be OAP's without their heating allowance. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/30348875/early-release-scheme-prisoners-back-on-streets/
  13. Surely they could just dress normally for a couple of hours so they actually look like their photo ID? Michael from Georgia can't wear his skirt and makeup when he goes to vote. He needs to accept he is a biological male for a couple of hours. Put on some nice slacks and a polo shirt. Maybe a decent pair of loafers. Remove the rainbow headband. Hardly a massive deal if you really want to vote. He might actually find he likes it. Kind of like a vacation.
  14. No surprise that Labour are going after a believer in free speech. They wish to silence opposing or critical views, like all leftists. Liberals in 2024 are the most illiberal, intolerant group in politics.
  15. Only if they highly value the ability to not answer questions.
  16. The "black hole" is simply a lie to try and justify the nasty Labour party going after the weak and vulnerable pensioners. Even if it were true, there are other ways to recover it rather than allowing old people to freeze to death. https://ifs.org.uk/articles/ps22bn-black-hole-was-obvious-anyone-who-dared-look
  17. I'm not a teenage girl Chomps so the amount of 'likes' or 'sad' emojis is not something I go back to check 😃. I can see why someone of your ilk would find this so important though... 😆
  18. Harris did not perform as badly as expected. That does not mean she did not perform badly. You are exposing your own low expectations.
  19. You're letting your imagination get the better of you again.
  20. Exactly. Her MO is to start the answer "Well let me just first say..." and then never return to the original question. Apparently that is a brilliant performance according to the socialists on here.
  21. Really? Thanks Captain Obvious. He seemed to think he was... 2 weeks before he quit. You seem to have misunderstood my post. Read it again. Harris could have performed as badly as Biden did and people like you would still be saying she was great. Because that's what they were saying about Biden. It's leftist gaslighting. Par for the course. The only reason some people are so excited about Harris' performance is because expectations were so low.
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