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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Well done Mr Trump. I hope you can save Americans the fate that Brits are currently facing under the Draconain Labour government.
  2. A Pakistani Muslim called Muhammad Khan with an ISIS inspired plot. Yep, no links to the middle east there. Oh I see. Doesn't count if the police got to him before he blew up a load of Jews. Got it... Nothing to see here.. Move along swiftly...
  3. At the same rate that Islamism and extreme Leftism has been rolling across Europe and the globe. An amazing coincidence. Uncanny, in fact.
  4. Americans importing middle eastern conflicts onto the streets of NYC. Just like the UK has done in so many of it's cities. If only someone could have predicted all this 😃.
  5. Labour blaming everything on the Tories. Never saw that coming... I've even seen people on here blaming the Tories for Blair's illegal war in Iraq based on his WMD lies. 😃 Pathetic. Labour are wreaking far more damage than even I could have imagined. Labour voters are getting everything they deserve, and more.
  6. The difference is that the BBC is state funded and is supposed to be neutral. It is in the charter. They don't even hide their bias, calling Hamas terrorists "freedom fighters". It's absolutely disgusting. The BBC are nothing more than state funded left wing propaganda. Funded by money extorted from the citizens via draconian threats. It will get far worse under Labour.
  7. America will be in safe hands with Trump and Musk. November will be awesome.
  8. Outsourcing the gulag. 2 tier Keir is getting a bit over excited. Calm down son.
  9. Should give them a ban on not being deported immediately.
  10. No conviction no policies. No debates. Just a box ticker with a grating voice and a cackle. A new low for US politics.
  11. Only a suspended sentence for Mohamed. It would appear that actually rioting is not as bad as posting on FaceBook about rioting. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cqjlx4rye82o I guess there were no cells available for this guy or the child rapist. The prisons are simply too full, they say. Of course, they will find one for the Tory FaceBook poster, as well as the guy who repeated Rayner's promise that immigrants will be shared equally to every town. That was simply unforgivable and a lengthy sentence was inevitable, they say. They'll release some prisoners early to make space for "serious" crimes like stupid FaceBook posts. Two Tier Britain in full effect.
  12. https://www.endfuelpoverty.org.uk/4950-excess-winter-deaths-caused-by-cold-homes-last-winter/ Of course, Starmer removing the OAP fuel allowance that the Tories introduced will add to these deaths. But feel free to continue making your wise cracks about it.
  13. I agree that ALL dogs should be better controlled in Thailand. Irrespective of breed. But for all the nutjobs screaming for dogs to be shot, thrown off buildings etc. they can forget about it. It's very difficult to get a Thai vet to put a dog down. It's also very difficult to get them to go near a dog that they believe to be vicious. So put your fantasies on hold tough guys. This is Thailand, not your nanny states. Thankfully.
  14. How many previous convictions are required for my statement to be incorrect?
  15. They've got form. Walz also put his lies about his military service down to a grammatical error. As shifty as they come.
  16. You glib comment indicates you share Starmer's lack of concern.
  17. Pointing out Starmer's rank hypocrisy and nasty treatment of OAP's is a perfectly logical position to take.
  18. Flew out of Heathrow on August 4th. Yes and the means testing limit is 12,000 pounds. A pathetically low amount with which to leave pensioners fending for themselves through a long British winter. Many will die and that will be on Starmer if he is stupid enough not to bow to pressure to reverse the cruel policy.
  19. Only if you still reminisce about riding the dodgems in the fairground as a child.
  20. 12,000 per year. You think someone on a couple of thousand above that is rolling in money? Have you been to the UK lately? OAP's are going to have to choose between food and heat. An absolute disgrace. Labour used to represent these kind of people. Not any more. The fact that he was accusing the Tories of doing this just weeks before the election, and then went ahead and did it himself makes him not only a nasty piece of work, but a massive hypocrite. Although I've come to expect hypocrisy from the left. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/keir-starmer-tories-winter-fuel-raid-weeks-before-election/
  21. Should be fine as long as the warmongering Democrats are voted out of office and peace can return under Trump. Having Harris with her finger on the button is a terrifying prospect for the world.
  22. Exactly. The trust is gone. I'd be checking him for wires every time I met him and even then I'd be concerned about another book the next time he meets a bit of skirt with a personality disorder. Best to cut him off. He's hasn't so much crossed the line as launched himself over it on the back of an RPG.
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