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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. I remember the left were also claiming Biden did great against Trump. He was gone 2 weeks later. Gaslighting. It's what the left do. As a neutral observer I can say it was fairly even until the closing arguments, then Trump pulled away.
  2. Voters judge politicians on past performance. Not vague words like Hope, Joy and Progress with no policies in place to achieve such things.
  3. I thought it was a bit boring. Trump being Trump and Harris not answering the questions. Trump's final statement was strong. All of this "on day one", and "new beginning" and "we have to do better than this" from Harris when the Dems have been in power for 12 of the last 16 years and she has been VP for the last 3.5 years is pretty stupid. Trump highlighted that and that's what will stick in many people's minds since the rest of it was pretty forgettable IMO.
  4. It wasn't a misstep, it was simply the latest in a long string of incidents that highlighted 2 tier policing in Britain. They did it then, and they will do it next time as well. The Met Police under Khan are a joke. The UK under Starmer is a joke.
  5. That will do wonders for the second hand value of EV's of the people who already bought them. 😃 You'll have to knock off 30% of your second hand car just to match the price of a brand new one.
  6. It's amazing how so many of the actors in the Harry Potter films have turned out to be complete tools. Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Miriam Margoyles and now Ian McKellen. It's like the Superman curse, but worse. 😃 At least JK Rowling still has some common sense.
  7. Said without a hint of irony, from 1 of the 100 avid readers of The Guardian 😃.
  8. And as if by magic... https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/germany-put-temporary-controls-all-land-borders-source-says-2024-09-09/ Too little too late? Probably...
  9. Yes, he quit 2 weeks after posting this. We heard you loud and clear Joe. You're a true man of your word.
  10. Nonsense. Dogs release heat through the mouth. Taping it shut so they cannot release heat and also cannot drink water in 40 degree heat is essentially torture and could easily lead to death.
  11. Don't worry, I'm sure the media will do all this for you if McGregor decides to run.
  12. He hardly beat him up. He flicked a hand into him. The guy didn't even bother getting up off his barstool, just carried on sipping his drink. It was a very stupid thing to do, but let's not pretend he beat him up. I mean, it's not like he removed his winter fuel allowance and let him freeze to death. Alleged cocaine use. When in Rome... Seriously though, that was part of a MMA fight promotion, fighters often do silly things to promote a fight. Like I said he's not my cup of tea, but Ireland has far bigger social issues right now than the fact a potential President once got into a bar scuffle. It's not like he was drink driving like VP pick Walz. I'd certainly like to see him run. It would be good to see a straight talker like him highlighting the issues that Ireland faces right now.
  13. Well Starmer has always been a Republican so he probably enjoys this type of rubbish. Prison sentences in the UK are reserved for people posting about illegal immigration on FaceBook. Child Rapists and the like walk free due to lack of prison spaces. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13768989/child-rapist-spared-jail-prison-overcrowding.html
  14. With illegal immigrants top of the list, no doubt.
  15. What a cowardly low move, waiting until the Queen was dead before coming out and telling tales about her. No surprise he sides with a traitor like Harry. Two peas in a pod. Obviously it didn't stop him taking the Knighthood. No no. He'll have that. Typical hypocritical leftist luvvy.
  16. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13827471/Labours-plan-strip-million-pensioners-winter-fuel-payments-KILL.html
  17. Election fraud is indeed a very serious crime and those participating in it should be prosectuted.
  18. Yes, I am sure that's why they are withholding the information.
  19. Is he still President? The only time I've seen him was when he was stumbling around a beach on vacation mumbling like a grumpy old man with kids on his lawn. Who is running the country? The "Democrats" 😄 A presidential nominee that was 'selected' and a President who is essentially an hollow shell of a man being controlled from the shadows. What a joke.
  20. Inaction would be better than what Labour have done so far. Removing the pensioners fuel allowance where by their own estimates some extra 4000 pensioners will freeze to death this winter is a cruel and ill thought out policy, and one which they opposed when they thought the Tories would do it. This could be their "poll tax" moment. Two tier Keir is too stubborn and arrogant to roll back on it I suspect. Not to mention his calls to lock up anyone who disagrees with his ridiculous stance on immigration. Blaming the 'far right' for everything (funny how they suddenly 'appeared' when Starmer's polcies were ridiculed). He has money for foreign aid but not for the people who pay into the system and actually elected him. They are looking unfit for purpose at this point. How people voted for them is beyond me. It took a decade for the Tories to become as unpopular as he has in a few weeks. Starmer will destroy Britain and you get the impression that is by design.
  21. Actually it's called Mixed Martial Arts. Do you call boxing "ring fighting"? I think McGregor could do very well if he chooses to stand. He is a very charismatic individual who is a bit of a cult hero in Ireland. Not my cup of tea, but he certainly addresses the concerns of a lot of ordinary Irish people who have been badly let down by previous leaders.
  22. A terrorist threat (based on middle eastern conflict with links to a middle eastern terror group) that is foiled is still a terrorist threat. My statement was correct. Nice attempt to try to pretend it has nothing to do with the middle east though. Yes, a purely domestic incident, move along...
  23. Expect lots of negative media articles about McGregor to surface shortly, no doubt including lots of references to the "far right".
  24. Ah, the mythical far right again i.e. anyone who disagrees with failed leftist policies, especially those surrounding immigration. 😃
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