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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. The dogs involved in the attack should be euthanized. Of course. The fact remains that they are not PitBulls. But kill the bulldog mutts if it makes you feel better. Feel free to add it to the Pitbull death stats as well. Nobody is banning them anyway. Not in Thailand. Don't like it? Return to the nanny states from whence you came.
  2. I look forward to comparing her sentence to that of the Labour guy who called for his opponents have their throats slit. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/ricky-jones-violent-disorder-charge-throat-slit-cps-b1175682.html Should be interesting given the 2 tier system in Britain.
  3. Nah. The "rise of the far right" is a myth. It's just the most recent soundbite used by the left wing media for when huge numbers of people openly disagree with left wing ideology. I'm not surprised you've latched onto it though. 😄
  4. Yes, it would appear some posters cannot see the difference between this beautiful creature (courtesy of google, not mine) And whatever this mutt is.
  5. It's not a Pitbull either. It is descended from bulldogs and a mix of various terriers. Genetically different from American PitBull Terriers (the only true "Pitbull"). But thanks for once again showing how the bite stats for PitBulls get inflated by mistaken identity. I'm not defending them. I am simply pointing out that the dogs in this attack are not Pitbulls. Not even close. They don't even look like American Bullys to me. They have the distinctive short snout and jaw of a bulldog, bred that way for bull baiting.
  6. Wrong again. 😃 Bulldogs hail from the Molosser dog family where Pitbulls hail from the Terrier family.
  7. It seems we can add Canada to the list of western nations whose citizens are growing tired of being sold out by Liberal politicians. Saw an amusing video yesterday of him getting torn a new one by a steel worker. I'd say his days in power are numbered. Let's hope so.
  8. I'd say they are a bit smarter than that. It may or may not be due to Swift's very vocal support of the government that is bombing Hamas by proxy. It may or not be because she purports to represent wholesome American values. But they choose their targets for maximum effect, whether that be in terms of body count or ideology. Painting them as clueless savages is not helpful. Savages, yes. But not as indiscriminate as you suggest.
  9. Why are they targeting Taylor Swift concerts? Is it because she is so vocal in her support of the Democrats who are funding Israel's military operations against Hamas? Serious question. Why go after Tay Tay and the Swifties?
  10. So much anger towards PitBulls on this thread (about an attack that didn't even involve a PitBull). To provide some balance, allow me to bring some joy to those frothing at the mouth from their Pattaya bar stool, with a pic of my smiling Red Nose American Pit Bull Terrier. Or Pibble as I like to say... Awww he's such a good boy. 😗
  11. 50% of the electorate are childless women? Fascinating. What's disappointing is grown adult Democrats repeating the insult "weird" ad infinitum, like the stereotypical mean girl gang in a 90's high school movie. So juvenile. 😃 I bet you do it with a grating Californian accent and vocal fry "You're just like, sooooooo weird". 😃
  12. Nothing to do with the mythical "far right". The Tories promised to get a control of immigration and failed. When people's votes are ignored and they are lied to, unfortunately it can lead to unrest. It will only get worse under Labour. Starmer can't simply lock up the millions of people who object to seeing their country and liberty taken from them. His deeply authoritarian two tier approach will only add fuel to the fire.
  13. Shouldn't be allowed. He has criticized the country and also the British royal family. Told countless lies for his 30 pieces of silver. Let the Queen go to her grave believing that people thought her family was racist. Publicly insulted his brother, and his brother's and fathers wife. Sold out his own family for a jezebel. Unforgivable. I have to say it was fascinating to see that so long after the war of Independence the Democrats were still prepared to roll over backwards and break their own visa rules for a self confessed, drug taking British Prince. I guess old habits die hard. Let's hope Trump doesn't reverse that decision, we don't want him back.
  14. But he hasn't. What's your point? Harris hasn't taken over. Probably should given Biden's condition but that would allow the voters to assess her performance before November. That wouldn't go well. The Dems avoided the democratic process of voting on their nominee. They will have no choice but to adhere to the process in November. Bad news for Harris, especially if she does any more interviews.
  15. Yes, finally the "Democrats" will be forced to adhere to democratic principles. They will not be allowed to "select" the POTUS based on immutabe characteristics. Bad news for Harris. Her history of getting votes is less than stellar.
  16. Coming from a leftist that is actually hilarious.
  17. Yes, Thailand is well known for it's welfare state. 😄
  18. That's because you are obstinately attached to a belief. I think there is a word for that... 😃
  19. But Liberals ignore that because they don't expect any better of the Thais. Oh, and it's cheap to live there (partly due to the far right policies).
  20. Actually normally presidential nominees are selected through a democractic process. Harris skipped this because she ticked the right boxes.
  21. There was no error. You just didn't understand the use of brackets in the structure of the sentence (or pretended not to). Let me make it simpler for you. Some liberals are antisemitic like the Nazis were.
  22. Because they support racism against these groups. A very conservative estimate.
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