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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Meanwhile, child rapists are spared jail because the prisons are full of people making rude posts on FaceBook about immigration from their own homes. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13768989/child-rapist-spared-jail-prison-overcrowding.html https://www.newsandstar.co.uk/news/24513379.sellafield-worker-jailed-sharing-offensive-facebook-posts/ Interesting that you would and @placeholder support, even celebrate this.
  2. Thatchers Lite? Don't think that exists, there's Thatcher's gold though. A lovely drop of Cider, although I'd imagine he'll ban drinking soon, along with smoking in pub gardens. https://www.theguardian.com/society/article/2024/aug/29/starmer-faces-pushback-from-pubs-over-bonkers-outdoor-smoking-curbs Another day, another ban.
  3. There's at least half that amount in Kings Castle on a Friday night. So I'm told...
  4. To be honest I was expecting softer, given it was CNN. Something along the lines of "How do you remain so dignified, serene and captivating when dealing with that hideous animal, Trump" as an opener wouldn't have surprised me one bit. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  5. Looks like a kid at parents evening, explaining why she got bad grades while her Dad silently judges her, contemplating how long to remove her phone priviliges ๐Ÿ˜ƒ.
  6. Moi? ๐Ÿ‘€ It's been done to death but you could start by looking at how many citizens in the EuroZone voted for Von Der Leyen.
  7. Yes, Musk is doing an excellent job on X of showing the world what a disaster this Starmer government is. So much so that they want to extradite him to the UK and send him to the gulag ๐Ÿ˜ƒ.
  8. Women only? Doesn't Sound very inclusive. I'd imagine they'll be fine with trans women using it though... I can see a non crime hate incident in the Church of England's not too distant future.
  9. I'm sure they will get round to it once they have transferred their vast inheritance out of Nigeria due to a frozen account. I'm currently helping the son of a wealthy businessman do the same, but I'm having trouble contacting him since I sent him my bank details. Wouldn't surprise me if these guys from Operation Jackal were blocking his emails.
  10. To be fair, they probably had to make sure there were enough available prison spaces before inviting opinions from protest groups who might disagree with their policies.
  11. Trump is reaching on this one. Nobody listens to Harris...
  12. Says the anti racist who applies the one drop rule. ๐Ÿ˜„ However, if you check the thread you will see that I was not the one who inserted race into the conversation. Just corrected an error. You're welcome.
  13. If I had to go through all my old posts every time you forget something I'd never get any work done. But at least you are posting on the correct thread this time.
  14. Yes it's deeply ironic that it tends to be "anti racist" Liberals that apply the "one drop rule" to the likes of Obama, Harris etc. and get terribly upset when someone points out that they are in fact mixed race.
  15. Fish, coffee, tumeric, broccoli are all excellent for boosting memory function.
  16. Highly unlikely. Wouldn't want to appear racist in 2 tier Britain. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/08/24/notting-hill-carnival-example-two-tier-policing/
  17. It certainly seems the problems are mounting for Germany, both politically and economically. I hope this doesn't have any negative impact on the EU.
  18. First locking people up for FaceBook posts, now removing the right to peaceful protest. It would appear that "Liberal" has taken on a new meaning. It's a good job they are releasing real offenders from the gulag early, in order to make room for people who disagree with them. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crg5vp0296eo
  19. Could this be any more pathetic? She's running for POTUS and she can't even do a softball interview with a leftist propaganda machine like CNN without bringing someone along to hold her hand.๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  20. I actually made it to the end of that post. Of course I have a headache but that's par for the course with your posts. Paragraphs Bro. Use them. Yes dogs that are dog aggressive should be kept away from other dogs. Common sense. Same as horses should not be let loose on highways. They might cause an accident. That does not mean we ban horses when an idiot buys one and releases it on the highway. Any more than we ban white vans when a cultural enricher drives one into a London crowd while shouting Allahu Ahkbar.
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