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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Turn off the air con? Is this really the best they've got? Really? I'd bet my bollux to a barndance that no senior government officials will be turning down their air con for a single second.
  2. I doubt I'd pay 2,500 Baht, let alone 25,000. It will be a friendly, with loads of substitutions and squad players jogging around in incredibly heat and supporters no doubt will have to wear masks throughout. The atmosphere will be nothing like a Premier league game. It wouldn't surprise me if cheering was banned. The stadium looks poorly maintained as well. I'll wait until I'm back in the UK and watch a real game thanks.
  3. I had a similar incident 2 years ago on an 850cc bike. The marks on the road showed I slid about 50 metres down the road after being hit from behind (the damage to the bike showed me that) but I escaped with a broken collarbone, 3 broken ribs and a broken thumb (plus the usual road rash even though I had a bike jacket on). I was knocked unconscious and woke in the ambulance but my helmet shows that I slid at least some of that distance on the side of my head and count myself lucky not to have suffered a serious neck injury like this guy did. I never ride at night now. I will never know but strongly suspect whoever hit me was drunk. RIP to this guy and his friend.
  4. I guess it's possible she could become the next PM, assuming free and fair elections are ever held. But if the Thai people elected her via the ballot box, it wouldn't be long before the army got the tanks out to "return happiness to the Thai people" again.
  5. Excellent news. More chance to catch it from a positive person on the flight and get hospitelled for 100,000 Baht upon landing.
  6. In terms of productivity, I found the opposite. For tasks that require high concentration (e.g. coding) I was able to immerse myself in the job completely without someone sticking their head into my office every 5 minutes for a personal chat or an opinion on something work related but generally unimportant. Also, I like to take a 5 minute break every 30 minutes or so and I was able to do something useful during that break like take my laundry to the dropoff point, water the plants etc. instead of just browsing the internet (often this website) if I'm in the office. I also lost weight as I'd spend my hour lunch break on the treadmill instead of browsing the internet as I do at the office. I ate better as well, it's easier to prepare decent food in your own kitchen that at the office. Typically I would work from home 2 days per week though and 3 days in the office. I think this is a good balance. If it was 5 days at home, I think I'd slip into bad habits, couch surfing in my underpants, watching Netflix etc.
  7. I don't think anyone is getting worked up. They are just pointing out that it is an outdated pointless law. We all know multiple ways around it, which just reinforces the fact that it is pointless. When laws are so obviously pointless, it makes breaking the law socially and morally acceptable. It becomes a habit for otherwise law abiding, considerate, reasonable people. Essentially, it makes people lose respect for the law and those legislating and enforcing it. The sensible thing to do would be to revoke it. But, we all know how common sense is applied here so I'm sure it will stay for a few more decades, inconveniencing tourists and locals alike.
  8. I get the impression Thailand will be one of the last countries in the world to drop the mask wearing. A lot of people seem to like them. Whether that's the anonymity I'm not sure? Girls enjoying not having to wear make up or being leered at? The pollution? The Thai mindset of conforming and appearing virtuous while looking down on 'non maskers'? 2 years worth of fear being pumped into the population? Blind acceptance that they save your life? It's definitely a bit odd in this heat. Not conducive to getting tourists rolling in that's for sure. I saw a Tuk Tuk driver shouting at an elderly farang for not wearing one as he walked down Sukhumvit at 7am on a Sunday morning with nobody anywhere near him. It doesn't create a nice atmosphere that's for sure.
  9. "people will be allowed to travel and visit with family," Well that's very gracious of you Anutin. When are we going to get away from this mentality that the default position is being locked down, and we need permission from people like Anutin to travel and visit our families? The fact that these illegal power grabbers feel like they have any kind of authority to lock us up is really concerning. They're going to keep Covid fear dragging on as long as possible, they simply love the power it gives them to micro manage the lives of the population.
  10. Well obviously not everyone can work from home (I was working on the basis that sometimes things are so obvious that they don't have to be stated but well done on pointing that out). However, removing a lot of office workers from the roads would reduce traffic congestion and make life easier for many of those you mentioned getting to and from work. It would also reduce demand for oil, reduce pollution, traffic deaths etc. Don't let perfection stand in the way of improvement.
  11. They should implement Work From Home for 1-2 days per week. It worked great in the company I work for during the height of Covid, yet for some strange reason we all have to return to the office now, spending time and money in traffic again, polluting the city for no reason whatsoever despite the fact we've proved we can be as (if not more) productive working from home.
  12. It's a stupid law. The only people who really suffer are the likes of 7-11, Tesco etc. since we all know you can simply go to a Mom and Pop shop to buy your beer between 2-5 or sit happily in a pub all afternoon getting wasted on lovely draught beer and quite often this quiet afternoon period is happy hour as well. Given who owns 711 and Tesco (Lotus's), I am amazed the law has lasted so long. Maybe they haven't offered enough 'incentive' to remove it yet.
  13. Well done to Ratthawut. This is the reason theft is relatively rare here, because people actually defend their property so the thief has to take quite a risk to take it. I also suspect a few of the thiefs injuries occured after the crash, rather than during the crash.
  14. Why the sudden focus on Motorcyclists, who typically only kill themselves? Is it because the doctor that was killed was young, attractive and of a certain social status? Typical knee jerk reaction. Go after the Somchai's in their modified, smoke belching pickups and the Puu Yai's in their expensive European sedans. Both drive like absolute maniacs and these tend to be the people killing innocent bystanders (pedestrians, motorcyclists, passengers and other drivers). Nothing will happen though without changing the culture though. The stifling expectation of subservient, deferential behaviour by the proles, and the arrogant, petulant, entitled attitudes of the wealthy means that once either group gets behind the tinted glass of a large and/or expensive vehicle they behave like complete asshats. The first time I came here I remember thinking that the traffic looked like a bunch of angsty 13 year olds had been given the keys to their parents cars for the day. It was like dodgems at the fairground. The attitude and ability of the drivers is woeful.
  15. Amsterdam is arguably the sex capital of Europe. It's got nothing on Pattaya/Bangkok. Not even in the same league.
  16. If Thailand wishes to market itself as some kind of puritanical, moral society then at least do a decent job of it. Because right now, these alcohol advertising bans and posturing about the illegality of prostitution are doing absolutely nothing. Thailand is still known worldwide as a basket case, the sex capital of the world renowned for ladyboys and scams. All that effort for nothing.
  17. Beaten unconscious by his seniors? A microcosm of Thai society if ever there was one. Whatever happened to Freshers just going out, getting drunk and having a good time with the second year students like I did in London in the mid 90's? With the second year students showing us the best pubs, clubs etc. in the area and friendships forming. Why the need for this 'show of power' by 'senior' students. It's absolutely pathetic. Mind blowingly stupid.
  18. Ridiculous. I know plenty of bars in Bangkok where the 'rules' are already pretty much the same as pre-Covid once you step inside and remove the face nappy. Hostesses sitting with customers, no masks, dancing on stage, no ATK test, no proof of vaccine, no temperature checks etc. What's the point of proposing relaxing the rules when the new rules being proposed are still much stricter than what is actually happening right now. It's farcical. A dog and pony show.
  19. Looks cool. I was never a fan of the original but this one is a bit more normal sized and actually looks like a proper bike from some angles. I'd think I'd rather have the Monkey though, as I think as the Dax has only got a 4 speed box and a tiny 4 litre tank. I'm going to have a look for a Sammy Sand limited edition.
  20. What an incredibly stupid ritual. When I was a "Fresher" at a London Uni in the mid 90's we simply went out, got wasted and then had sex with any female that was willing. If a second year student had suggested I 'respect' him or do some stupid, degrading task then I'd have told him to go F himself.
  21. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about ????. I've grown up with dogs my whole life and currently have 7 up on our farm in Korat, including a Rednose PitBull who is very well trained and has an exceptional temperament. Your opinion on whether I should own dogs is not only inaccurate, but completely irrelevant. I'd invite you to come and visit to see for yourself, you might learn something. However, while the PitBill likes everyone, the 6 'Thai' dogs are much more discerning and have proven to be excellent judges of character in humans so it might not be the best idea ????.
  22. His style is becoming more and more dictatorial as his 'reign' continues. I think he's got his eyes on a Xi style job for life. Pity Thailand.
  23. Indeed. And in the case of the American PitBull Terrier they are often mis-categorized so that dogs such as the Dogo Argentino, Cane Corso or Mastiff attacks someone and it gets labelled by the media as a PitBull attack by some uneducated journo or simply because they know putting that word in the heading gets clicks. Then it ends up in the statistics linked to by the forum member on this thread. It's another reason why breed specific legislation is so misguided. I bet the majority of forum members would classify at least 10 of the dogs below as Pitbulls if it wasn't for the description underneath.
  24. Saw it on Twitter yesterday. It was in the UK press as well, a lovely image of Thai sportsmanship. The guy definitely has some Muay Thai skills but should be charged with assault in addition to being sacked. No place for that on a football pitch. Clean him out in the next 50/50 by all means but don't sucker punch (or in this case elbow) him.
  25. Yep, you'll often find the geniuses riding them are clad in black clothing as well, just to give you every chance of cleaning them out. They rarely forget their mask though.
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