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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Fair play? Nothing fair about letting men compete against women. It's pretty much the definition of unfair. Time to stop gaslighting on this issue and tell it how it is.
  2. Sounds like a true man of the people. Like many #bekind Labour hypocrites.
  3. Not really. It's not like a 9-5. Just a few days a month, chauffered to and from events, luxury hotels. Plenty of holidays at incredible places. She just couldn't take being number 2 to Catherine in every regard (rank, beauty, popularity, charisma). That's her fault. I don't believe for a moment that she wasn't given significant assistance. Nor do I believe she's never googled Harry like she claimed. Laughable lies. Yes, and quite a nasty piece of work judging by his vitriolic book.
  4. Just another Biden failure. One of many. The guy couldn't run a bath let alone a country.
  5. She has messed it up spectacularly. From royalty, a life of privilge and public adoration to fake royal tours and flogging dog biscuits on her stupidly named website. She is also one of the most derided women on the planet, being ridiculed on South Park amongst others. Labeled a ******* grifter by the boss of Spotify. Multiple projects that never got off the ground. Netflix/Spotify deals about to be/already cancelled. She's a busted flush and it wouldn't surprise me if they try to weasel their way back into the Royal Family within 3 years. She has been exposed as the lying narcissist that she is. Harry got played, the dimwit.
  6. You are an excellent example of someone so extreme leftist and vocal that you actually drive people to the right. I want expecting validation so quickly but thanks anyway.
  7. Great point. Haven't heard anything about trans issues for years 😆
  8. Agree. Same in Europe. When the centre right let them down and then the left make it even worse people will hold their nose vote far right. It's their only choice. I fear the worst and am very happy to be in the relative sanity of Thailand, a country that protects its borders and culture like many in the East. That's why the East is rising and the west is failing. I remember a philippino colleague in bangkok saying to me in his typically no nonsense fashion" you know the trouble with the West you're too f'in liberal". I agreed.
  9. Another case of ignoring huge problems and deflecting to minority issues. Ageing transgenders? Yes let's focus on that while people can't pay their mortgage and pay their bills due to rampant inflation.
  10. What a surprise the Guardian are also gaslighting about it 😄. Nothing to see here. Shut up and accept it or we will call you racist and far right. The left are creating huge problems labelling normal people far right. I predict it will backfire. Self fulfilling prophecy.
  11. That's the trouble. The left have overreached so far that people will vote far right just to teach them a lesson. It's the politics of division. We need more moderates or I fear the worst.
  12. 2 have died now following the Notting Hill riots. Not much focus on that. Nobody rushed through the courts and jailed to unusually long sentences within a week. How many died at the so called "far right" riots? How many stabbings and sexual assaults? But the mythical far right are the problem. Notting Hill was simply a marvellous celebration of diversity marred by a few unfortunate incidents. Yeah right... Two tier policing. 2 tier Britain. 2 tier reporting from the MSM. Gaslight all you want. Everyone can see it.
  13. Doesn't say anything about me. I didn't sleep with powerful figures for "help" with my career as Willie put it. Nothing to do with misogyny either. Just as bad when men do it.
  14. Waste of money. The days of wars being fought by Dangerboy Dave in his cool plane are long gone. I suggest the US spends it money on cyber security.
  15. They certainly committed to it. Reminded me of Roy Keane's tackle on Haaland and his subsequent comment in his autobiography. "Take that you ****". Not that I approve obviously. Terrible tackle.
  16. Don't believe it for a minute. Although it would explain a few things.
  17. When the left fails so spectacularly people will naturally start looking right. Ideology can only blind you to reality for so long. One can only hope that the political and economic problems to the EU's powerhouse Germany doesn't cause too may problems for the faceless unelected technocrats running the EU's failing federalist leftist project.
  18. Desperate stuff from the left. Talking about threats to democracy while pushing a nominee that avoided the democratic process to become the nominee.
  19. Strong policing. No different to a police cruiser spinning out a vehicle containing criminals committing a crime. Let's hope the cultural enrichers were rounded up and swiftly deported, unharmed.
  20. Now that she's copying his policies they appear quite similar. At least Trump doesn't have that annoying crackling voice. Not sure I can take 4 years of that.
  21. Nothing wrong with highlighting delinquent sexual behaviour. Especially when it assisted her up the greasy pole to her current position. They've thrown enough mud at him over the years.
  22. Agree. Apparently they cut half of it so the bits we saw were the best bits. I'd hate to see the worst. She's just so unpresidential. It's like they just dragged someone in from a local estate agents.
  23. Highlighting 2 tier policing based on ethnicity is not playing the race card. It's highlighting 2 tier policing. I know you'd rather sweep it under the carpet since we already know you support discrimination against people based on race. I believe you call it "positive" discrimination (as long as it's a certain race being discriminated against then you consider it a positive thing). You also apply the "one drop" rule when it comes to labeling people black (Obama, Harris etc.). Interesting stance for a so called anti racist.
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