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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. He wasn't' "hating" he was expressing concerns about levels of immigration. From his own home on FaceBook. Re-read the actual posts, there is no racist language. The left just define it as "hate" to justify locking up people who disagree with their policies. It's a method to silence people. Nothing more. The fact that you defend the suppression of human rights and freedom of speech is no surprise though. It's the left's M.O and has been for decades. Instead of addressing ths issues associated with the failed policies, they lock up people who draw attention to the issues.
  2. When you consider the absolute drivel that comes out of her mouth when she talks, it's a good strategy. Harris ; "We've been to the border" Holt ; "You haven't been to the border" Harris ; "And I haven't been to Europe". Seriously, she needs to stay silent until the election to stand any chance.
  3. Fascinating, maybe you could use one of the many Trump threads to vent your anger? But since you mentioned it, Trump doesn't get behind the wheel of a car drunk and endanger the lives of members of the public. Unlike Walz.
  4. Good to see US Police dealing with these violent Pro-Palestine/leftist thugs. I hope the UK police are watching and taking notes. They simply join in with the chants of "River to the Sea" in London.
  5. Indeed. Not only nice, but unusual. It will be interesting to see how they deal with someone in their ranks talking some common sense for once. Uncharted territory for the Dems. I wonder if it could be the start of more serious fractures in the party.
  6. Of course it happens. The clue is in the name. Positive discrimination. They are discriminating against white applicants because they want more BAME officers. There is nothing positive about it, it's just racism against white people instead of black people. Equally abhorrent. The politics of revenge. The belief that the answer to racism is more racism. The dumbest idea ever. The net result is a lower standard of officers since they are no longer choosing the best applicant irrespective of race, but excluding certain applicants because of their race. You end up with members of the Met Police singing "from the river to the sea" at Pro Palestine marches. If it wasn't so ridiculous it would be amusing.
  7. Musk is a legend. I'd love to see him on Trump's team although it probably couldn't happen due to his business interests.
  8. Pressured by the stasi I'd imagine. Threats of a long sentence, long late night interviews, limited knowledge of the law, fear. They always go after low hanging fruit. Seriously, the guy asked a question on FaceBook. Essentially, what's going to happen when they get here? It's the type of thing that an audience member on Question Time would ask the panel i.e. where are they going to live, where are the jobs going to come from, can the NHS cope? He didn't riot. He didn't throw bricks. He didn't even leave his house. You support jail time for that? Absolutely shameful. "Liberal" obviously has a very different meaning these days. Just lock up anyone who voices concerns about immigration levels.
  9. Just bow out gracefully Joe. No need for this silly posturing especially since you lost all credibility after being bullied out by old lady Pelosi.
  10. I don't admire Harris or Biden, but I am not aware of any plans to hang them, neither would I support such a call.
  11. Not very kind to call Harris a "weapon" although many would agree. And when is she being banned?
  12. No, you were being disingenuous (again) by pretending to think I was claiming she was "literally" locked in a basement. 😃
  13. Maybe stop embarrassing yourself and read my posts first. I said arrested for carrying them. It's illegal to carry Zombie knives.
  14. I didn't mean literally Chomps.😃 Even the Dems might face the courts if they did that.
  15. If she could, she would. If in doubt look at her recent reply about what she's going to do about inflation... She'll be exposed. Hence her being kept away from such environments as long as possible.
  16. Not really in line with their staff advising people to drop them off their weapons in the mosque. Maybe they could ask all the burglars to drop off their stolen goods as well. Save investigating. Or ask drug dealers to turn in their stash instead of selling them for profit. Job's a good 'un. Then they can stay at the station browsing Facebook for posts they disagree with... No wonder nobody respects them.
  17. What did he say that was racist? He repeated Rayner's comment and then asked a question what will happen when they arrive. Debates often start with such questions. No calls for violence. He didn't even attend a protest. Just posted a question on FB. Hardly worthy of a jail sentence.
  18. Reading from teleprompters. Let me know when she does a serious interview or a debate.
  19. Surrender them? Why don't the police do their job and arrest people carrying them? Oh that's right, they are too busy looking for posts they don't agree with on FB or attending gay pride events. Or singing from the river to the sea at pro palestine marches. Or taking the knee to BLM. Maybe they could just advise Muslims to leave them in the mosque again? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/08/05/police-review-liaison-officer-muslims-weapons-mosque/
  20. Quite possible if she is kept locked in the basement.
  21. Stating facts is not a hate crime. He posted on FB that immigrants were coming to a town near you. Just as Angela Rayner stated. Meanwhile protestors in London scream for Jihad on the streets and the police redefine the meaning of Jihad so as to not even make any arrest. And Cooper wonders why people don't respect the police or the government. 😃
  22. This man was jailed for sharing a post of Asian men saying "coming to a town near you" as a protest against immigration. https://www.newsandstar.co.uk/news/24513379.sellafield-worker-jailed-sharing-offensive-facebook-posts/ Since this is factually correct (Angela Rayner said everyone must take their fair share of immigrants and some of the immigrants are indeed Asian) there was no reason to jail the man for this. Was it offensive? Maybe to some, but being offensive is not an offense (for now). He was disagreeing with the government's policy. He wasn't calling for them to be attacked or for riots, he stated that they will be coming to a town near you which if Rayner is to believed, is absolutely true. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/26/labour-every-uk-borough-must-take-fair-share-migrants/ Jailed for a FaceBook post. Now, let's see what happens to the guys driving around London calling for the daughters of Jews to be raped. Oh that's right, no charges for that. 2 tier Britain. 2 tier Starmer.
  23. Probably to do with the alternative being Biden and then Harris.
  24. Disagreeing with a failing government policy is not hate mongering. Funny how you "liberals" go all totalitarian as soon as you get a whiff of power.
  25. Good advice. I had a similar incident on Sathorn about 10 years ago. Some loon blocked me with his bike then banged on my window for me to open it while his other hand was in his back pocket. Best to stay in the car. Either you lose the fight and end up with something sticking out of your neck or you win the fight and end up on the front of the paper with 5 cops pointing at you and possibly deported. Lose lose.
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