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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. A football chant that mocks? Well colour me shocked. Maybe grounds can have trigger warnings in case snowflakes wish to attend a game. You might even hear some colourful language. The Scottish chant isn't funny, it's revolting. "Lizzie's in a box". Think about that for a moment. How do you think it makes her children and grand children feel. The nation that loved her. It's a horrendous song, chanted by English hating Scottish nationalist hooligans. Fortunately they'll be eliminated from the tournament soon, and they can go back to supporting England's opponents like did in the days before the tournament was expanded enough to allow pub teams to qualify.
  2. I'd provide links of all the previous revolting comments by Labour MPs/candidates, but I have a meeting at 4pm tomorrow and wouldn't be able to finish in time.
  3. I'm more surprised that the police weren't already there, ensuring safe passage for the protestors and making Tarquin and Barnaby cups of Earl Grey. Actually, it's pride month so they were probably busy shopping for an outfit.
  4. Maybe you should check the lyrics. It's about the RAF defending the country by shooting down German bombers (Nazis) during WW2. Not very PC in today's Woke dystopia I grant you, but celebrating defeating the invading Nazis is a millions miles from celebrating the death of an old lady who served her country for 70 years, as the Scottish fans did.
  5. Good to see you supporting this oppressive, misogynistic practice. In the name of diversity of course 😃.
  6. Yes, some of them are smart enough to keep their views to themselves until July 5th. Sir Keir is ruling with an iron fist. Keep it zipped or get out.
  7. Defeating the Nazis in WW2 was a great achievement, one that saved the lives of millions and halted the suffering of many more millions. Celebrating the skill and bravery of the pilots, many of whom gave their lives for their country and ensured the freedom and liberty of their countrymen, while not really appropriate for a football game, is a million miles away from celebrating the death of an old lady who served her country with dignity for 70 years.
  8. If Labour got rid of every candidate with objectionable views they'd end up with the same number of seats as the greens. Best he keeps sweeping it under the carpet under until July 5th. After that, we'll find out what these people are really like soon enough.
  9. No surprise. Scottish nationalists have never been known for their benevolence or intellect. I guess when you have the corrupt SNP pumping out hate towards England, sorry I mean "Westminster" for so long it eventually becomes ingrained in the lower echelons of society. Fortunately they're rubbish at football so they'll be back on the plane to the land of deep fried mars bars and Irn Bru after their next game.
  10. This is what happens when the Doomsday cult manages to recruit and brainwash naive people. I saw one young girl at another protest being interviewed in tears about how she's never grow up to be an old lady because the world would end before then. Very odd people. There's a few of them on here 😃.
  11. I support neither man. Just providing unbiased commentary much like the BBC.
  12. Seems like The Maldives saw TAT shooting itself in the foot a few times and took off it's shirt and shouted "Hold my Beer".
  13. Couldn't agree more. A return to peace under Trump or continued war mongering under Biden. Choose wisely America.
  14. Yeah that was about a year ago. I posted a video of it at the time and got the usual apologists claiming it was an isolated incident, playing it down, asking for "links" to show what % of people agreed with them etc. Sickening.
  15. Absolutely disgusting. When the so called "adults" dismiss obvious anti-semitism and try to pass it off as anti-Zionism, act as apologists for the appaling chants/behaviour/violence seen in Pro Palestine protests across European cities and dismiss anyone who criticizes this behaviour as far right extremists then how do expect the next generation will turn out? Instead of gaslighting and denying, it is time for everyone to accept that anti-semitism is on a rapid rise in Europe and to tackle it in the strongest possible way.
  16. I'm talking about how immigrants sometimes bring with them attitudes and beliefs that are not desirable to most of the UK population. Whether that be Hindus treating their lower caste servants like dirt or Muslims with their homophobic/sexist/antisemitic views. Terribly sorry if the link between the two wasn't clear to you.
  17. 2 weeks is a long time in politics. But so far, Sir Keir has managed to brush most of the dirt under the carpet.
  18. I don't. Most aren't, although there are a few exceptions on the left, many in the Labour party. My comment was referring to Muslim immigrants bringing their own brand of antisemitism into Britain as seen at the recent Pro Palestine rallys in London. I believe it's known as "cultural enrichment".
  19. Well I don't know about you, but rarely miss an opportunity to match leopard skin prints with Zebra skin. Makes me feel Klassy.
  20. Actually that's exactly what Fauci was doing when he agreed to go on the show.
  21. No doubt you support the subjugation of women in this way, all in the name of diversity of course. 😃
  22. Stick to the cheesy songs and the leopard skin shirts Rod. It's a pop concert, not a political rally. People don't pay their hard earned cash to be told what to think by geriatric crooners with an inflated sense of their own importance and a toilet brush on their head.
  23. Product of a tool maker, Sir Keir Starmer must feel like he's playing bash the frog trying to keep the true distasteful nature of the Labour Party out of sight until the election. Don't worry Sir Keir, you can take the mask off on July 5th.
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