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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Back to the "good old days" of illegal invasions of the middle east?
  2. Boring drivel, and totally unrelated to the topic. At least you got to call someone a racist though. Your day wouldn't be complete without that 😃.
  3. No I said I like a bit of rough. Pretty much the same thing. I even described the characteristics, the gold chain, hoop earrings, hairstyle etc. of chavs. It was very clear the demographic I was referring to. Maybe since you are not British it went over your head. Or maybe you are trolling again? I don't consider chav derogatory. But then I'm not a snowflake. It's a jokey term, a bit like like Toff is used for upper class people. You leftists love trying to control other's language but I'm not interested in what you consider acceptable. I'm responsible for what I post. Not what you try to twist it into. 😃
  4. Disgusting. If there is one thing I cannot tolerate it is cruelty to animals, especially dogs. Jail time required on this one. Minimum 10 years.
  5. Please re-read the post Chomps, you are inserting your own presumptions and prejudices into what I actually wrote (again). As stated I actually quite like chav women. Dated one for a year in '04, she was great, had a 3 legged Staffordshire Bull Terrier with a large gold chain. Lovely dog. I judge people on their character not their background. Hence my disdain for Raynor.
  6. Not to mention trying to link every negative thing that happens in the world to climate change. They are a leftist propaganda machine at this point. Extorting money from the public under the threat of legal action to pay the likes of Gary Lineker and Huw Edwards millions per year. A national disgrace.
  7. With comments like that, he'll probably be up for promotion once this blows over. His views appear perfectly aligned with those of the BBC.
  8. Nonsense. What if a repairman found child porn on Trump's laptop. Would you still suggest he stay quiet? Jail the repairman for blowing the whistle? Of course not.
  9. At least the landings would be real this time.
  10. Thanks, I am indeed very well aware of the intolerance towards homosexuality from large sections of the Muslim community.
  11. Totally agree. If that had been Starmer, or even worse Lammy or Abbott then they'd have been all over it. "Far right racist thugs violently strike again" etc. As it is, they snigger and make jokes about how it should have been acid. The double standards are mind blowing.
  12. I too often see my family when they are 1000's of kms away. It's called FaceTime.
  13. Amazing that Combs got away with it for so long. Although to be fair, this type of behaviour and attitudes have long been normalized and glorified in rap, particularly 90's gangster rap which Combs grew up around. Also, white liberals would typically be reluctant to call out such speech for what it is due to the demographic involved in producing it. The patronizing excuses of "They don't know any better" or "They know not what they do" schtick. "Ain't No Fun" by Snoop Dogg is a good example of such shocking attitudes towards women if one looks at the lyrics. Or maybe Rat-Tat-Tat-Tat by Dr. Dre if your penchant is for songs about black on black violence. I won't post them here, for obvious reasons. Great tunes though 😄.
  14. I'd have to ask Galloway, but at face value I see nothing wrong in him making the speech. It's his opinion, and he should be free to voice it. It's not like he was screaming for the elimination of Israel or anything. The points he made will certainly be popular amongst his Muslim constituents.
  15. Depends whether I fancied a bit of class or a bit of rough. Nothing wrong with a bit of rough mind you. There's definitely something about those council estate girls with the large goldie looking chain, oversized hoop earrings, shellsuit, Croydon facelift etc. Although Rayner might be pushing it a bit far in that regard. We all have standards. 😃 Therefore I'd probably favour Mordaunt in that 'debate'.
  16. It could be argued that it is natural (and in fact necessary in terms of continuation of the species) for homosapiens to reproduce. Therefore in any species that requires a male and a female to reproduce, it would be logical to say that being heterosexual is a natural state. Given that around 90% of homosapiens are heterosexual, it is also the norm. I don't see anything ground breaking or shocking here.
  17. Well let's look at the definition of normal. So given that around 90% of people are heterosexual, it would be entirely accurate to say that heterosexuality is the norm for homosapiens. Not homosexuality. No far left ideology will change that. Using hyperbole to deny scientific fact should be discouraged.
  18. Hyperbole.😃 Galloway said being homosexual is not normal. He is correct. It's not the norm. He wasn't calling for them to be sent to death camps and trying to conflate the two positions in order to silence him doesn't change that.
  19. I never said they were a target. I said she singled them out (in response to your post below in red). I stand by my comments. Being ginger is not normal (as you conceded above), and by the same criteria neither is being homosexual. There is nothing wrong with being either, but neither are "the norm". Galloway was well within his rights to state something that is factually correct. The attempts to silence him are misguided. We must stand against those who try to control what we can and cannot say.
  20. Always good to hear the brilliant insight of an impartial political commentator like the radical leftist Owen Jones. 😆 Sounds like a dull affair between 2 dull politicans. Should have invited Farage, at least it would have been interesting.
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