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Posts posted by timekeeper

  1. Same owner China Garden, Jolly Fryer, Lone Star Texas Grill and sadly ex owner of LeKatai.

    He posts on a couple of the Pattaya forums and aparantly both the BBQ place and the Chinese buffet are very close.

    jolly friar is the unit beside lone star texas grill (which was juice ) china garden couple of doors down. last i heard the texas grill will be open in a matter of days

    dam_n, thats my parking place gone...........

  2. I excitedly wanted to review this place after a poster said that their F&C were better than anything on offer in the UK

    Goose's is way better than any F&C place in the Kingdom and as good as many overseas. :thumbsup:

    Now who is "exaggerating'? :whistling:

    looks like he is getting his Kingdoms mixed up.......

  3. As of today I can confirm Friendship on Pattaya Tai has two brands of Xmas pudds. The only thing I have never been able to get in town is mincemeat to make my own mince pies.

    Is this some kind of special mince meat your after or just the garden variety ground beef mince, if the latter it is sold pretty much everywhere, I buy mine from Foodland.

    Spoonman. No it is mainly minced mixed dried fruits with some suet in it that is used to make what are called mince pies, small sweet pies us Brits eat at Christmas time.

    See this link as a picture paints a thousand words my friend Mince Pies


    My bad, you mentioned minced meat not ground up dried fruit/pork fat concoction.

    he said ''mincemeat '' not ''minced meat ''

    two entirely different things


  4. Timekeeper, I'd appreciate if you can post on here if you see any. Don't want to end up with a "Jealous Mind" ! :D

    Off-topic, I'd completely forgotten about Alvin Stardust's Road Safety adverts.....good job they didn't pick Gary Glitter.

    Gary Glitter?


  5. As of today I can confirm Friendship on Pattaya Tai has two brands of Xmas pudds. The only thing I have never been able to get in town is mincemeat to make my own mince pies.

    Thanks for the information Rab, as I can eat mince pies at any time of the year, where did you get the mincemeat ? I'll grab a jar or two while we're there.

    As there are several fellow Scotsmen on here, is there anywhere in Pattaya that sells Scottish flags ? I brought one over several years ago, for the garden, but it needs replacing. I bought it in Mablethorpe, Lincolnshire, on a day out there, when we lived in the UK, and when I opened it here it was made in China !


    I was saying the one thing I have never found is mincemeat.

    Rab i have recently seen Robertsons mincemeat

    i smiled when i saw it

    only problem is i can't remember where

    i only shop at Tops, Central , Friendship, Foodland and Big C (occasionally villa)

    so it would have been at one of those

    i will look again when i am out shopping

    sorry i can't be more help

  6. as you are staying Centrally, try central festival food hall first

    lots of Waitrose stuff in there

    next the Villa market at the Avenue second road

    failing that then Friendship on Pattaya Thai should fix you up

    they even have Fray Bentos tinned pies and puddings.................

    Just as an aside Timekeeper, did u know Baxters of Fochabers (Cockaleekie soup etc!!) have just bought over Fray Bentos!!

    Anyway, Western on Chaiyapruek 2 have christmas puddings , mincemeat pies etc, and he is now taking orders for Turkeys!! http://www.wwmco.asia/ highly recommended by me!!

    i did not know that but i feel i have been past the Baxters factory when driving up to Buckie and Banff or maybe even Forres

    would that be right?

    Not Buckie or Banff, but Forres on the A96 yes, Now run by the daughter Audrey Baxter who by all accounts is one switched on business woman! Big place now!

    yes that will be it

    i remember thinking how great it was to have actually seen the place where the best soup in the world was made.........

  7. as you are staying Centrally, try central festival food hall first

    lots of Waitrose stuff in there

    next the Villa market at the Avenue second road

    failing that then Friendship on Pattaya Thai should fix you up

    they even have Fray Bentos tinned pies and puddings.................

    Just as an aside Timekeeper, did u know Baxters of Fochabers (Cockaleekie soup etc!!) have just bought over Fray Bentos!!

    Anyway, Western on Chaiyapruek 2 have christmas puddings , mincemeat pies etc, and he is now taking orders for Turkeys!! http://www.wwmco.asia/ highly recommended by me!!

    i did not know that but i feel i have been past the Baxters factory when driving up to Buckie and Banff or maybe even Forres

    would that be right?

  8. Iam and my wife were looking for a chiken hamburger today. So we decided to stop and check them at Just Burgers. I parked my PCX near "road menu". My wife came to check burgers, while i was still sitting on my PCX. I must admit that i park incorrectly, but i did no problems to anybody. Here comes the owner of Just Burgers(farang) with friendly greeting - "FCK OFF". Very nice.

    We just left. Will never return there.

    can you give more details as to where you parked?

    i may just want to call in when i want to let off some steam......

  9. as you are staying Centrally, try central festival food hall first

    lots of Waitrose stuff in there

    next the Villa market at the Avenue second road

    failing that then Friendship on Pattaya Thai should fix you up

    they even have Fray Bentos tinned pies and puddings.................

    Thanks for the reply. Central festival food hall is Big C, if I remember correctly, it's been a few years since I've been to "the dark side'.


    I seem to recall that Friendship used to sell Guinness, but that was a lot of years ago.

    no sir, central festival center is a huge shopping center that straddles beach road and second road, next to the police station soi

    The Hilton Hotel is attached to it

    the shopping is provided by Tops in the basement but they do have a lot of imported farang favorites as well as Thai foods

    if you have not seen it and you like shopping then you are in for a treat...........

  10. as you are staying Centrally, try central festival food hall first

    lots of Waitrose stuff in there

    next the Villa market at the Avenue second road

    failing that then Friendship on Pattaya Thai should fix you up

    they even have Fray Bentos tinned pies and puddings.................

  11. Goose's - where exactly is that, is it between Soi's 7 & 8, the old Symphony restaurant?


    thats the place Jimmy, it was Symphony when Hugh had it and before that it was Mata Hari when Louis was there

    showing my age now.........

    Is Hugh still around, we actually had dinner at Symphonies the very last night they were open and I remember Hugh saying that he was involved with a restaurant in The Jomtien complex, do you know where and is the food still just as good?



    yes he is

    he went to Poseidon as manager for pascal

    he has been left there for some time

    you can contact him through baansouyresort dot com

    i hope that helps

  12. CGW,

    after thinking about your question if I live here or take extended vacations, I honestly can't tell you. I spend about 8 months out of the year here, I'd like to think that I live here.. but since I leave Thailand to enjoy short summers of Eastern Europe, maybe I don't really live here.

    As for 'pottering' around downtown every day, I don't know what that word is, but it sounds like a bad thing, something that a real Pattaya resident shouldn't do. But I'm retired, what do you suggest I should fill my days with?

    I must now say good bye to you guys at Pattaya Thaivisa. Having mean spirited exchanges can get a person feel down, and theres no need for that. Be well all!

    ''pottering'' merely means wandering around , meandering aimlessly

    nothing bad

  13. Just past the place tonight, 24hr opening, perfect. Any menu available yet?


    Great question, attached is our menu. We revamped our menu recently, I think the results worked out really well. It has been a hit.

    We are still working on the pies, so for the moment, they won't be available for another week or so. Everything else though, will be available. Please disregard the BKK tel menu, our local ordering number will be 038-303067. We are hoping to have several delivery bikes, or use one of the local delivery services (Food by Phone, etc). Does anybody have a preference for delivery? I know that some delivery services can take a bit more time, we might be faster if we did it ourselves?

    Thank you,



    Link to menu. Just noticed 2mb upload limit here, our menu is about 4mb. Please download at your convenience.


    just started reading that menu

    got to mid way through the starters and had to give up

    much too much salivating going on and its only breakfast time.......

  14. I am shocked by what I read here. If you have a high usage the electric company will come to your house and try to find out the reason for it. They donot like large consumers of electricity here. They encourage less usage. I have a friend with a large bakery. They have 3 huge electric ovens working from 6 in the morning till late in the afternoon everyday.Also 2 large commercial aircons going all day to cool off the customer area. Plus huge commercial fridges for the bake goods out front that people open the doors on all day. Plus they live upstairs and use 3 aircons in the bedrooms. The electric company has come to their place and looked to see why they use so much. The electric company wanted them to cut back some how if they could. Their average monthly bill is 7000 to 8 000

    So anyone with high usage at a private residence should get cooperation from the electric company if they looked into it.

    my average use since more than 5 years is 12,000 Baht a month. until now the electric company couldn't care less. what "cooperation" can expect from the electric company? will they tell me not to use airconditioning but sweat? will they demand that i drain my pool or my pond, sell a few fridges/freezers, do the laundry by hand and dry it in the sun instead of using washer and dryer, cook over a charcoal fire in the garden...? :huh:

    i agree with Naam, my bills are around the same as his and i have the same kind of electrical bits and pieces you seem to have

    its been as high as 15,000 in high summer and as low as 10,000 in winter but never less than that

    as to electric company co-operation, i did get help from them

    i was concerned it was maybe the mete and told them so

    so they came out and installed a brand new meter running in parallel with my existing meter

    it cost 500 baht for them to do so

    that way they could compare new with old

    the deal was if mine was faulty, i would get my 500 back and a new meter

    they came back the next day and checked the readings

    they were the same, so i lost my 500 baht but knew it was my consumption not the meter

    they did advise using the aircons less as usual and running pool pump less

    however i do not want a green pool and i like a cool house, so what can you do....?

    except pay?

  15. 3 TVs have also now been installed, with 2 more coming. All are high definition. We will show sports, fashion, MMA, etc

    I thought it was going to be a restaurant not a diner / sports bar?

    I'm kind of a purist that way too but if they have decent burritos I don't care if there's a live polo match in the room.

    Could always get a takeaway I suppose, especially if the only beer they will have is Heineken?

    We have many beers - Heineken, Tiger, Corona, San Miguel, Tiger Crystal, San Mig Light, etc.


    Bud would be good, Sol would be swell

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