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Everything posted by RubbaJohnny

  1. 60 days should be all need? Not sure if a second one available for anyone now,l I had one on same entry in 2020 before I was granted a 1 year non O. While reported sutuation here better I plan to go E Europe . Czechia Germany Poland in Spring and already hgh levels there which will mount as people are inside durig teh very cold months it'll be -13-15 where I'm going.! brrrrrrrrrrr
  2. do not find mein tm 6 anymore , they must have many copies of it in 3 extensions since visa can i still do a 90 day by post please i have copy picture page copy last 90 day copy visa page copy last entry stamp copy of last extension as well as return envelope with 10? baht stamp? is there anything else i have to do must i send it in person, or can wife take letter to immigration or post office ems or registration to prove the date which i believe must be 14 or is 15 days before the due date? Any help welcome
  3. Thanks Joe , looks like another long days drve an overnight etc, seems ronic to expose to more risk to prove I have the vax. Anyway thanks for a helpful and prompt response as ever, Keep safe.
  4. I am still unable to register I have tried my passport, no go I have tried the ID given by the hospital, no go. Has anyone without a 13 digit Thai ID suceeded please? Will it be of any use at all outside Thailand ? Or should I travel in person and get an International Vaccnation Certificate Book like the old days that is accepted everywhere.
  5. VIETNAM is opening soon see article in the unmentiobale "other " paper in Bangkok, groups now to limited 5 cities $50k insurance(which you may need to re enete rhere, depending on status,so no extra cost) and non group tours from Jan is ther plan. see also https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/vietnam-welcome-more-vaccinated-travellers-december-2021-10-06/ Asde from health risks, there may be changes to rules while travelling, locked into Vietnam or out of here?
  6. Butlins Isle of Wight ? Ho di Hi Seriousy the Insurance needs to be explcit to cover all eventualites including cost privacy if they ever hope to restore tourist confidence
  7. Pardon me boy, is that the frat n goowoo choo choo? These old buffers like coupling, let me make this heir port expressly clear there may be loco motion or slippage when train changes from Groovy Train gravy Train. After the Hopewell fiasco we realize their engineeering work is actually an Indian ear ring piercer All board te Chew choo choocha woo woo
  8. Longer restrictions the less chance to ever recover While they imagine hi so mmillionaires, who can go anywhere would put up with Immigration nonsense no The low budget tourists are price sensitive, Thailand is no longer such a bargain due to nflation, exchange rates and the cost of entry at present, the insurance hassle alone tho well meant will just send folks elsewhere. The Brits, Australian, RussansChinese and Indians may try new places in ASEAN like Vietnam/Bali/Snooky/Jeju and never return same the backpackers and retirees Many people like to visit the same places each winter, some make frends, marry ,get a job, star a business retire that chain has been broken.
  9. Havimg others handle your phone we all touch all the time sems like a dream transmission stream Keep hold of it and have them slowly explain what you need to do. It is double jeopardy incomers both flanag and Thai are sure to cause some clusters as happened in teh sandbox, unless isolated forever thisseems a risk the regime is prepared to take, of course unlike most of the rural poor 1 Sinovac if lucky
  10. Will he still need a return or onward ticket proof though.? Is 14 days enough tme to ask for 60 days visit Thai spouse extension while seasoning for an annual extension, or just pay an agent to make extension seasoning"go away"? This seems an option , it is very confusing as teh rues are not only changing , tey are as we all know applied differnetly in differnet places by Thai authorities
  11. Isn't it simpler for older travllers not to queue and pay 1900 and just enter as a tourist with one month insurance and then extend once here for 1900 baht for another year? In Prague I was quoted around 30k for a years cover but they couldn't provide a binding contract in English that show Covid cover, looks like Axa Thaland will get my money unless there is a better option.
  12. Yes be proactive,inform immigration and Dr first , if unable to get to a Dr I am sure one will come to you for a fee. Good luck.
  13. Just noticed it is shown as a public holiday on my Google calendar. I know they often switch/have make up days. Can anyone inside Thailand with definite certainty confirm it's a definate fixed date holiday Also be good to confirm 1 Airport Rail Link working, I guess I'll fidn out only if off the Taxi queues are crazy maybe book an Uber/Grab or Lyft any suggestions? 2 Will my Kasikorn bank in Ari be open if not will banks for paying in Thai cash NOT exchanging money work that day please. I seem to recall branches in Malls opened weekends but cannot remember at the Airport Thanks for heads up
  14. WTO should stick to trade and WHO PRC marionette has been besmirched by failure to rigouroulsy do a comprehensive transparent investigation of the source in PRC? Or as some suggest Fort Dettrick, a cave , Porton Down or Bat Soup from Yu Nan's caves . Without such an effort we will not learn the lesson or potentially point fingers at Poo and his robotic censored minions internally and indebted foreign vassals. Abyssinia. and not just my exccentric view a few of many global liimks to Dr WHO? https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/04/world-health-organization-blame-pandemic-coronavirus/609820/ https://theprint.in/opinion/who-and-china-tedros-past-worrying-how-india-fell-for-it/400945/ a clip " Tedros’ career. How else do you explain he was an empowered official of the Derg military junta regime of Haile Miriam Mengistu and then Ethiopia’s health minister under the same people who fought and overthrew the Derg? How else do you explain that the man who was foreign minister of one of the world’s most oppressive regimes, holding many thousand political prisoners, had this part of his record almost entirely suppressed while highlighting his heath credentials? His much-talked-about “achievements in health sector” too were mostly driven by NGOs, since Ethiopia never had the capability to manage its problems, so it did what funders asked it to do. But this brings us to the dirty side of NGOs — the whitewashing of crimes they provide in lieu of access, programme implementation and rampant cronyism. Unsurprisingly, Tedros’ chief adviser is Senait Fisseha, who was working for one such NGO — the Susan Thomas Buffett foundation. See the link here? Provide government access and deliverables, allow NGOs to raise funds. The same NGOs then perhaps whitewashes his record as foreign minister of a barbaric regime and sanitises his Wikipedia profile to exclude said HR record. Said beneficiary then rewards said NGO person with a plum post." Germany one of the main payers of his salary https://www.dw.com/en/what-influence-does-china-have-over-the-who/a-53161220 It would almost be like a cop with no helmet upholding the crash helmet law for some while ignoring a murdered colleague with bigger"cover". That undemocratic nations can lecture genuinely free albeit imperfect democracies,forward candidates is abhorrent like when the Saudis were on the UN human rights council. There may a zoonotic or non Sino source but when we review the calumnies about Great Leap Forward,Gang of 4, Repression Tibetans, Uighurs, Falun Gong , Free churches and Unions it is hard to trust the new Emperor. The Chinese are fine people and when free in Penang, Taiwan,Singapore, London, Vancouver or until recently Hong Kong have achieved much, the enemy of freedom is dictatorship.
  15. Luxury, Riyadh, Maschad and the charm of Bayerische Grenzepolizei keeping up the grimace of their fourbears
  16. Esteemed guest no understand local custom, millions are spent, little goes down teh rain due to huge voracious sewer rats many wearing gongs
  17. Agree as to the spots drink more Leo and anything is possible,it's afluid situation. You would think HMPO would prioritize in dictatorship where foreigners are expected to have ID for things like vaccine, 90 days etc Brits in EU are not going to be in much trouble if slow, suppose they regard retired fishmongers as unimportant sheetshape and bristle mash on
  18. expect its the airlines being ultra safe, should tehre be a delay etc, strike, rerouted due to weather or fake terrorism like the recent Belarus diversion of a Ryanar flight, the airline bears all the cost of returning you if you are denied entry, It's awful but that may be the reason? Not uch Brits can do about being 2nd lcass here, no vote, no land rights unlike Thais in UK, but also shody VFS and of course the prospect of frozen pension no access to NHS on return
  19. Tried online various browsers no vpn, no go. So as the dummy what do I need to do Send all passport (risky) or just the last report plus a return prepaid (stamped envelope) My wife used to go in, but this is no longer acceptable, they aid I might me dead, shocking that a ghost might wish to regulairize the stay !! You cannot make it up Most Grateful for full step by step guide All any documents , how many copies, signed or not How to post regstered ? How to pre pay return , just enclose an envelope with some stamps? Oh yes I have tried on my phne too , no go.
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