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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. I worked a 3rd shift (night shift) for many years when I was younger. That shift had many benefits. One was the ability to play nearly any local golf course without having the need for a tee time. I would go sign in as a single and almost immediately I would be paired up with other players, a threesome, twosome, or just another single. In any case I never played alone and doing so I met many great folks and a few new close friends. The downside playing with complete strangers is that my real golf buddies didn't believe that I made an eagle (par 4, in 2).
  2. I am 5'8" and at the time about 70 kg when I won a longest drive contest. Sure a couple guys out drove me but they were not in bounds. I missed winning closest to the pin during that same 'best ball' tournament by mere inches.
  3. A funny gay sitcom...... and from years ago! Normal, Ohio https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0247090/?ref_=nm_flmg_t_116_act
  4. 'Tell your parents that it's not too late to have an abortion.'
  5. 'Did your parents have any children that lived?'
  6. 'The best part of you ran down your mommy's leg.'
  7. Please enlighten me with what does he hunt using a knife and spear? A knife I can understand the need to use in order to field dress and clean an animal, but that's not really considered 'hunting' with it, is it? ......and a spear?
  8. T Taken just a mile or so behind my house in the USA:
  9. North America or South America? If it was in the USA it wouldn't be used for a school but rather a typical home in the Detroit area.
  10. I took a video recently of a festival that is currently occurring. At this festival you can rent a small scooter for your youngster to learn how not to wear a helmet. Teaching them at such a young age that a helmet is not required. (This is a snapshot of that video)
  11. I've seen the inside of numerous Thai schools throughout the years and many should be considered condemned.
  12. No problem, just make sure it can do everything needed:
  13. Anyone can bang many times a night with the help of that little blue pill......but can you fight?
  14. A lot of well deserved ranting about the lack of/quality of sidewalks in Thailand....... so how about all those left hand lanes in the streets? You know, the ones that everyone double-parks in. Traffic would perhaps move smoother and safer if they cleared all the vendor carts and double parking that occurs in the leftmost lanes of many streets. Hey, don't get me started on the so-called 'zebra-crossings' (marked pedestrian crosswalks).
  15. Perhaps it is just me, but I was taught to use commas and periods differently especially when the subject is money. (The subject line makes little sense without a secret decoder ring.)
  16. Agreed.....and the process (for me) was quick, easy, and painless.
  17. Inquiring minds want to know..... ????
  18. What, no covered parking for your guests? Is valet parking out of the question........
  19. I think there will be some turtle soup in the near future......
  20. It appears that someone with so much IT experience doesn't think that AseanNow isn't acquiring his data and selling it is apparently being a little naïve.
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