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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. I never understood why a passport is required for a withdrawal but not for a deposit. I've tried making a withdrawal at my home BBK branch using just my valid Thai DL and bank book.....no chance......need passport.
  2. Wow, you seem to have a lot of free time to provide such a long winded post. I know the exact limitations to the tracking process....been mailing too much chit over the years. Did you happen to read this part of my post: "What concerns me is there's no indication that they actually received and processed it." With my past mailing experiences and experiments here in LOS my biggest concern is ThaiPost actually getting it out of Thailand within a decent period of time, or at all, thus the reason I use the ThaiPost Tracking,,,,, Besides 330 THB won't take away a meal (or beer) from my mouth, I tip more than that in any given week. NOTE: I sent the letter from a pretty decent sized city in the Northern part of the country and according to the tracking info it took almost 1 week exactly just to get to, and leave Suvarnabhumi. My experience has taught me that sending mail out of Thailand at the ThaiPost in Suvarnabhumi is the best assurance it will get to the US destination.
  3. They provided me a 'self addressed' envelope with the form and instructions sent. I returned it using ThaiPost and paid for it being tracked mail. It costs me 330THB. What concerns me is there's no indication that they actually received and processed it. I think I'll be contacting Manilla FBU or call the SSA in the USA to confirm all is kosher..... I'd hate to have my pension stop occurring.
  4. I received my 7162 just yesterday (June 18th) in my Thai post. The letter is dated June 6th. So that means it took almost 2 weeks to get here. I filled out the form, signed, and then sent today via tracked post. (Cost was 335 THB). The address listed on the addressed return envelope as well as the received instruction was: Social Security Administration P.O. Box 7162 Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 18767-7162 USA
  5. As the sayings go: 'It's not the size of the magician's wand but the magic he can perform with it.' 'It's not the size of the worm that counts but the way it wiggles.'
  6. How about some helmet laws? Or no phones while driving? Or driving down the road in the correct direction while using lights at night time? Laws work very well in Thailand..... 🙂
  7. My ego has never needed stroked....... and FWIW, I've paid many rounds of 'ladies' drinks' and having done so successfully without a single whimper using cash when the drinks arrived.
  8. Here's what I do: Pay each and every time I order drink.... Never have a bill.....
  9. Tricks are for kids......and what your mama pulls.
  10. "The wound was severe and left his brain exposed." It wasn't mentioned but I'm guessing he wasn't wearing a helmet.
  11. Pics or it didn't happen.......
  12. "Comparatively, while the West, including parts of the U.S., has generally seen a smoother transition to marijuana decriminalization, cultural and regional differences mean those models aren't easily replicated in Thailand." It's like saying Thailand drivers do not obey traffic regulations like those in the USA do.
  13. It's been a few years but I have used this service successfully a few times when Fax machines weren't commonly used. https://www.myfax.com/
  14. Yepper, National Trail Raceway had their share of school buses..
  15. My HS friend had a Gremlin...straight 6 and very fast for such a small light stock car. And his sister had an AMC Javelin that was pretty quick too for a stock car.
  16. My high school friend and baseball teammate was the President of Daytona Speedway for a number of years..... RIP Robin!
  17. My friend who is nearing 70 still has the heart of a motor head. He posted this beauty he recently purchased and stated that he will soon start racing it. National Trail Raceway!!
  18. '66 GTO with a 400...... His father had Firebird.
  19. I was spoiled, I grew up just a few miles down the road from one of the best and most popular dragstrips in the USA. As a teen we would ride our bicycles out the back roads then sit and watch the cars as they passed the finish line. To top it off my Aunt and Uncle worked in the tower so many in our family always received free pit passes. I still remember hearing the roar of the engines on Sunday afternoons all the way into our little town even though the dragstrip was several miles away. Not only did the dragstrip hold events like The Spring Nationals it also was home to several Van-Slams... The days of Big Daddy Don Garlits and Shirley Muldowney are now just memories. While still keeping in touch with some of my hometown friends I see on Facebook some still have the racing spirit. The attached pic is one of my favorites. A close friend growing up in the area who built this monster from the ground up and did a little racing during his days..... RIP Jimmy!
  20. I actually miss those speed reading courses I took back in high school prepping for college. It helped me to better comprehend and retain what I was reading......and doing it at a much faster pace definitely helped.
  21. How about fining those driving that do not give the right of way to emergency vehicles? Maybe if an injured person could get to a hospital in a reasonable amount of time they would have a better chance for survival.
  22. Never needed a stick or air gun. Just pretend to pick up a rock and then pretend to throw it at them and they will always urn away.
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