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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. How did you pay for your purchase months back? Perhaps follow that bit of info and track your source..... Not sure how far back you can go with your phone/PC but perhaps look through your browser history.
  2. SyncBack has as scheduler. I have it set to do a back up every day at 3am.
  3. I've been using SyncBack for years and currently using it with Win11 and no issues. https://www.2brightsparks.com/download-syncbackfree.html
  4. The Indians were doing the same thing in Hong Kong 20 years ago. HK must have caught on and ran them out where they found their way to Thailand.
  5. That doesn't mean chit. As far as anyone knows that poster might just trying to be funny and may have an IQ twice as high as yours......or that poster just makes posts with sarcasm to feel like he's an important poster. Has nothing to do with be smart or stupid.
  6. Schooling and education doesn't always mean squat. I worked around many folks throughout my career that had PHDs and one would wonder how they dressed themselves.
  7. More lights..... LOL Many don't abide by the regular traffic lights so adding more lights won't solve anything. Don't get me started on the lack of disrespect towards emergency vehicles such ambulances when they are using flashing lights as well as sirens.
  8. Zebra crossings mean absolutely nothing in Thailand. That's a fact based on my personal experience.
  9. I was sitting in a coffee café located high up in the beautiful hills of Nan province and I could still smell the stink of burning trash and ground cover. Oh well, when Thailand ban the burning of the fields and trash?
  10. Having tasted nearly every form of wild game in the USA I can surely say that squirrel is not high on my list of favorites. In fact squirrel and groundhog were the two things I liked to hunt and when I was successful I fed what was killed to my dogs.
  11. Most of the 'wildlife' in Thailand is the two legged version.
  12. I'm guessing Chiang Mai since that is where his profile location states...... thus my reference to Banwangtan.
  13. I never knew 'plans' could fly.
  14. I am guessing you do not live in the Banwangtan mooban then. Many squirrels roam the large trees there and then the bold one like to play on the electrical lines. This was one of the unlucky ones. Power was out for a few hours.
  15. Yeah, the current stadium parking lot is where one of the best companies in Silicon Valley used to reside and perhaps one of the greatest companies in the entire world to work at.......... ROLM!!!! The company that many companies today try to mimic.
  16. Real football......not that boring soccer chit! :-)
  17. ......and then you have to account for the thickness of a topper (which I use) or even a thicker mattress pad.
  18. This is what I remember growing up in the 60s & 70s.
  19. What is a Bee Gee?
  20. ....as well as religion or politics but that doesn't appear to stop AN posters.
  21. Oh wow, that reference to my alias is just so overwhelming as if it's never been mentioned before. I guess I'll just curl up in a fetal position and slump into heavy depression.
  22. ...and a cookie is called a biscuit in the UK, so what's your point?
  23. Only if it is double-barreled. Let me guess, in your world there is no winner and everyone receives a 'Participation' trophy.
  24. Bring back the 'paddle power'........ A swat on the buttocks with a plank of wood tends to stop reoccurrences.
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