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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. Based on my 16 years of doing extensions for both marriage and retirement I have never had to endure more than 4 hours at an immigration office......and I have used 3 different ones, Chiang Mai, Nan, and Surin. NOTE: All the lengthy times were at the CM office back during their busier era (later years at the old building and at the Promenada) before the new building. I've done extensions at Nan and Surin numerous times and it's never been more than an hour (process and queue times). So in summary, four hours is hardly an issue when I've been stuck in BKK traffic that long before. What's an agent costs 20k-30k? No thanks, 4 hours (at the most) of my time in an immigration office is no big deal to me, I can surf on my phone to easily pass the time. Yes, I understand that I also use my valuable time getting all the paperwork completed.. It's not rocket science.
  2. I think I read all posts but I may have missed it......... I didn't see a single comment about the pedestrian crosswalks in front of all major shopping stores like Big C, Lotus, Makro, etc....
  3. In Thailand most scooter drivers will come out from a smaller side road into a main road without even taking a glance for traffic.
  4. Most Thais don't look past the tip of their noses when driving.
  5. They supposedly do, your mom called me and told me she is seeing four different ones.
  6. I wonder who will get his extremely high speed internet service from atop the Sky Tower?
  7. Over-inflated? More like bald with no tread.
  8. I came to say, snow skiing..... I can do without the shoveling or driving on.
  9. Of course he would, he's a puppet just like others before him..... Carter.....Clinton to name a few.
  10. Yeah, the same ones who cry when they have to pay 185 THB for an Australian beef cheeseburger with fries.....
  11. Who cares? Who in their right mind eats that crap anyway?
  12. ...and yet you provide another useless post, nice job!
  13. I agree with a few posters saying that Coors is piss beer..... but so are most of the major USA beers until you start talking about some of the awesome USA microbrews..... I recall back in the 70s when Coors wasn't sold anywhere east of the Mississippi I went with my father and a few of his friends on a deer hunting trip to Colorado. I recall dad and his friends bought as much Coors as they could fit in the van before we headed back home to Ohio...... Needless to say dad and his friends made a killing selling the beer for 3 to 5 times what they paid for it..... Folks bought it all up quickly and was asking for more...... It was nothing but a 'fad' (in my opinion). Now if I wanted a nostalgic beer from my past I would have to request some Little Kings Cream Ale.
  14. Imagine if Thais had to drive on snow and ice.....
  15. Did you post those pics?
  16. Maybe it's your replies that is making him horny?
  17. Don't get me started about the lack of acknowledging emergency vehicles.
  18. Zebra crossings are a joke.... I slow down when I see them and I stop when I see people waiting at them to cross. They seem shocked to see that I have stopped. I'm sacred that some day I'll get rear-ended being stopped at one. I have had many cases where I stop and the people start to cross when traffic in the opposite direction of me doesn't stop or even acknowledge folks are in the crosswalk. I flash my lights, honk my horn, and at times, roll down my window yelling out 'zebra crossing'. Never think you are safe as a pedestrian walking in a zebra crossing. I have had to avoid vehicles many times while walking in a zebra crossing. These days I enter the zebra crossing while waving my arms and yelling out 'zebra'.....
  19. .....so are many others throughout the world, nothing specific to Thais. Speaking of nasty, I was at immigration the other day to renew my extension. There was only 8 of us in the office and three officers behind the counter. I turned in my prepared paperwork and was told to have a seat. My Thai friend and I took a seat in the seating area where there was already 6 others seated, four Thais and 2 foreign men in there late 20s (or early 30s). All 6 were wearing jackets or shirts that identified the school they were employed with. Now for the nasty....... just prior to taking a seat my Thai friend looked at me with a crunched up nose. At nearly the same exact time I got a very nasty whiff of some pungent body odor. I was about to gag when one of the foreign men was called up to the counter. As soon as he left the seating area the smell subsided so he was obviously the culprit. Luckily he completed his process and he informed his colleagues which they all got up and left. I'm not sure but he sounded like he had a French or perhaps German accent. I've ridden on numerous baht buses and I've been in some tight confined areas full of Thais and I've never ever experienced a Thai having a fraction of the body odor that farang had. NOTE: Sadly I cannot say the same for some Thais' breath....
  20. 'to' 'too' 'two' There is a difference.
  21. There's a few in BKK..... Here's one: https://www.dreamworldbangkok.com/
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