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Everything posted by tomster

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganja
  2. You need to look for different buying channels, there is plenty of well cured weed about.
  3. Actually most experienced growers go with 2 weeks drying and 6 weeks in cure so 2 months is perfect. ???? It's also well documented that the terpenes in vacuum packed weed peak at 3 months from when you seal the bag. Grove Bags state that the weed is still improving until the 6th month in their bags and only then will it start to degrade, and then at a slow rate. But there are many variables in storage that can mean that that the weed is garbage relatively quickly (as is seen in many disp. here in Thailand currently putting all their weed in jars that are opened and close multiple times per day).
  4. Possibly there wasn't any air extraction where you dried them - that is the most common cause of mould when drying. And you also need an indirect source of air movement around them, as well as the extraction. Not directly on the buds as they will dry too quickly, but the air should be moving a bit.
  5. Do you find that the high THC plants get you the most stoned? Super Silver Haze for example is listed as 21% which wouldn't make it into the top 5 weeds in the dispensaries that sell by THC content, but a well grown pheno is an excellent weed that will absolutely blow your head off. The more organised dispensaries are using the Purplpro THC testers which are accurate to about 3% compared to labs, so generally offer a reasonable guide. Not sure what that is actually worth though, the best weed is not the one with the highest THC level, imho - it's the one that has the best grower growing it.
  6. OK, no worries - all the best. ????
  7. Can you change the setting on the meter to be EC?
  8. Might be worth doing so before posting about it in a cannabis forum...
  9. That's a new one on me - what is that?
  10. Thanks. https://www.greenterra.lv/en/peat/peat-products.html It's another of the Latvian peat products, the other big one being Hortimed: https://hortimedpeat.com/ I had no idea the Latvians were so into their Peat!
  11. Thanks, next time I am there I will see if I can find it. Very hard to get clean coco here, man, many growers are struggling with this.
  12. Thanks, could you post a link to the coco peat plus product?
  13. My apologies, I was talking with somebody a while back that was also using coco and had a similar username. Great that you have found a coco that works - literally everybody else is struggling with it! Would you have any pictures of the coco, either the bag or the medium itself, by any chance?
  14. I also use a Bio Organic Fertiliser from Australia which is full spectrum (contains some cobalt) - that combined with Fulvic acid and the mineral nutes is growing outstandingly good plants. For the coco I think you are washing and buffering it, from memory?
  15. Well, here are a few of mine starting their 6th week. You def do not want to be using that much N in flowering, the plant needs very little after going into flower. It will restrict your bud development and make your weed taste like hay. Wesco do a 10-20-30 by the looks of it, why not just switch over to that when the pre-flowers are forming?
  16. They have some very useful products in small pack sizes - for example: Monopotassium Phosphate: 500G/1KG โมโนโพแทสเซียมฟอสเฟต (0-52-34) ปุ๋ย MKP / Monopotassium phosphate (0-52-34) - Chemrich | Lazada.co.th This is the base of Grotek Monster Bloom that currently sells at 800 Baht for 100g here! Apparently Grotek Monster Bloom has other elements, but I'm skeptical that they would make that much difference. For balance - other companies are also selling the same thing: https://shopee.co.th/product/219685170/20109923850 https://shopee.co.th/product/172354046/9115990817
  17. https://www.lazada.co.th/shop/chemrich/
  18. 100G-1KG Nick-Spray Total Chelated Micronutrient Powder Micronutrient + supplement BASF(UK) / Nic-spray EDTA Chelate micronutrient mixture | @Marcous - what brand of Coco are you using?
  19. Do you have any photos of plants you have grown with Wesco 30-20-10 + TE just before you chop them down? Would be interesting to see how they cope with that level of N when used throughout the entire flowering cycle.
  20. Yes and yes. They are one of the biggest names in cannabis nutrients in the World.
  21. Are you using that in flowering or just in the vegative growth stage?
  22. For ease of use: https://dutchproasia.com/ Or if looking to have a bit of a play with your nutes and save some cash then as @Marcous lists above, although you will need to know around an EC meter to get the best results from that kind of feeding.
  23. I have found myself in need of a Thailand trademark and have just seen that it takes around 15 months to apply for one! As I only actually need the trademark number as opposed to the trademark itself (to be part of an application process for importing a product) I can use any trademark - I don't care what the trademark actually is. So I was wondering if anybody knew where to buy one, or even if somebody may have one they are willing to sell (long shot I know but if you don't ask)... Thanks in advance.
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