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Everything posted by steven100

  1. your joking right .... TIT .... if mommy and daddy can help he won't have any problem.... that's how it works !!
  2. The dog should have been locked up .... not roaming the street !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. you've lost me.... are you saying it's ok for the dog to go into the neighbors place if it's not fenced ?
  4. that is one question .... and did the dog enter his property ? if the dog entered his property, it doesn't matter if te chickens were locked up or not ..... his dog entered his property _ which is illegal
  5. yes .... that's the one ... haha .... I've had 6 bottles of Change now today ...
  6. send them back to Vladivostokor Krasnokamensk orPetropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
  7. they were japanese long feathered spickel chickens .... very highly prized
  8. mama & papa will fix it ....
  9. incoherent, heavily intoxicated ... and driving a vehicle !! ..... no further comment ....
  10. very sad indeed, I hope the deceased family can find the strength to get through losing their daughter so early. As for the crazy driver, to the monkey house for 10 years.
  11. ah yes ! that happens all the time
  12. seems many of the tourists are dine-and-runners ..... so many cheats & thieves in the world now.
  13. so it was a cat fight and during the struggle each was trying to push the other over the balcony, hence, they both fell.
  14. He got his revenge .... the neighbors dog won't be doing that again. Dog kills chickens. Man kills dog. Man get jail time.
  15. surely those two would be spotted a mile away .... a restaurant need to report them then the cops need to do their job.
  16. TIT ..... it's not like the west where you have rights, your best off to just bite the bullet and move, alot less painful and cheaper.
  17. I've used it a few times and I think it's an excellent incentive. Ok, it's crowded, but still manageable to use. Hope it gets extended another week.
  18. Alcohol sales are banned this Friday due to elections being held.
  19. I love you Elvis ... I actually thought you died years ago , but here you are right as rain. I've missed you but I still listen to you regularly.
  20. yes, I'm confused as the headline indicates ... after collecting debt .... but it wasn't mentioned or confirmed in the story. Did she get her unpaid debt from the rich guy or not ? and if she did she's stupid for staying in Thailand 30 minutes longer than needed.
  21. The story lacks fact ..... there are way too many holes in it to make any judgement or call. The problem here is you don't know who to believe ... ain't that the truth !!
  22. Charlie, I think Peanut butter & honey tastes pretty darn good ...
  23. I don't really want to think about that
  24. just another thai taxi driver. cops will catch the dirtbag and lock him up.
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