yes, a couple of years back I went into a 7-11 and bought a bottle of beer and a toasted sandwich, but when I was walking back home I realised the cashier had short changed me by 1 baht .... Oh well, I was really angry but didn't go to the police.
oh stop whinging ..... I used the BTS twice yesterday and it was great !!
well done PM, and well done Khun Prayut who ordered construction of the second part.
basically ..... what your saying is it's all covered if Thailand's RTP want to hide something because no one else is allowed in unless they say so.
It's a joke .... TIT = no justice.
I seriously doubt anything will come out off it.
With any murder investigation, you need to act quickly to get evidence before it is destroyed.
They should have offered the 100,000 the next day ......... not 12 years later. Everyone at the scene and the police station have died or moved on.
I stand by what I mentioned and this definitive statement...
' this guy is dangerous and a threat to his family and the local folks. '
Nothing wrong with gun owners who enjoy hunting or target shooters as long as they are responsible, in that the guns and ammo are secured separately and locked away, and all firearms are registered.
I use to enjoy fox hunting at night with my uncle on the farm when I was a teen.