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Posts posted by FarangCravings

  1. Yes, agree with you that some RED shirt need to be executed death penalty by law. BUT not before a fair hearing is conducted.

    REDS have already been excecuted without trial look at Da Saeng execution if ever i saw one

    For info only it is Seh Daeng who you are trying to allude to. And no one knows who did it, it may even even have been the reds to, after all he had happened to threaten some of the red leaders with death if they did not keep the course. And that is in his own words from one of his interviews. He even named the leaders that wanted to defect and mentioned who he felt were loyal to "Taksin".

    Yeah thats him however I and many others believe he was assasinated by the government, funny how as soon as there are government snipers deployed he is suddenly targeted.

    Believe what you will that's your right as is mine to believe it was the government who ordered his killing

  2. Well said! Like Thaksin or hate him, you can't deny the fact that he was the first Thai prime minister to address the needs of the rural population in Thailand

    These blind sheep will deny anything positive about thaksin period

    You mean the convicted criminal Thaksin bankroller of the current riots?

    Or somebody else?

    Look who convicted him no credability whatsover bit like how the yellws from last year are free and the red protesters are already locked up and sentenced within 24 hours

    No cred whatsover

  3. Well said! Like Thaksin or hate him, you can't deny the fact that he was the first Thai prime minister to address the needs of the rural population in Thailand

    That does not give him the right to destroy the country in order to get revenge. :)

    Well only to the tune of 46 Billion Baht they will probably take the rest of his money for the damage by the situation and all of you will applaud that too

    pretty pathetic

  4. Such an important press release from an organisation that has such credibility around the globe. I'm taking my tongue out of my cheek now.

    amnesty international is a widely respected organisation .

    That is a good one! :)

    Laugh as much as you want UG the world will beleive there report over thailand reports any day of the week because they are independant and are not on either side just reporting with there own eyes, what they are seeing being on the front line in thailand

  5. I hate myself for finally having to join the pages and pages of utterly absurd commentary.......like anything said on here means anything.

    If anyone supporting the Red Shirts has seen even fifteen minutes of Thai television in the past three days I challenge you to find a reasonable explanation for carrying thousands of tires into downtown Bangkok and lighting them on fire, time and time again. I challenge you to watch the video of two young soldiers being pulled from their truck and beaten by a Red Shirt mob....with one of them ending up unconscious, at least, on the ground. I challenge you to explain how the actions shown on Thai television by Red Shirts everywhere resemble anything like a peaceful protest! I challenge you to find any kind of proof of who is shooting who with whose guns. If you can say, with a straight face, that the Army is shooting live rounds into the enclosed encampment of the protesters why have we not seen a single injury "within the encampment".......the only people left in the encampment proper are women, children, old people and the gutless wonders claiming to be leading the charge to Democracy.............the assault on Bangkok has gone on longer, with more unsolicited violence and mayhem, than any civilized country in the world would have tolerated....

    The idea you might actually take some of this to heart is ridiculous on it's face but I couldn't help but put in my two cents worth. I've never witnessed a bigger farce in my 66 years. Be thankful, Red Shirts, that you don't live in a country who's citizens value law and order.

    Seems like you are completely brainwashed by the governments control on TV exposure shame they shut down the reds tv so they could balance it out with the governments atrocitys and murderous actions.

    But still no answers to the questions.

    Seeing as Red TV is shut down, we need red supporters to tell us the lies truth about what's happening.

    NO we will leave AMNESTY INternational and the BBC to show whats happening and report on it to the world

    The truth is hard to swallow huh when its independant reporters and interntional organizations reporting that the government is shooting unarmed civilians and killing them

    The world will beleive those reports and so they should because its true

  6. That man disgusts me. What's scary is that his outright lies will be what the Westerners hear and what they'll most likely believe. Thaksin is winning the war of the media, which may lead him to prevail in the long run.

    Because thailand has no credability when they remove a democratically elected Pm by a military coup and install there own government and then wangle it so the yellows can get back in without holding elections

    You still don't have a grasp on what actually and legally happened.

    Go to the back of the class, there's a good boy. :)

    Very clear what happened and its EXACTLY THE REASON WHY THE COUNTRY IS IN THE SH%%$t state it is in today with all this trouble THE EXACT REASON

  7. I hate myself for finally having to join the pages and pages of utterly absurd commentary.......like anything said on here means anything.

    If anyone supporting the Red Shirts has seen even fifteen minutes of Thai television in the past three days I challenge you to find a reasonable explanation for carrying thousands of tires into downtown Bangkok and lighting them on fire, time and time again. I challenge you to watch the video of two young soldiers being pulled from their truck and beaten by a Red Shirt mob....with one of them ending up unconscious, at least, on the ground. I challenge you to explain how the actions shown on Thai television by Red Shirts everywhere resemble anything like a peaceful protest! I challenge you to find any kind of proof of who is shooting who with whose guns. If you can say, with a straight face, that the Army is shooting live rounds into the enclosed encampment of the protesters why have we not seen a single injury "within the encampment".......the only people left in the encampment proper are women, children, old people and the gutless wonders claiming to be leading the charge to Democracy.............the assault on Bangkok has gone on longer, with more unsolicited violence and mayhem, than any civilized country in the world would have tolerated....

    The idea you might actually take some of this to heart is ridiculous on it's face but I couldn't help but put in my two cents worth. I've never witnessed a bigger farce in my 66 years. Be thankful, Red Shirts, that you don't live in a country who's citizens value law and order.

    Seems like you are completely brainwashed by the governments control on TV exposure shame they shut down the reds tv so they could balance it out with the governments atrocitys and murderous actions.

  8. That man disgusts me. What's scary is that his outright lies will be what the Westerners hear and what they'll most likely believe. Thaksin is winning the war of the media, which may lead him to prevail in the long run.

    Because thailand has no credability when they remove a democratically elected Pm by a military coup and install there own government and then wangle it so the yellows can get back in without holding elections

  9. There has been a staggering amount of deaths and casualty.
    Staggering? If the army did not exercise so much restraint, I think there would be hundreds more deaths by now. They are still firing only single shots aren't they, and not automatic?

    The protesters should simply go home, as they have way overstayed their welcome (if you could call it "welcome").

    I would like to know out of the 279 injured how many of those were shot by the army I bet its 80% of them

  10. No one doubts a SMALL minority are armed that does not give the Military a free roll to MURDER 37+ people some unarmed and shot in cold blood

    FC, no doubt, you were there and witnessed all 37 murders you have the evidence & can lay the blame with every responsible individual, so with all that trott along now and go and do what you have to do to bring those responsible to justice. If you can't, put up then its probably best to s..t up.

    Of course the reason I say that is, in reality, neither you nor I know which shooters were responsible for which deaths and of course anyone here with unbias views and open mind will understand that there was most likely other shooters involved, not just army ones. Furthermore, some of those shot by the army may have been shot in accordance with lawful rules and guidelines and rightly so.

    Trying to pedal things one way or another is outright stupid at this point.

    Pretty clear the Army is shooting unarmed civilians the BBC showed that very clearly with the reporter right there as the guy was shot and reported it was by the military, additionally Amnesty has reported from there people on the ground the same thing is happening plus you can see clearly the army shooting live rounds on tv into the red shirt area

    pretty clear they have to of killed some people but then again they are so incompetant they might of missed everyone

  11. I've just put another video up. It's gonna send the red sympathizers up the wall post-105662-1274164236.gif

    Thaksin Empire State of Mind (In Bangkok)

    Really excellent vid well done :)

    Bought a smile to my face and a tear to my eye.

    While not a fan of the musical genre or the NY Yankees I have to say well done. Particularly the sequence at 1:30 - 1:34 tieing the black shirt commandos of April 10 directly to the Red Shirt leadership. Amnesty my ass!

    well thank you both post-105662-1274178546.gif

    If you liked that, then watch my newer one showing how armed they are. It has shut up a lot of 'red got no weapons brigade'. please leave comment because there are many red sympathizers giving it the usual rubbish.

    video showing red shirt weapons and violence

    No one doubts a SMALL minority are armed that does not give the Military a free roll to MURDER 37+ people some unarmed and shot in cold blood

  12. You know what, Amnesty do some very good work- However this press release is nuts. They need to seriously wind there necks in. Even the leftist press are reporting live that the thai army are only using suppression fire to keep the reds contained. Yes there are casualties, and that is very sad. But if the Thai army actually tried to shoot to kill i think you'd find hundreds if not a thousand reds dead. The current casualty figures alone PROVE the army arent topping people willy nilly!!!!

    Nonsense press release imho

    I dunno which news you are watchin mate (probably the nation) but they are reporting that the soldgiers are shooting at unarmed people and even show an unarmed guy actually getting shot by hte military THEY WERE RIGHT THERE no question who shot the unarmed guy.

    Ive been at work all day and aint seen the news today, was goin off BBC and Fox reporting yesterday! If they shot an unarmed civilian for no reason then that is wrong! However i still say if the Thai army were actually aiming to take out unarmed innocents you would be seeing a much higher casualty rate, than what we already have!! No dont watch the Nation

    I think 37 + dead is bad enough when a lot of those have been shot in the head by the miltary and its very clear they are targeting unarmed civvies I have used the word Murder multiple times and i just saw another report with the same word used in realtion to the thai military murdering its citizens in cold blood

  13. You know what, Amnesty do some very good work- However this press release is nuts. They need to seriously wind there necks in. Even the leftist press are reporting live that the thai army are only using suppression fire to keep the reds contained. Yes there are casualties, and that is very sad. But if the Thai army actually tried to shoot to kill i think you'd find hundreds if not a thousand reds dead. The current casualty figures alone PROVE the army arent topping people willy nilly!!!!

    Nonsense press release imho

    I dunno which news you are watchin mate (probably the nation) but they are reporting that the soldgiers are shooting at unarmed people and even show an unarmed guy actually getting shot by hte military THEY WERE RIGHT THERE no question who shot the unarmed guy.

  14. I just emailed these people with the link showing the assault on the army truck driver on May 14 at Din Daeng and the manhandling of the female journalist about 1 hour ago. Will they respond and say opps ,sorry , not a chance.

    They have an office here at Lad Prao so they know the truth very well so what they have printed is outright lies for a vested reason. Nice people


    I rest my case and like i have said before pure murder and no Amnesty has agreed

    Its clear for everyone to see that they are doing exactly as Amnesty is saying except to blind TV members who would not beleive it even if was under there noses

  15. There have been a few suggestion that armoured vehicles should be used. Consider this; tanks are equipped with a main gun (more or less light artillery) which fires an explosive round which makes a M-79 look like a kiddies toy. Both tanks and many APCs also carry quite heavy machine-guns.

    Tomas' wall was pierced by a rifle bullet. Heavy calibre machine-guns will do a he-ll of a lot worse. Like Tomas, there are other residents still in their homes.

    Neither the residents or the gov't want to see the start of wholesale slaughter, so leave the armour in the bases until it is time for an assault on the barriers.

    In these situations, an approaching tank is a more of a psychological weapon (it scares the crap out of people), you don't actually have to start using the main gun.

    A suggestion to anyone near the combat zone. Draw your curtains on the side nearest the fighting and if possible, hang blankets over the windows. It might sound silly, but a hanging heavy cloth can absorb most or all the KE of a bullet.

    But I am sure if they bring them out the trigger happy military wont be able to control themselves they will have to let loose with the big guns like they are doing with the rifles

  16. What is the purpose of live rounds?

    Who shot? Who ordered the use of live rounds? Who is dead?

    I think the case is pretty clear.

    Maybe you are right. Maybe it is OK to let armed insurgents come into the capital and take it over. What country do you come from anyway? I am sure a lot of people would like to know where it is OK to take over 2 sq. miles of the downtown sector of a country's capital city.

    You can't be from the country where I come from, because this would have lasted 48 hours and would be over. In fact, in some countries just 2 hours. But, I guess, where you come from it is OK. So where is it again?

    HMmmmm just like the airport situation 2 years ago with the yellows

  17. To have sharpshooters taking head shots at people presenting them no direct threat or actual bodily harm is simply escalating this and not solving it.

    From your keyboard, how are you possibly able to ascertain that the soldiers are under no direct threat?

    Look at Sa Daeng he was no threat he was being interviewed not armed no threat at all

    OK. So show me proof he was shot by a soldier, and when you can't, find another example to try and prove your point.

    Who else would shoot him

  18. To have sharpshooters taking head shots at people presenting them no direct threat or actual bodily harm is simply escalating this and not solving it.

    From your keyboard, how are you possibly able to ascertain that the soldiers are under no direct threat?

    Look at Sa Daeng he was no threat he was being interviewed not armed no threat at all

  19. BBC, YOU SUCK!

    you can say that again.

    the bbc insists on reporting the conflict here in a way that suits their domestic uk left wing campaign and institutional bias. to them, all conflict in the world exists because some people are rich, which to them is prima facia evidence of unfairness.

    paltry journalistic salaries, we may safely assume, has something to do with this bias;the effects of left wing brainwashing on the rather umipressive minds of many journalists is another.

    all sensible, unbiased observers understand that the roots of the conflict here are several, and that the rich/poor divide plays a role, but a secondary one.

    the only media that "sucks" worse than the BBC is the thai media.

    in my humble opinion, TV demeans itself by its close association with the Nation.

    I think the BBC is doing a GREAT job and reporting it as it happens from reporters on the ground(that have not been shot by the military yet) Great honest reporting telling the real story

    KUDOS to them

  20. deleted --- post didn't make it through the server

    I am STILL amazed that the reds themselves can do no wrong in the eyes of so many. It doesn't matter that their leaders publicly call for violence. that their leaders declare war on the government. That they are armed. that they contain or have been infiltrated by terrorists. ......

    Some people are just red to the core --- it doesn't matter to them how much damage the reds do to Thailand.

    And you can include the so-called IMPARTIAL BBC in that. I am sick to the back teeth and their unashamed bias in all their reports on the troubles from day 1. What is it with their fixation of painting grenade throwing provocateurs with the 'poor Oliver Twist' brush?

    Latest report is how the army are firing live rounds at the poor innocent people...erm they are attacking soldiers and burning the city down you absolute brainless gonks!

    Taksin was slung out, does that count for nothing to the BBC. Oh, of course, i forgot, this has nothing to do wth him at all . As for those suggessting their impartiality, absolutely not in this case. Typical example was their reporting of the shooting of Seh Deng and how he was their security expert - nothing about his previous threats or actions - yes, really unbiased reporting. And of course the only weapos they have are firecrackers.....Sheeeesh!!


    Good on ya BBC

    They are reporting the TRUTH as it is happening and the army can be clearly seen firing into the reds indiscriminatly

    BBC is doing a great job so is CNN

  21. This fiasco finally put the international community on the line, some have come out openly support Thaksin (Monte Negro, Dubai, Cambodia, etc) while some are walking the fence. UN leader Ban called for more talk, but is he really 'in the know', does he have all the facts? We sure don't.

    Is it possible that the majority of the world actually back Thaksin? Or are they just responding to the media's question with standard 'let's have a talk' response. the government have tried to negotiate, with the last "road map" being the most promising, and acceptable. The Reds then drag their feet before responding with their some what outrageous demand which guaranteed total break down.

    Having an election in November isn't too long to wait, unless you're not confident that you would win.

    What's wrong with having a set of rules that every one agrees to? Why are the UDD leaders so adamant in having a fast election? Scared to lose?

    I'm sure that all of us ,Thai, were confident that the mess would have finished when the two side talked a couple of months ago. But both were not being flexible.

    Now the words on the street is that the Shinawatra family have left the country, Gen Chavalit and co have also left. What does that mean for the Red protestors? Their supposed 'leading figures' have apparently left them out to dry, how can they still follow these people. Thaksin might not be the leader of the UDD, but he's definitely the heart and soul of the group, with his phone in and all.

    A question I want to ask the international community is, how can you let a wanted fugitive enter your country? Mr. Thaksin has been found guilty and yet he's entering and leaving various countries like a freeman. He's not even using fake IDs, people. If this is because they view him as the legitimate leader of Thailand then just come out and say it, don't ignore it.

    Because the world has NO RESPECT for thailand and its blatant singling out of Thaksin for a minor corruption case when every single one of the thai MP could have been prosecuted for similar cases of corruption in one way or another but Thaksin was singled out because he was a threat to the yellows gaining control again so how can they win, stage a coup and prosecute him

    Its just like the reds that have been jailed within 24 hours when the yellows form 2 years ago are still free awaiting trial

    Its blatant one rule for one and another for the yellows

  22. So we have one armed blackshirt.. One guy shooting a Grenade.. And the army guys in the truck..


    100's possibly 1000's of youtube clips of army firing, including BBC, Al Jazera, CNN, and 100's of blogers and people on the street..

    Your point is...that you are surprised that the military is using weapons, as announced, against criminals?

    UNARMED protesters Journalists etc you can see the video of them being shot unarmed you cannot deny it even shot while already hit and shot 2 more times while on the ground


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