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Posts posted by FarangCravings

  1. One of the first signs of an 'up & coming dictator' is the absolute control of the media, which Mr T attemted.

    The only one that has control of the media now is the current government who does not deny shutting down the oppositions radio and tv stations so since they have succeeded where Mr T failed then your comment above should apply to Abhisit since he has been succesful in this matter.

    He even implied on the interview he would like the media to comply with his one sided viewpoint in helping him with the reconciliation.

    The International press is too smart for that when its clearly he admitted he has all the red shirt leaders locked up with 400 other political prisoners and what the funniest thing he said was, the law has to be the same for everyone, which makes him look even more stupid when the yellow shirts from the past still are not in Jail 2 years after they commited crimes. But in contrast the red shirts are all in jail in rapid time, done and dusted.

    You get NO CREDABILITY when its clear there is one rule for one and another rule for the other and your spouting the law applies to everyone the same when it clearly does not.

    This is the problem with the rift and nothing has changed all that has happened now is the protesters have been crushed and pushed underground where they will continue to fester until they act again.

  2. When asked how can you have a reconciliation plan when you have all the red leaders locked up in jail, it looks one sided. and the fact that you have shut down all the oppositions media outlets such as radio and tv stations

    In reality its exactly right how can you lock up all the oppositions leadership close down all the oppositions avenues of voice and then say you are working on reconciliation

    Its a big joke and again was shown just how ridiculous he is to think anyone outside of Thailand would fall for the BS he is spouting

    Red shirt people are locked up for inciting riots and whatever against it's own countimen. Sorry if they cannot join the political scene but they committed crimes, which believe it or not caused a lot of loss of life instead of going down the normal route of waiting for elections which were on offer for November but no the red party preferred to use aggression and loose people. How the red party can now have any credible following is beyond me. Take on police, army, sorry, brain dead comes to mind. And these people want to run a country.

    For people not involved in living in Thailand and not knowledgable on the ins and outs its very clear that something is not right when they hear the current opposition is all locked up they also want to lock up the previous legitimate primeminister that was ousted in a military coup

    Come on don't sound too good does it

    Umm the current opposition is the Pui Thai party NOT the red shirts and they are doing ...... not a lot. And they (the Thai courts)want to lock up the previous, previous, previous primeminister Thaksin for Fraud etc. also he was not ousted as he had dissolved parliament before the coup. so strictly speaking he was stand in prime minister until the elections.

    Excuses Excuses Excuses

    So why did they have a coup then if not to get rid of Thaksin

  3. When asked how can you have a reconciliation plan when you have all the red leaders locked up in jail, it looks one sided. and the fact that you have shut down all the oppositions media outlets such as radio and tv stations

    In reality its exactly right how can you lock up all the oppositions leadership close down all the oppositions avenues of voice and then say you are working on reconciliation

    Its a big joke and again was shown just how ridiculous he is to think anyone outside of Thailand would fall for the BS he is spouting

    Red shirt people are locked up for inciting riots and whatever against it's own countimen. Sorry if they cannot join the political scene but they committed crimes, which believe it or not caused a lot of loss of life instead of going down the normal route of waiting for elections which were on offer for November but no the red party preferred to use aggression and loose people. How the red party can now have any credible following is beyond me. Take on police, army, sorry, brain dead comes to mind. And these people want to run a country.

    For people not involved in living in Thailand and not knowledgable on the ins and outs its very clear that something is not right when they hear the current opposition is all locked up they also want to lock up the previous legitimate primeminister that was ousted in a military coup

    Come on don't sound too good does it

  4. When asked how can you have a reconciliation plan when you have all the red leaders locked up in jail, it looks one sided. and the fact that you have shut down all the oppositions media outlets such as radio and tv stations

    In reality its exactly right how can you lock up all the oppositions leadership close down all the oppositions avenues of voice and then say you are working on reconciliation

    Its a big joke and again was shown just how ridiculous he is to think anyone outside of Thailand would fall for the BS he is spouting


    PM needs a break from critics for the sake of reconciliation

    By Achara Deboonme

    The Nation

    Why is it proving so hard to reconcile? Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva must have asked himself this question a million times. What are the flaws of my proposals? could be his next question.

    The patriotic politician deserves some sympathy, indeed.

    From the very beginning, the red shirts should have unconditionally accepted his proposals. Then there would not have been the crackdown which left nearly 100 people killed and raised criticism on the morals of the country's soldiers. Yes, as prime minister, he is held responsible for this.

    After the crackdown, he launched another attempt to soothe social pain. A committee was set up to look into facts behind the shootings in April and May, only to fetch a fresh criticism of neutrality.

    Then, to prove that he is sincere in the proposed reconciliation, another committee was established come up with ways to ease the pain on the national level. But then, as its chosen co-chairman was former prime minister Anand Panyarachun, Abhisit was again under attack. Though Anand was honoured for his shrewd strategies and straightforwardness, given his track record in leading the country back from chaos after the May bloodbath, he is considered a representative of the aristocrats.

    Would he like Veera Musigapong, a red leader, as a co-chairman, instead? "Ah, that sounds an awful option, as it means I will have to appoint leaders of people of other colours," he could have said.

    Criticism arose again when the National Statistics Office was put in charge of a national poll to gather public ideas. The government was attacked for sounding out public support for its economic and social policies. The office had to strongly defend itself, also through quarter-page advertisements in newspapers, to maintain integrity.

    When police officials from provinces where the reds are strong testified to the Senate committee last week that reconciliation was impossible - as the people there believe they are driven to the wall by official actions - all eyes were darting to Abhisit, asking "Hey, is the reconciliation just a time-buying game?"

    Used again and again in newspapers is the term - "the devil's embrace".

    I know that our good-looking prime minister must be living with lots of frustration, even when he paints broad smiles and keeps telling everybody he is taking the pressure "for the sake of national unity". Indeed, he works hard. From my personal tracking, last Tuesday, he had to address 10 different issues raised by reporters - ranging from the RPG shooting to the drought.

    He also extended himself again in the phone-in reform campaign to elicit public opinion on wide-ranging social reform.

    Besides answering some phone calls, he is believed to pay full attention to all opinions submitted through phone calls, posts or e-mails.

    Let's give him a break. After all, he has been trying so hard to avoid coming up with something you would call "Abhisit-styled reconciliation".


    -- The Nation 2010-07-05



    Gotta love it another great piece by the Nation LOL

  6. Don't know where to fit this in, just curious;

    Is Abhisit a British Citizen? no great political importance, though it would be in other countries, like America, for one.

    His Govt is going to make expats give up their home nationalities, maybe Britain, Germany, Canada, Sweden, America, should copy this 'wise' move for all of the Thai expats

    Where do you get this information from, and what do you mean? Expat Thais have to give up their nationality, or expats in Thailand have to give up their nationality?

    And why would foreign governments want to change their immigration/nationality laws simply because Thailand get a bee in its bonnet?

    In the latest news it was quoted that farangs may be able to get thai citizenship if they give up any dual nationality meaning you could become a thai citizen but only of you give up your birth citizenship and hold thai only

    Any idiot that does that is exactly that an idiot.

  7. Don't use leather! I did it once and I replaced it after 1 year by the common plastic stuff.

    Not only that it soaks wet in case of driving through even a short and local rain shower, even more it will molder especially during high humidity rain season. I tried anti-mold and -mildew spray and other solutions without real success. I use to cover my bike with an anti-dust liner, this made the whole thing even worse.

    I'm sure you will regret it.

    Ok thanks for the heads up on that I have actually read that during my searching

  8. I decided to take a long look yesterday at all the youtube videos on the protests as its less of an emotional issue now its ended and I have to say that both sides look as bad as each other the Governement definately has some charges to answer all the vidoes of people shot in the head and people being shot in front of journalists it cannot be beleiveable to say the red shirts shot themselves in the head and anyone that sticks to that is simply stupid based on the HUGE amount video evidence.

    While there is certainly evidence of black shirt radicals (note i dont use the word terrorist ) there is also a huge amount of evidence against the government you cant push aside all of it there is just TOO MUCH

    Okay, you spoke the truth; just see where that gets you. You'll have red and yellow fanatics honking at you. The fact of the matter, elections, coups, demonstrations, riots; it's ALL about the yellow AND reds trying to get power in Government so they can line their pockets with corruption money. It's only a small per cent of Thais and a large % of TV members who are duped into believing the yellow and red leaders are bannering some great and noble cause.

    The real issues for the red and yellow leaders are yachts and private jets, luxury cars and mia nois. They would all be in jail in 'normal' coutries.

    Hi it right on the head


  9. Don't believe everything you read on here.

    It's a pretty straight forward process.

    You have to declare it on the passenger

    card and then on arrival will be asked to

    fill out a currency declaration form.

    That's about it really. Don't listen to

    people saying you have to account for

    it and it get's sent to the ATO.

    Hope this helps.



    What great advice

    So what you are saying is anyone can carry any amount fo money in cash arrive in OZ and not have to account for $100,000 in cash in there luggage HMmmmmmm sounds like BS to me

    Its not your money, do what you want with your own money but give people the worst case scenario, based on your advice if he travels and has legit money but does not take proof he can get into all sorts of incoviniences.

    Take proof mate just in case you need it

  10. Why not make a formal complaint I know rolling on the floor laughing but if you have private bank account details and instructions this would be a prime opportunity to get the press involved and write letters print his details and make an issue of it hel_l post it on Abhisits facebook page and let him now

    If abhisit is going to start cleaning things up he can start with your one

    If you are telling the truth that its a broken tel and have legitimate receipts and are being honest nothing will change until everyone that has an issue liek this complains and now there is a direct route to the PM (facebook) use it as a complaint for all the Corruption

    Laughable yes but if you dont do shit and just accept the fact you have lost money then Som nom Nah

    I am waiting on some Grips for my motorbike paid $25 on Ebay not sure how they are being shipped but any issues like that I will do Like I have suggested.

    Seems DHL and FEDEX are the main culprits complaint letters to the US franchise office how is it theres no issue with USPS ?

    If you do nothing nothing changes simple as that

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  11. I decided to take a long look yesterday at all the youtube videos on the protests as its less of an emotional issue now its ended and I have to say that both sides look as bad as each other the Governement definately has some charges to answer all the vidoes of people shot in the head and people being shot in front of journalists it cannot be beleiveable to say the red shirts shot themselves in the head and anyone that sticks to that is simply stupid based on the HUGE amount video evidence.

    While there is certainly evidence of black shirt radicals (note i dont use the word terrorist ) there is also a huge amount of evidence against the government you cant push aside all of it there is just TOO MUCH

  12. After 5 or so trips to Vietienne I saw this happening and one time I had the guys outside fill the forms out for me and they said oh very busy today you want number I looked over and saw nobody there as I arrived one hour after they opened the gate I said no went right in and was out within 3o minutes.

    I think if it was real busy might be a service but the way it is right now you dont really wait more than an hour if that so its not worth it to me

  13. Charlie's business is still thriving and is not done yet.

    He planned to move to a better location with more parking and better faculties, which he will do next week.

    Since the start of this project, Charlie has suffered health problems and although he is still as cheerful as ever and not desperate to sell his business, I think he would prefer to retire and call it a day.

    Charlie will continue on as normal in the new premises, but if he can sell the company Charlie will retire and leave it to the new owners.

    Thriving ? :whistling:

    I dont think any business in Chiang Mai can be considered thriving I have eaten at Charlies and never seen more than 1 other person in there when I was in there that cant be considered thriving.

    As everyone knows its dead as a Do Do in Chiang Mai and I don't think there is enough biz for anyone to have a thriving business, while Charlie may have the name once he is gone so is the name so you might as well just start your won Chippie and take the loss rather than buy someone elses name.

    If I was considering buying I would sit there for a month and really see just how thriving his business really is, I doubt it takes 1500 baht a day if that on average

    1500 baht a day::o . That's more than most bars are doing for a week.:lol: Quick better buy it before someone beats you to it.

    I can see your a bit slow so Ill break it down for you

    I said on average, that means over a month and if you dont agree the you actually do agree that its not a thriving business as at his prices that is only 7 customers a day

  14. Posted this in the Chiang Mai Forum but not getting much response so thought I would post it here too. I am in CM so ref to the requirements is for CM

    Ok its time to start repairing my bike after an accident and the first thing I am going to need to do is repair the seat and need some advice on the best place for an excellent job

    I have an expensive Chopper so while I know that there are many places that recover Honda Waves and the like I need a place that can do a guess Harley Style seat recovering and I want it to be a very good proffesional job that will be in line with the quality of the bike.

    Currently the stock seat had fake leather type material and I would like to get real leather on the replacement I had a quote from a shoe maker who said he could take the old seat cover and make a new seat cover in real leather but could not attach it t the actual seat for some reason so binned that idea.

    Any bike riders out there can suggest a place where I can get a choice of materials and a place that will do a good enough job so it will look the part.


  15. Charlie's business is still thriving and is not done yet.

    He planned to move to a better location with more parking and better faculties, which he will do next week.

    Since the start of this project, Charlie has suffered health problems and although he is still as cheerful as ever and not desperate to sell his business, I think he would prefer to retire and call it a day.

    Charlie will continue on as normal in the new premises, but if he can sell the company Charlie will retire and leave it to the new owners.

    Thriving ? :whistling:

    I dont think any business in Chiang Mai can be considered thriving I have eaten at Charlies and never seen more than 1 other person in there when I was in there that cant be considered thriving.

    As everyone knows its dead as a Do Do in Chiang Mai and I don't think there is enough biz for anyone to have a thriving business, while Charlie may have the name once he is gone so is the name so you might as well just start your won Chippie and take the loss rather than buy someone elses name.

    If I was considering buying I would sit there for a month and really see just how thriving his business really is, I doubt it takes 1500 baht a day if that on average

  16. Ok its time to start repairing my bike after an accident and the first thing I am going to need to do is repair the seat and need some advice on the best place for an excellent job

    I have an expensive Chopper so while I know that there are many places that recover Honda Waves and the like I need a place that can do a guess Harley Style seat recovering and I want it to be a very good proffesional job that will be in line with the quality of the bike.

    Currently the stock seat had fake leather type material and I would like to get real leather on the replacement I had a quote from a shoe maker who said he could take the old seat cover and make a new seat cover in real leather but could not attach it t the actual seat for some reason so binned that idea.

    Any bike riders out there can suggest a place where I can get a choice of materials and a place that will do a good enough job so it will look the part.


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