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Posts posted by TPI

  1. 2 hours ago, BangkokSausage said:

    "not impressed with this lack of service and definitely not impressed with the new 'Fortress Australia'"

    yep its confusing the way they have electric monster tank proof doors. instructions aren't clear and on exit had to get security and even they struggled

    I was looking for the "tank trap" and the mine fields....if the Oz foreign service has gone the way of the Immigration and customs with their new "AUSTRALIAN BORDER FORCE" you can look forward to automatic machine gun placements and only talking to staff through bullet proof glass!! ??

  2. 8 hours ago, BobBKK said:

    Oh no... the poor thing!  let's send him to therapy, a group hug perhaps?  I mean he struck her with a hammer then waited an hour and struck her 3 or 4 more times. Very stressful.  Relieve him of all that stress while he hangs from a rope.

    In Oz there would be an outpouring of sympathy for him, his defense would be that she laughed at him because he wanted a sex change, his father used to abuse him mentally and physically and his mother never loved him!


    $200 fine and gender reassignment surgery paid for by the taxpayer!! Just my opinion!

  3. On 6/24/2018 at 8:06 AM, FreddieRoyle said:

     The intolerant left have finally slid into full on fascism. This is disgusting, unfortunately there is no real way to deal with their hate. In a fair world the democrats would be banned from politics for a decade, until they learn to respect democratic elections. And fake media (such as Time magazine with their recent nonsense hate mongering cover, and CNN that won many of Trumps fake news awards) would be immediately shut down.


     I had thought this sort of hate crime would happen after the horrific media coverage of all things Trump, while totally ignoring the fact he is acting in our best interests. His gargantuan achievements like bringing peace to the Korean peninsula, helping the poor get back into the workforce, and tackling fair trade are glossed over, leading to certain gullible sectors of the population going crazy without fully understanding why. 



    Hear hear!

    • Thanks 1
  4. 17 hours ago, fittobethaied said:

    Every time some idiot comes through the village posting signs on all the electric poles, I go to the head of my soi and remove them even if I have to bring along my ladder to get the ones posted higher up and tied with wire. The lady on the corner of the soi always gives me a thumbs up. If I see trash in the street in front of someone's home I will wait until they are in their front yard and then go pick it up while they are watching so that they will feel a loss of face. Inevitably they will give me a thumb's up and then start cleaning in front of their homes. If they don't clean I will go back over and over again until they get the message. Somebody has to be the policeman on this soi or it will turn into a ghetto sooner rather than later.

    What the Fck! Why do you worry about your soi turning into a ghetto, Thai's don't care! If your house and area are clean, that's enough! You'll be lucky if they only poison your dog! 

  5. 10 hours ago, mikebell said:

    Set them to work in any DIY superstore like Homepro or Thaiwatsadu.  They will feel at home joining the dozens who camp there daily, sometimes following me around for hours until I ask them a question about a product; then they trot out the easy  'no have' 'no service' line.

    Damn! We both must be going to the same stores! There's always someone hiding amongst the cans of paint!

  6. 9 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    Does anyone think a rich/connected defendant will get the death penalty?






    C'mon, is there anyone who thinks a rich/connected defendant will get the death penalty in Thailand?






    Capital punishment is used almost exclusively against poor people. And poor people do not get adequate representation in court, nor do they get the same justice as the rich. Finally, are you happy that the Thai justice system, with its world-renowned reputation for fairness and justice, can sentence people to death?


    When, not if, the first innocent person goes down, what are you going to say?


    Life is hard, always carry petroleum jelly!

  7. 1 hour ago, Kurtf said:

    You sir obviously are not aware of the value of gold. People do not buy and own gold strictly in the hopes it will increase in value in the immediate future. Gold is a method of PRESERVING wealth. It counteracts inflation. A bank account that gives you 1.6%- 2.0% of interest is a sure fire way of losing and diminishing your wealth over an extended period of time. I guess you are not aware of how insidious inflation is and how gold over thousands of years has been able to continue to maintain the purchasing power of the original investment.

    Gold always seems to swing with inflation, that's why it's such a good investment!

    • Like 1
  8. I think the question must be "If the Thai Army was to fight anyone, how effective would it be?" . Judging by their performance against Cambodia, not very well at all! As they choose not to join in many international military ventures (which would justify new and upgraded equipment) any measurement of their skills or efficiency will always be moot! I believe that any country bordering the LOS would easily overcome any resistance, the moral fibre of the male population is best measured by the number fleeing accident sites?



    • Thanks 1
  9. Twenty years ago Thailand was in the middle of a financial breakdown, I knew a neighbour in Bkk who said, while cooking and selling noodles at his ornate front gates, "this is only temporary, tomorrow the Bank is taking back the car!" "How is this a good thing" I said, "I've already paid 3 million baht, so they'll have to give me my money back". He was not pleased when I explained to him how the system really worked! 


    Things were really bad during those years!  ?

  10. 6 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    1,400 baht per hour, laughable, my daughter is a tutor for English back in Sydney after school and she charges $30 an hour which is half what the Kiwi wants, what a rip off !!!


    THB 14K per hour?? Maybe she's in a hurry to get home, It might be for the whole class?

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